How and where do I start digging?
**Question everything.**
To escape the societal matrix of programmed crap, realize
what programs are running and
if they fit your goals and life.
From there, build beliefs that support your goals, wants, and desires.
For instance, many guys completely the notion of being wildly successful in business, as much or more so than Trump, and by and large, never even amount to what they dream. If you're not doing what you dream and persuing what you dream, then what are you doing?
Perhaps it'd piss people off more to be so inquisitive, but when you prod people, you find alot of non-belief stuff running. For example, I heard ALOT of junk about going into various businesses from my parents, mostly because they had a family business that was sold out from under them. They felt it was too
risky to be independent. Isn't it risky to NOT be independent? TO have someone else in control of you?
You have to...
1.See the a program exists stopping you.
2. Break it.
3. Build new ones that support your goals.
When I was younger, I could always be very social with any group I new reasonably well, and take over the whole scene. But when it came to public interaction with people I didn't know, it was difficult to 'trigger' it unless I was in the right state of mind. Realizing it was no different, I
saw what was going on [recognized], figured out what I did want [realization], and made the plan w/beliefs to do it [actualization and implementation].
Generating new beliefs requires the flooding of constant and new ideas. From, CD's, to affirmations, to hypnosis, to sleep cd's, to NLP, to friends, to journals, to support groups, to motivation, inspiration, and belief, it can be done. If you weren't raised in the environment conducive to your goals, create it now.
I remember an E Book I read on the impact of environment. It was about generating success, and part of what enables a person to rise and fall is about what they surround themselves with. If you have the most update to date home, plush with porn mags, and booze, you'll yield 1 result. If you have a library, internet access, and healthy food, you'll yield another. When the temptations are not before you, you can create new habits. Part of this is knowing that these habits can be created, and that everything is a 'habit' and a 'program' and a 'way of thinking' that you formulated overtime as your REALITY.
People form habits, habits form people.
You can consciously create the desired habits that produce the desired results. THEN, you will assimilate these habits into who you are.
For a better body and healthy lifestyle...
*Have nutritional literature, cookbooks, weight scales, fat testers, food scales, and diet logs around.
*Find out where the local stores that carry healthy foods are.
*Write down a regular list of healthy food that you can buy when you're out.
*Find a gym, and create some awesome workout tapes.
*Envision the body you desire in your mind and what interactions you'll experience as a result of it.
*Set a large goal to enjoy it, such as going to Spring Break, or a pool party with lots of girls.
*Envision the clothes you want and how they'll look on you.
*Imagine how you'll feel when you get THERE.
*Set a routine of regular eating and workout routines.
*Prevent yourself from accumulating to much 'lethargic crap' that will detract from that all-important goal.
*Set a reward for achieving your goal.
*Measure your progress, and critique as needed.
You see...just outlining these steps for the majority of people who are looking for direction is the 'physical form of it'. If you followed these steps, adapt them to your own, and execute a plan based on your goals, success is guaranteed. But, most get wrapped up in the details, such as "what type of plan, what clothes, dumbbells or free-weights, etc", when the success is all created PRIOR to the gym. The gym, and the food is only 1%, the planning, and the "eco-system" [environment} is what yields success.
Dating, finances, are no different, its just that, you get what you hang around with. When I hung around drunks, I went the bars alot, spent loads of money on meaningless things, and because they too had no women, their attitudes rubbed off on me. It was an 'energy field' that surrounded us, that while we had fun, we also shared the same aura of energy, and people could sense that. When a girl meets a friend who's an azzhole, literally, and is insulting, she'll see you this way, UNLESS you're super-good-looking, then maybe you have a shot. Otherwise, you're gambling on your own success...