You are not the only person in your head.


Don Juan
May 23, 2008
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
*The following themes and concepts are from guy ritchie's film revolver*

What if I told you that the person you trust the most was not who you thought he was. He has your best interests in mind, tells you when something feels wrong, tells you what you should do. If he says jump, you jump. If he starts to get queasy, so do you. He lives inside your head, and he has control over your deepest emotions and desires.

He is you.

Or is he?

Your emotions rage. anger, fear, remorse, happiness, an entire flood overruns your thoughts and actions, yet you still beleive you are in control. You dare to dream, yet you also dare to tear your dreams apart yourself. Sooner or later, you need to come to the conclusion that you are not really in control of yourself.

He is.

And the greatest con he ever pulled, was making you believe that he is you.
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Don Juan
May 23, 2008
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Have you ever been in a situation where you convinced yourself in your head not to do something that you really wanted to. like you wanted to go talk to that sexy woman across the way. but no, she must have a boyfriend, you're not good enough for her. So you do nothing. Have you ever been in a relationship, and you were fed up, wanted out of it. But no, you think you love her, you need her, or maybe you think you can't get any better than her. Did you ever really want to learn how to play guitar? but no, it's too expensive. or i'll practice tomorrow, maybe the next day. not now, when I really should.

You are not convincing yourself.
He is convincing the real you to do what he wants. and like a good little doggie, you obey.

The real you is the man, the don juan, that every living man has inside of us. tens of thousands of years of evolution coded specifically to attract the female human. We've been bleseed with an intelligence the vastness of which we can even begin to comprehend. But the human mind is also extraordinarily fallible. It is vulnerable to coercsion from every source, in fact society in it's entirety, and will try to get you to bend to everyone else's will. But because we're so fracking intelligent, our own minds hide it from ourselves by disguising it as you.

*had to fix the wording on that ending, it was bothering me.*


Don Juan
May 23, 2008
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Oh I can definitely challenge reality on a metaphysical level. Reality doesn't even exist as most people think of it. "the real world." reality is the conclusion that your mind comes to when it takes in to acount the perceptions that it has at it's disposal. Humanity continues to do the impossible only because the general public believes something is impossible. capturing electricity was impossible until we did it. humanity taking flight was only impossible until we accomplished it. say a white supremacist raises what will eventually become the world's second hitler. In your real world, he is evil and wrong. In his real world, he is the righteous messiah that will deliver humanity to truth and posperity. who's real world is correct in the end?


New Member
Apr 27, 2008
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South Australia
Deep posts. What I know is that keeping a strong sense of self identity and frame is important as is maintaining this identity and frame regardless of external factors/people/situations goes along way.


Don Juan
May 22, 2008
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Infamous_Wolf said:
What if I told you that the person you trust the most was not who you thought he was. He has your best interests in mind, tells you when something feels wrong, tells you what you should do. If he says jump, you jump. If he starts to get queasy, so do you. He lives inside your head, and he has control over your deepest emotions and desires.

He is you.

Or is he?

Your emotions rage. anger, fear, remorse, happiness, an entire flood overruns your thoughts and actions, yet you still beleive you are in control. You dare to dream, yet you also dare to tear your dreams apart yourself. Sooner or later, you need to come to the conclusion that you are not really in control of yourself.

He is.

And the greatest con he ever pulled, was making you believe that he is you.
This is all from Guy Richie's new movie Revolver. You may think this guy is deep, but he is just giving you the plot of the movie almost word for word. I hate it when people hear something clever and try to pass it off as if it was their own thoughts.


Don Juan
Apr 14, 2008
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Brandonc662 said:
This is all from Guy Richie's new movie Revolver. You may think this guy is deep, but he is just giving you the plot of the movie almost word for word. I hate it when people hear something clever and try to pass it off as if it was their own thoughts.
Yep, this is verbatim.

Very, very, very good movie IMO.

Now, if we're talking about the ID, ego, superego, then I wholeheartedly agree.


Don Juan
May 23, 2008
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Brandonc662 said:
This is all from Guy Richie's new movie Revolver. You may think this guy is deep, but he is just giving you the plot of the movie almost word for word. I hate it when people hear something clever and try to pass it off as if it was their own thoughts.

Hey I never actually said that first post was entirely mine. what you think you're so original? no one is original. Everyone is a copycat. You probably don't even know you're doing it. It's just human nature. duplicating the actions, speech mannerisms, etc happens automatically.

but just because it's from a movie, does that make it any less true?
Does it make such revelation an less worthy of note?


Don Juan
May 22, 2008
Reaction score
Infamous_Wolf said:
Hey I never actually said that first post was entirely mine. what you think you're so original? no one is original. Everyone is a copycat. You probably don't even know you're doing it. It's just human nature. duplicating the actions, speech mannerisms, etc happens automatically.

but just because it's from a movie, does that make it any less true?
Does it make such revelation an less worthy of note?
There is a huge difference in duplicating actions/speech mannerisms and blatantly plagiarizing someones body of work and passing it off as your own. No you didn't say it was yours.... but more importantly you didn't give credit where credits due. By omitting this was not your original idea is the same as taking credit and passing off as an idea of your own.

It was a great movie, it will make you think about all inner though differently. But you were trying to sound witty and clever and got caught in your BULLSlIT.


Don Juan
Apr 14, 2008
Reaction score
Brandonc662 said:
There is a huge difference in duplicating actions/speech mannerisms and blatantly plagiarizing someones body of work and passing it off as your own. No you didn't say it was yours.... but more importantly you didn't give credit where credits due. By omitting this was not your original idea is the same as taking credit and passing off as an idea of your own.

It was a great movie, it will make you think about all inner though differently. But you were trying to sound witty and clever and got caught in your BULLSlIT.
Dingdingding, we have a winner.

Clearly, everyone that hasn't seen the movie thought it to be your own work, and that's neither factually nor ethically right.

Difference between creating something yourself that's been done, and copy/pasting out of a movie.

Great post, too bad it's not yours.


Don Juan
May 24, 2008
Reaction score
I found out about the guy inside sometime ago.No matter what it takes I'm gonna get rid of him.Last year he put me through the worst experience I ever had and that was the last straw.Let the internal battle begin.The best man will win.


Don Juan
May 23, 2008
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
You've got me there. I should have, and I apologize. I've been having alot of deep level revelations and just wanted to throw it out there. I don't mean to take credit for it. I'll be ammending the first post to give credit where it is due.