Master Don Juan
This post doesn’t have a damn thing to do with women but it’s important.
Do you have a “friend” who is constantly getting under your skin? Does this person act immaturely and even rude towards other people and you? Maybe it’s gotten so bad that the mere thought of this person causes you to become irritated. If so then you need to ask yourself one question…..WHY ARE YOU HANGING OUT WITH THIS PERSON?!
Your friends should consist of high quality people not morons. Just as you shouldn’t have to settle for a below average girlfriend you shouldn’t have to settle for a below average friend. Now there’s a difference between the loveable sidekick type and the downright piece of sh*t. The type of person you want to stay away from usually has the following traits:
-Usually the joke of the group (not just the joke but ALWAYS getting made fun of. Either to their face or behind their back.
-Reminds you, and does it often, of how much you owe them…. “You got that $1 you owe me?”
-Always see’s the glass as half empty
-Doesn’t strive to improve themselves
-What’s in it for me type of attitude
-You can feel it in your gut. You just don’t trust this person.
You get the picture. After reading that most of you are probably thinking well duh! Who would want to call someone like that a friend! However some guys do find themselves surrounded with these types of people and don’t ever do anything about it. The sad thing is that after a while these types of individuals can actually affect YOUR quality of life. Your #1 goal should be to become the best man you can be. You can’t do that by surrounding yourself with IDIOTS.
…and remember
“It is better to be alone than in bad company”
-George Washington
Do you have a “friend” who is constantly getting under your skin? Does this person act immaturely and even rude towards other people and you? Maybe it’s gotten so bad that the mere thought of this person causes you to become irritated. If so then you need to ask yourself one question…..WHY ARE YOU HANGING OUT WITH THIS PERSON?!
Your friends should consist of high quality people not morons. Just as you shouldn’t have to settle for a below average girlfriend you shouldn’t have to settle for a below average friend. Now there’s a difference between the loveable sidekick type and the downright piece of sh*t. The type of person you want to stay away from usually has the following traits:
-Usually the joke of the group (not just the joke but ALWAYS getting made fun of. Either to their face or behind their back.
-Reminds you, and does it often, of how much you owe them…. “You got that $1 you owe me?”
-Always see’s the glass as half empty
-Doesn’t strive to improve themselves
-What’s in it for me type of attitude
-You can feel it in your gut. You just don’t trust this person.
You get the picture. After reading that most of you are probably thinking well duh! Who would want to call someone like that a friend! However some guys do find themselves surrounded with these types of people and don’t ever do anything about it. The sad thing is that after a while these types of individuals can actually affect YOUR quality of life. Your #1 goal should be to become the best man you can be. You can’t do that by surrounding yourself with IDIOTS.
…and remember
“It is better to be alone than in bad company”
-George Washington