#41 said:
Money is the main indicator of social worth in our society. It usually indicates many qualities (we'll leave "trust fund babies" out of this discussion for now) -- focus, drive, determination, confidence, and tenacity -- required to become wealthy. Many of those qualities are also attractive to women.
Further, lack of money is also caused by a lack of those same qualities. It also brings with it other things -- poor self image, self consciousness, etc. -- that are highly negative qualities for dealing with women.
Get healthy in the wallet. It's every bit as important as going to the gym or any of the other advice on here.
Good points #41..the OP should "get healthy" in the wallet, it will improve his lifestyle, and make it more comfortable.
However, money does not equal self-worth...not by any means. Even if "society" says so. You can have focus, drive, determination, contribute to society..and still be on the lower end of the economic scale. Ask any peace corp volunteer who's sacrificed years of work to better the world if they thought it was worth it..
To be truly confident and happy, to have lived a good life...society MUST not decide your value as a person. You define that yourself. That's how you will move confidently through life, and the world we live in.
Azanon, I'm quite aware of the hierarchy of needs. If the OP was starving homeless on the street, that would be one thing. But hopefully he's not. Hopefully, he's living with in his means..and just has a massive debt to pay off.
He's not going to pay this off overnight, or maybe even in a few years...it doesn't mean he should not be out there living life to the fullest. Experiencing all aspects of it, work, goals, and women!
The best thing the OP can do (in my opinion), is downsize his monthly expenses, consolidate his debt, and then work hard to pay if off. Live within his means. Get debt free.
And...in the meantime, try to enjoy his life to fullest now..live in the present. Happiness is not right around the corner, it's right now. In the present time.
He doesn't need to tell women his financial situation, nor does he need to spend a lot of money to impress women.