Soon after the wedding, my friend's wife got a short hair cut that was not impressive. It was one of those bob cut haircuts where the hair was just above shoulder length. She then spent the next 12-24 months growing her hair, so it got back to a more feminine level. Most women need minimum shoulder length to maximize attractiveness.
This woman I've been describing doesn't give off a sloot vibe. With that said, it is at best 50-50 that the marriage survives. I'm guided by logic, facts, and statistics. Even it does survive, who knows how much quality there will be? I'd say that my friend made a defensible choice in a marriage. He's blue pill, maybe purple pill. She would have been an equally defensible in the 1990s and 2010s.
It is debatable whether I'm red pill or black pill.
Christie Brinkley has remained attractive into her 60s. A few years ago, she posed in a two piece bikini at 63. She could generate some erections at her age.
Christie is my girl. I have admired her ever since that one book she put out. "Christie Brinkley's Outdoor Beauty and Fitness" book
I agree that the length of hair is an express sign of femininity.
My hair has healed from the damaging midlife crisis blond I did two and a half years ago and now getting more professional care(deep conditioning treatments) and I brush it several times a day, putting that palmers vit e oil on the ends and I put rosemary essential oil on my fingertips and give my scalp a thorough selfmassage once a month or sooner.
Its now past shoulderlength! and has stopped receding(giving up wheat products and now inflammatory dairy has helped immensely)
I think my whole body has gone into healing, coincidentally in the past year I've frequented sosuave too.
>>>>Emotionally and rationally, I needed some explanations from men and I got them here, which has relieved some emotional anguish. Not to sound too sucky, but its true.
If I had to take my shot at guessing, I'd say you are more red than black.
I get a calm and patient vibe from you SW15 that seems to project a neutral acceptance of things. I don't get the impression that you've given up on women/dating/etc. like I get from some blackpills who have let a little bit of hopelessness take over.
I sincerely hope for your continued contentment in your life.
Several posts you've written ping in my memory periodically to reassure me of some unique challenges I currently have.
(moved around alot as a kid before 10 years old changing schools, then changed elementary schools twice before religious high school then changed to public, secular high school then started and dropped out of uni and then completed a few college/technical schools then started and completed half the registered apprenticeships. All the while changing jobs on a regular basis, moving halfway across the country and then travelling journeyman-style across this province in construction) Your posts on being 'new-to-town' have helped me remember I'm doing ok for the lack of longterm stability or roots in one place yet.
I have been at this one employer almost 2 years which is the longest I've been in since a factory job between 99-02
I think I've got the right idea to work on improving my smv more and continuing to stay put in order to build a social circle.
Thanks for reading. I'm playing the hand I've been dealt to the best of my game knowledge so far.
I still have questions on calibrating and thanks for answering. Gives me radar points for where I am in my journey.