You all have some growing up to do.

Concerned Laurie

New Member
Jan 16, 2013
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I am a woman's studies professor at a fairly large college, and I was browsing this forum and I find it hard to believe what I am reading. Here I thought we had made such wonderful progress towards the equality that women have been denied for so long, and then I am reading postings that are just so misogynist and sexist. Do you really want to bring us back to the dark ages of oppressing women and forcing them back into the kitchen? Some of you, especially in your teens and twenties, make me laugh because you sound like you are straight out of my father's G.I. generation with all this short, terse, macho talk. "Screw em all!" "You *****!" Haha. Too funny! By the way, did you know that that "manly" generation basically erased all of the previous gains of the flappers and womens' suffragettes, which is why we went backwards in equality in the 1940s and 1950s and 1960s and not forward? Yeah, I didn't think so.

All I can say is that I think you will probably die a very lonely death if you really believe that the man must "control" the woman and "not put up with ****." Haha. That's very funny. You are probably just scared little boys, not real men. I think real men do not actually think like this. Usually, they are sophisticated enough and confident enough in their masculinity to realize that women can be better than men in many ways, so they don't have to overcompensate. Women are still paid less than 75% what a man is paid for the same work. Did you know that? Do you want to reverse all the progress we have come to and all the gains we have made?

I am probably not even going to stay and respond to what you say because I know that you will not listen, and I guess I can't blame you, because I was the same way when I was your age. All I have to say is that if you do not believe women are exactly the same as men in every way if not better, and you do not believe that her wants and needs are just as important as a man's, maybe you ought to have a good long talk with a counselor or your girlfriend because you are probably sexist and don't understand what it's like to be a woman, or the complexity of women, or the struggles of women, not only today, but for hundreds of years. I wish you luck in getting what you need from women (and notice that I used the word women and not "girls" or "chicks")

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
OP..You say you are not going to "stay and respond" because you believe we "will not listen" ?

Playing the victim card before anything even happens huh? Communication goes both ways. If you don't want to listen to our side of the discussion and you just want to blow self-righteous hot air.. then why even post your b*tching rant in the first place?

If you can't handle a discussion with men because your sensitive female feelings get hurt.. then maybe women are not fit for equality after all.

Concerned Laurie

New Member
Jan 16, 2013
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Mike32ct said:
Do you have a men's studies department?

My guess is no.

Equality is one sided.
Why would men need a men's studies department? It's men who have been in power for all of human history. I think you are just threatened by the fact that women can be strong and women can be just as powerful as men can.

Have any of you actually had a real girlfriend?


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score

Ssssshh woman - there are men talking here. Take the nagging back to the kitchen where we cant hear you.


You've clearly not read many posts on here otherwise you might get a slight inclining of just why there are so many bitter men on this forum or men who have endured years of mistreatment at the hands of women or those men who have gotten married to a woman, only to have lost everything in a divorce court.

This forum like many attracts all kinds of different people and not every single man on this forum is bitter and dislikes women, in fact I'd say only a minority are, a very small minority and if you ever took the time to read their posts about their experiences with women, then maybe you'd be inclined to cut them some slack.

The women who come on and make posts like the one you've just made make me laugh. Go onto Loveshack and you'll see women saying 'screw all men', 'I just want a husband to pay for my shopping trips in Dubai' etc and no-one batters an eyelid.

Hell there's a thread over on that forum where a woman from Australia suspected her boyfriend was having an affair because he was spending so much time at work, that she decided to have a six month affair with another man. It soon came to pass that the reason her boyfriend was spending so much time at work was that he was working his testicles off to buy her an engagement ring! It never once occurred to this wh*re to confront him and ask him, no she just assumed the worst and her true colours shone through for all to see and do you know what's worst thing about her story? She looked him in the eye knowing she had been unfaithful and she accepted the proposal - she is now planning on keeping the affair hidden from him and she will marry this man and when in 5 years time or 10 years time they get divorced, she won't care because she'll be entitled to half of everything he owns. He's left with a shattered life and is cast out on his own to pick up the pieces and you come on here and spout your dog excrement?

If women treated men better than maybe just maybe forums like this one wouldn't need to exist and I'm sorry, but I can forgive a man who is bitter because his girlfriend has cheated on him and crushed him. I can forgive a man who has been through a messy divorce and lost everything he's spent years working hard to achieve. What I cannot forgive is the rotten, disgusting self-entitlement issues that women like yourself possess and it's because of absolute w*nkers like yourself that I shall never, ever marry, nor will I ever invest too much into a relationship neither. You can call me a misogynist and any other label/insult you want to throw around, but I'd brand myself incredibly f*cking intelligent.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
Hahaha troll!


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
Percentage chance that this isn't a troll thread...... 0.000001%


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
I realize that this is highly likely to be a troll; however, I felt like replying anyways as it helps cement my own understanding of the concepts.

Concerned Laurie said:
I think real men do not actually think like this. Usually, they are sophisticated enough and confident enough in their masculinity to realize that women can be better than men in many ways, so they don't have to overcompensate.
There is no overcompensation. There is reality. It's a feature of evolution and genetics that both men and women have their strengths and weaknesses. Denying them is folly; play to the strengths of each gender. I am perfectly willing to accept that a woman can be as good or better than me at something. But that correspondingly requires a second assumption that there are women worse than me at such subject.

Why do we need affirmative action for women, as an example? Why should we pay women to get into a field they do not want to do normally? Let it be entirely merit-based. If a woman brings more merit to the table, then let her have the job. However, don't push the woman into it by asking corporations to have more gender diversity and biasing the decisions.

Concerned Laurie said:
Women are still paid less than 75% what a man is paid for the same work. Did you know that? Do you want to reverse all the progress we have come to and all the gains we have made?
You should research that statistic before quoting it. How many women get their degrees in high-paying fields like engineering? There's the initial bias. The second bias revolves around hourly work; women put in less hours. And if you are computing wage differences based upon weekly earnings, less hours translates to less money. If you have a good reason to pay women more per hour to compensate for them working less, I would love to hear it.

Concerned Laurie said:
All I have to say is that if you do not believe women are exactly the same as men in every way if not better [...]
Correspondingly, the caveat; a man can be better than a woman, too. This is astoundingly sexist. You are telling me that women are equal or better in all ways.

If I reply to you that men are equals or better to women in every way, would you not consider that a sexist comment?

When you make any statement on women's studies, please consider the opposite point of view. If that viewpoint was stated for men, would you consider it sexist? If you would, then your own viewpoint on women is also inherently sexist.

Concerned Laurie said:
[...] and you do not believe that her wants and needs are just as important as a man's, maybe you ought to have a good long talk with a counselor or your girlfriend because you are probably sexist and don't understand what it's like to be a woman [...]
The wants and needs of a woman are vitally important. Do you think we sit around ignoring them? No, the objective is to understand them - because, due to these interesting genetic differences, and a massive culture shift across time gaps that genetics barely see, women have different wants and needs than men do.

Understanding what those wants and needs are is important, because most of the actions suggested elsewhere are obviously not working and are not addressing them. When men drive away women for being too nice and too kind, or at the very least - are relegated to a permanent friendship with no possibility of a relationship - then I would submit the opinion that the wants and needs of a woman are not being addressed.

You, my dear lady, have some research to do.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
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Standing At The Crossroads
Clue #1.....womans studies professor and makes it a point to tell us so. Good for you Doc. We're all impressed.
Clue #2.....reverse what progress? The feminization of this country after you burned your bra and the pill was invented? Now you want the taxpayers to pay for your birth control. We owe it to you right?

I have worked for women off and on throughout my long years and never had a problem with it if they were good human beings with integrity. My guess is that you have been so brainwashed by your feminized academia that you'll never find a man who meets your standards let alone get a real productive job in society.

Concerned Laurie

New Member
Jan 16, 2013
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It's no point arguing with you, this is just so offensive. I think I will show this forum to my classes, just to show them how, although we've made progress, we still have a lot of work to do to change peoples' attitudes. So I will take the high ground and say, I hope everything works out for you people. We will see what my class thinks...


Senior Don Juan
Jul 13, 2008
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I'm still looking
You can tell them to suck my wiener. People like you are no different than a typical political **** in Washington. Just trying to push your agenda without even understanding the facts.

The AAUW researchers looked at male and female college graduates one year after graduation. After controlling for several relevant factors (though some were left out, as we shall see), they found that the wage gap narrowed to only 6.6 cents. How much of that is attributable to discrimination? As AAUW spokesperson Lisa Maatz candidly said in an NPR interview, "We are still trying to figure that out."

One of the best studies on the wage gap was released in 2009 by the U.S. Department of Labor. It examined more than 50 peer-reviewed papers and concluded that the 23-cent wage gap "may be almost entirely the result of individual choices being made by both male and female workers." In the past, women's groups have ignored or explained away such findings.
75% my ass. Suck my wiener.


This woman strikes me as the type of woman who around the age of 40 will be sat at home on her own with a meal for one watching the Maury show bitter and resentful towards men for not showing her any interest.


Concerned Laurie said:
It's no point arguing with you, this is just so offensive. I think I will show this forum to my classes, just to show them how, although we've made progress, we still have a lot of work to do to change peoples' attitudes. So I will take the high ground and say, I hope everything works out for you people. We will see what my class thinks...
Why on earth would we care what you do in your class? Why on earth would you class care about what a load of people on a small forum think? Show them, the boys in your class will have their eyes opened one day, they'll see the light and they'll see what a poisonous and venemous woman you are.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
Standing At The Crossroads
Concerned Laurie said:
It's no point arguing with you, this is just so offensive. I think I will show this forum to my classes, just to show them how, although we've made progress, we still have a lot of work to do to change peoples' attitudes. So I will take the high ground and say, I hope everything works out for you people. We will see what my class thinks...
Let your class read the following.

Be your own person. Formulate your own opinions. Think independently with known facts. Be wary of those who try to impose their own beliefs and agendas upon you, especially teachers and professors.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Upside said:
75% my ass. Suck my wiener.
lol she probably is paid 75% less tbhan any other professor, since they teach REAL subjects.

pfft! woman studies! what a pathetic excuse for a subject. Pointless job nobody cares.

Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
lol this chick is getting roasted like I knew she would. Women are not equal to men, and when they try to become equal to men, they remain either single or unmarried for the rest of their lives.

I promise you this chick laurie is unmarried.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
Standing At The Crossroads
Fatal Jay said:
lol this chick is getting roasted like I knew she would. Women are not equal to men, and when they try to become equal to men, they remain either single or unmarried for the rest of their lives.

I promise you this chick laurie is unmarried.
Nah, she's her vibrator. :p