Concerned Laurie said:
It's no point arguing with you, this is just so offensive. I think I will show this forum to my classes, just to show them how, although we've made progress, we still have a lot of work to do to change peoples' attitudes. So I will take the high ground and say, I hope everything works out for you people. We will see what my class thinks...
To all you feminized little boys in Concerned Laurie's class:
Come back to this site once you're out of that nut-job's classroom and your eyes will be opened to truth. What we do over here is to turn the spotlight on feminism and people like Laurie and expose them for what they are. It takes no convincing, no argument. It only takes illumination and exposure.
Spend a little time here in the light and you will never be the same. You will be awakened to the feminized education that has been jammed down your throat for 18 years. You were sold an illusion and this is your opportunity to break free and recognize reality for the first time in your life.
Laurie thought she was going to teach us a thing or two here but she is now aware that we have shone a spotlight on her and lit up the ugliness of her hypocrisy, which is now plainly visible for all to see.
Question what you've been taught by the feminized system, boys, and start to become a man through education and enlightenment. This is an excellent place to start. If you don't, you are destined for a lifetime of misery and servitude as an unappreciated worker drone.
Welcome to those of you who have the guts to be here.