You a Virgin? (what to say). SPing.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home
You're a virgin.

Maybe you haven't kissed a girl either. Maybe haven't even touched sexualy a woman. It's allright.

Ok, the following tip is written towards people who are aware of the following:

-You shouldn't care of what she thinks of you.
-You shouldn't care of what she looks for in a man. Don't even dare to ask her! no nononono!
-You've read the bible, slowly, absorbing it, and making it part of you.

For the first two points, I reccomend you reading Pook. Reading about YOU being the prize.

That being said:

What is the common advice?

-"Just tell her dude, you should be comfortable with who you are, what a loser you are if you don't tell the truth."
-"Don't, don't EVER tell her. Women aren't interested in having sex with virgins, it makes the wonder why you haven't had sex, and makes them think there maybe is something wrong with you."
-"Change subjects swiftly"

This advice, I won't tell you if it's either wrong, or right. But I'll tell you something, it aint good enough.. why? Because it aint SamePendo style.

What's SamePendo style?

You tell her you are a virgin.

Don't just tell her though. How you do things is always more important. Always. You can say, "you're full of ****", and scare me to death, or, say.. "you're full of ****", and make me laugh till I drop.

So, how do you say that you are a virgin?

Confidently, first of all. When doing this, you should be showing that you are aware of wether you being a virgin or not is a issue. But you don't care less of wether she thinks you are a virgin or not.

You must also make her doubt, make her wonder.

HB So.. have you had sex?/What's the craziest place you've had sex in?
DJ Sex? ... No, ...i'm actually a virgin.

-Don't bring it up yourself, wait until she brings it up. It's non of her buissiness anyways.
-Do this confidently.
-You must act as if you could swear on the name of your mother that you are a virgin... Don't laugh, don't make signs that signal that you are obviously joking.
-Have a facial expression that indicates that you are serious.
-By now, she should know you are the kind of guy that jokes a lot, and is a fun person.
-Make her wonder if you are either serious, or joking.

How do you make her wonder?

Well, you give subtle signs to indicate that you MAYBE aren't a virgin.

HB So.. really, are you a virgin?
DJ ..I allready said.. I'm a virgin.. would you please lower your voice? I'm not really proud of being a virgin you know? *pause*... *james bond laugh* ..*change subject*

Here is where the magic is. Where you get her to think if you are joking or not.
You make her see that you are maybe not serious, but maybe you are.

DJ Maybe.. I don't remember though... maybe it was a dream, maybe not. Maybe this actual conversation is a dream. Maybe you aren't real. Hell... maybe we don't even exist, maybe we're just... nothing! *Smiling, implying that you know that you're playing with her, and she aint getting any from you.

One thing that you can do, now that she brought up sex, is to turn the tables, and make HER talk about her sexual experience.

DJ Virgin.. anyways.. doesn't matter, you're a virgin too..
HB Oh no, I'm not a virgin.. I ...
DJ *interrupting* Come on, that's lame. Lying. Let's talk about your cooking abilities, at least you don't lie about that.
HB No, really.. I'm not a virgin.
DJ Pff, ok, tell me all about it *acting like if you don't buy it.

So, let's say that with time, she finds out/heavily suspects, that you're a virgin. Chill.

"Have you been with that much men? Darling.. I'm good, but not thaaat good."
"Didn't I tell you before?? Geesh!" *still, giving her the benefit of the doubt.
"Well, if midnight hard ons don't count as sex, then yes, I'm a virgin."
"Ok, you caught me.. though.. sex with men doesn't count right?"
*If it's the kissing/making out issue:
"If kissing your mom goodnight doesn't count, then yes, I haven't kissed a woman."
"Didn't I tell you before? Pay more attention lady"
"Well, I've kissed allright, but, men only, they don't count, now do they?"

Etc etc. Don't give in. It's not her buissiness anyways.


Now, I won't just ask you to say the truth. I want you to go further. I want you to exagerate. Exagerate your weakness.

Are you a virgin, but have kissed a girl?
Well, tell her you haven't even kissed a girl.
Are you a virgin, and haven't kissed a woman either?
Well, go further. Tell her that until a year ago, you were part of a cult in Northern Carolina, that consists of a comunity where you can only have physical contact with the leader of the tribe, and to mate, you have to pass some tests, like not eating for a week. And passing those tests, you can have blindfolded sex... but only after age 25.

The trick is, to make her wonder. Strecth the reality a bit. Say something that is outrageous, but, maybe true. By now, she should know you are the kind of guy that might be kidding... but you might as well be sayin the truth! :D This is what I call SPing (esping).

Take reality to a extreme. Push it a bit.

But, what if your insecurity doesn't lie on virginity, kissing, or making out?

Well, same principle.. play with it.

-Be confident, truly confident. Don't act confident, be confident.
-Strecth reality a bit. Make it hard to believe, but still, believable.
-It doesn't matter wether it's a issue for you or not.. it's a probable issue for her. Exagerate the worst case scenario a bit.
-Make her wonder by having a facial expression that expresses that whatever wacky thing you are saying is real... though giving out subtle, very subtle messages that hint that maybe you are joking.
-Don't bring it up yourself, wait for her to bring it up.

All this, assuming that you are familiar with the Bible, and have some experience with DJing. Assuming this, I also assume that she allready knows you as a fun person, who jokes.

Let's say you have a crappy car:

"Nah, what are you kidding? It's my moms car! She only lets me drive it when she knows I have a date to impress. I've pimped it out too, now it has 4 wheels and not 3" Taken from Kaine

"Yeah, I did the interiors recently" *showing her the insides, which should be crappy too, but you act all confident, acting, as I said, as if you were dead serious, but afterwards, doing the james bond smile, to signal that maybe, maybe you are joking.

Let's say you have no car at all, or maybe do have one:

"No, I don't have one".

"I sold it to the Batman Forever movie... they beat out the crap of my car"

"I have manejadisabilitis... that it affects my ability to drive, whenever I have to drive, I have to take a pill of ____, and one of_____ to control my natural impulses to faint while driving"

*Make up diseases in many situations

You live with your parents:

"I have mamitisseverus, it affects one in every 1000 people. It's kind of as common as vitiligo. It makes me be unable to separate for more than 2 days from my mom"

"Well, I would love to move out, but I have to support my 5 year old kid. He's a real sport.. I love him so much... I lost the custody battle to this 34 year old ex wife of mine..."

You are 19, and you worry that maybe you aren't as old as she'd want you to be:

"I'm fifteen, I turn 16 on _____. By the way, when is your birthday?"

...Take reality, and stretch it a bit.

You should be confident with who you are in the first place. These kind of things shouldn't be a real issue. If you do consider them issues, YOU have a issue, because you don't consider yourself worthy.

When strecthing reality, and doing what I call esping (SPing) you must be showing confidence. Projecting that you are aware that whatever the issue is, you are aware that if MIGHT be a issue for her, but it's not one for you. You simply don't care. 'Cause you're the man. And you will give her the time of her life, no one has treated her the way you will, she has never felt anything like what she will feel with you, ever.

I want to point out something. It doesn't matter if the issue is an issue for you or not, it's a probable issue for her. Like, for instance, car.

You might, or might not have a car.

You SP, and say you don't have a car, but do have a red bycicle.

You might have a big ass convertible car. Which, means it's not an issue for you. Or maybe, you don't have a car, it shouldn't be a real issue for you.

It doensn't forcefuly have to be a weakness of yours, but, it IS a probable issue for HER. Exagerate the worst case scenario a bit.

And, next thing, if you finally have to/decide to tell her the things as they are (aka truth), act cool. It's not a big deal anyways:

"Did you think I was serious! haha oh come on!... wait, did you believe I was a man too?!?"

Don't bring it up, only answer when asked. You should be a mistery, anyways.

There you go, the basic guide to SPing.

You exagerate whatever the issue (either its a issue for you, or for her), and act as if it were true, but give in some clues then and now, implying that maybe you are joking, maybe.

Have fun, always.
I love you All.

See also: Uncomfortable with your Age?
Taken from Exposing your V-Card


Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
los angeles
What if your gf is a virgin? Wouldn't she want you to be a virgin?

My gf (we're kinda maybe gf or may not be now) is a virgin and she's 20. When in bed, she asked me about my xgf. She asked if i slept w/ her. I said "yes." Then she got kind of mad. Then I tried to be sweet to me than she gave in again.

So I thought, a girl like her would want her man to be a virgin. I wonder if this is true or is she just acting out mad.

I'd like comment from you guys.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home
You give her the benefit of the doubt. You aren't letting her know wether you ARE a virgin (or have a car, or are 12 years old) or not. So, same as mistery, she makes a image of you that fits her ideal man, since you aren't saying anything. She makes excuses to be with you.

...How do we know if she wants x or z? We don't so, we play safe and make her start making images of you being what she wants you to be. That's if you're interested in her, if you're not, well, stop dating her.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2004
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playing the safe card never achieves great victories. be a man and tell the truth or be a man and lie.


New Member
Dec 27, 2004
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Can you explain me a little bit what is the James Bond laught? I've seen some movies but never put any attention on it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
Sam, good post. Some of those lines are classic. "I fixed the car up, it has 4 wheels instead of 3 now" ROFL

Good ****y/playful frame and some nice false disqualifiers. On ijjjji uses these all the time and they're hilarious. He'll be like "My penis is so small!" and all this other ****, it's hilarious, and it shows that you're secure with yourself and don't need her approval. Also, makes her question whether you're telling the truth. Fun stuff.

Edit: I just looked at your "Exposing the V-Card" thread and noticed that you did suggest using "My penis is small." LOL, nice.



Don Juan
Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
"With you i am"

Ladies man thats is gold i will definately use that.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2002
Reaction score
Yeah no offense but I'd much rather go with LadiesMan line than anything the topic creator said. It keeps you mysterious and makes you look witty at the same time.


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2003
Reaction score
If you use the stuff on this site, they won't ever ask you if you are a virgin. If they ask about experience you can try some C&F schlick like:

"I know, I'm so hot, you're wondering whether I slept with 100s of girls. Rest assured, I'm too discerning for that."


"I'm not here to provide you with fantasy fodder."


"I'm not a man-slut, if that's what you're implying."

And change the subject. Quickly.


Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
Well Dev, if you ask a female about her sexual exploits, I would think it's only natural for her to return the question.


Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
los angeles
If she asks if you're experienced, answer:

With you I'm not. With others I may be. (do it with a smile)


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
There are some things I look back at and see I could have done better (aka. wrong). This, I still believe is pretty cool.

I'm Joe Dirt

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
No point in playing gimmicks. If you are a virgin and you're 20+ lie. You don't have to make yourself out to be a man hor or anything, just say "I've been with a couple of girls in my life" or something.

It will show you are a virgin in bed, virgins are never good, so itd be maybe good for you to say youve only done it a few times a while ago or something.

Do the same thing if you arent a virgin, but you dont have to find any ways to downplay your skills since you will obviously be pretty good.

Never say you slept with too many women as that makes you look like a player and raises suspicions about diseases. And if you are a virgin and you lie be ready to make up a name or two and a time frame if she asks. Don't go into much detail, just be a good liar (that is an art form).

If you use anything of the above trying to play games with whispering stuff or going into "maybe it was a dream" b.s. she'll see through that. Unless you are ALWAYS being a silly person and joking around like that, it will look out of character and since you are doing a "routine" and you are caring about what she thinks (which you obviously do since youre doing a routine!) it will backfire cause you will get nervous and she'll be able to smell something is wrong.

Playing with it and "having fun" with telling her youre a virgin using any techniques mentioned above shows you're insecure about it and are trying to play it off. Very obvious. Its always very clear when someone is embarassed about something and trying to beat around the bush, and that is what she will see in you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
That's because you have no style.

As I said, you have to put on a face that shows you are serious, though you are obviously not. I meant having fun in life. With them.

The dream thing was over the top, yeah.

I'm Joe Dirt

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Yeah, you're supposed to loosen up and have fun with girls, but trying to do some of these things when asked about your virginity just makes you seem insecure.

There is a time to be playful and sarcastic and what not, just go with the flow, but when you're talking about that you don't wanna make yourself sound like an insecure AFC by saying crap like: "I allready said.. I'm a virgin.. would you please lower your voice? I'm not really proud of being a virgin you know? *pause*... *james bond laugh* ..*change subject*"


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2004
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I tend to act ****y and funny with girls. With the virgin dilemna, I think you should be comfortable with it if you are one. It's the girl's problem if she isn't. Trying to hide it--and she can tell if you're hiding it--just make you look insecure.

If I was ask if I'm a virgin, I would've said something like this:

"I'm a virgin..(pause turns eyes toward her)..if you're nice I might let you take it away." (sometime with a smirk or not depending on my mood)

That if I want to be ****y and funny. But if I wanted to be serious then I would just tell her straight out I'm a virgin minus the joke in a calm comfortable voice. If I try to hide it, my insecurities would show up in my tone of voice and/or body language.

And beside being a virgin is no big deal unless you're 30+ years old. You all have to start at some point.

Eric Clapton

Don Juan
Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
This is the dumbest 'tip' I've ever heard. Admit you are a virgin.

Yea, you must be. That's OK if you are, but damn guys don''t admit it to girls. I fvcked a chick last night that knew I was no virgin but still demanded to know when the last time I had sex was. LIE if you have to. The point is, don't be surprised if the topic manifests itself in one way or the other. (Virgin or last time you had sex.)