You can't lie


Apr 15, 2005
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When being successfull with women, it's not about techniques, lies, etc, Most guys just lie to women about things and end up up unhappy in the long run. They won't stay with you long when they find out what you really are and how much money you really have.

I had a friend of mine in NYC lie to girls all of the time. He said his family was rich and he was an investment banker, when he was really in college. He picked up this stripper who finally moved in. He paid her rent and school to look like a big shot and ended up in debt up to his eyeballs. On top of it, she had a 10 year old kid and she was crazy, she totally had him by the balls, telling him where they were going to go, what to eat, she would go to clubs till 6 am and come home yelling at him because "it was none of his business". (He finally moved out after a violent fight)

The point is, You can't be some phony image because women see right through it. It's all about the attitude and HOW YOU MAKE THEM FEEL ABOUT THEMSELVES. Every woman is different. I was told that to really be a success with women, you have to learn how to work with a new type of woman all of the time, because all women are different. Of course confidence, humor, all of that applies, but it's mainly having a positive care-free attitude. Women hate guys who are uptight, ultra sensitive, bossy, controlling. Some of the greatest playboys I have ever met told me this information. It's not some mumbo jumbo book where some jerk is trying to sell his "secret to success with women" book. You know what, I have bought those crap books and it's usually the author on some ego power trip trying to make himself look good. Everybody gets rejected, even that author who wrote the book.
You have to put yourself out there, meet as many as possible, remember it's rolling dice with women many times. I have found that the more time I am social, I go out, I force myself to join a club, meet new people, that means meeting new possibilities for love or sex.

If it's about looks for you, and sex only, then expect to be busting your ass for a long time. Beautiful women are great but a lot of beauties like to be in the limelight. They are very easy to manipulate and will leave you for the next bullshyt artist. A lot of beautiful women like the club life, parties, clothing etc, So if that's what you want expect a struggle. However there are many girls who are not beautiful and are great for relationships. There are "Arm pieces", "Fluff Girls", "Space Girls" for example. Beauties with no brains, no substance. The only topic they can discuss is the latest Desperate Housewives, or what new outfit they want to buy (with your money).

There really is no best type of girl to date. All women are different. You can't put someone in a category. You have to judge them on how they make you feel about yourself, and their actions. Then you will know if she is right for you or not.
But like I mentioned before, if beautiful women for sex is what you desire, expect a world of headaches, short lived pleasure, and pain. Unless you expect the women to chase you and in that case I would agree if you are a movie star or some big shot.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2005
Reaction score
Jesus Christ!

I'm so glad I read this.

Bottom line is the following:

You get better by doing something, not by reading about it.

Techniques and so on might work short term, but are doomed to fail in the long run, being based on delusions.

Being successful with other human beings (woman or man) is not about being centered on yourself, in fact, that's the best way of failing in relationships. It's about being centered on others.

I hope some people will read this and go ahead and do things instead of wasting hours and hours reading material. If you do something often enough, you will, without a doubt, get better at it. That's one law you just can't cheat on.

"Truth is a pathless land."



Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
United States
Good stuff. :up: Reading helps break you out of the mindset, but dont' get so sucked into it all so reading is ALL you do.

Actions speak louder than words. Show them you're great. C&F makes you feel stupid as hell when people pat the guy on the back who has a trophy and look at him with respect, but laugh at you because they know you're pretending.

A little white lie can grow into a big problem.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 18, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Etienne
Jesus Christ!

I'm so glad I read this.

Bottom line is the following:

You get better by doing something, not by reading about it.

Techniques and so on might work short term, but are doomed to fail in the long run, being based on delusions.

Being successful with other human beings (woman or man) is not about being centered on yourself, in fact, that's the best way of failing in relationships. It's about being centered on others.

I hope some people will read this and go ahead and do things instead of wasting hours and hours reading material. If you do something often enough, you will, without a doubt, get better at it. That's one law you just can't cheat on.

"Truth is a pathless land."

Didnt you get knocked out by Mike Tyson??:crackup:
