Master Don Juan
Ooo, its like a tip wrapped in a success story wrapped in a rele nice chocolate coating.
You all rule. This girl I seriously obsessed over when i was an AFC and I met in a cafe over the weekend. This cafe is the place where loads of people from mine and other schools meet. Anyway, this girl is very much my type. Very smart in a quick, witty way, rele cute, great breasts. Anyway, a year ago I totally didn't understand her, and I practically followed her around like a puppy dog. Now though, I realised that she thrives on attention, which made everything very interesting! If you come across a girl like this, some advice I can give is:
1) Dont look anywhere near her when you talk to her
2) Talk to all her mates
3) If she does something wierd in order to get attention from you, just glance her in an embarissed way
She actually forced her way into sitting on my lap, so I nudged her and told her to get off. She looked very confused. She would do anything to get attention from me. So to fill my primary concern I leant over and asked her (very nicely) to buy me some food. She was only too happy to part with her cash and fill my stomach
I still regard myself as a newbie, but i feel I'm rele getting the hang of this. I may even do something with her at this party on fri...that would be fun.
If you're having trouble getting over girls as a whole, trying not to see them as the focus of everything, I strongly sugest you see things in terms of how much free food it will get you.
You all rule. This girl I seriously obsessed over when i was an AFC and I met in a cafe over the weekend. This cafe is the place where loads of people from mine and other schools meet. Anyway, this girl is very much my type. Very smart in a quick, witty way, rele cute, great breasts. Anyway, a year ago I totally didn't understand her, and I practically followed her around like a puppy dog. Now though, I realised that she thrives on attention, which made everything very interesting! If you come across a girl like this, some advice I can give is:
1) Dont look anywhere near her when you talk to her
2) Talk to all her mates
3) If she does something wierd in order to get attention from you, just glance her in an embarissed way
She actually forced her way into sitting on my lap, so I nudged her and told her to get off. She looked very confused. She would do anything to get attention from me. So to fill my primary concern I leant over and asked her (very nicely) to buy me some food. She was only too happy to part with her cash and fill my stomach
I still regard myself as a newbie, but i feel I'm rele getting the hang of this. I may even do something with her at this party on fri...that would be fun.
If you're having trouble getting over girls as a whole, trying not to see them as the focus of everything, I strongly sugest you see things in terms of how much free food it will get you.