Master Don Juan
Nice title I got here right ?
Well, let me explain why I want to start a debate.
I've been studying a little a.s.f., and observing regular guys who get girls, or get girlfriends, and digging through the memories of my natural DJ friend speeches.
Then I came to the thing, which I believe, is the single most important thing of getting girls.
It is: Letting her know you want her. Being honest.
So, I decided to stop, and make an analysis of the 3 sides of this issue.
1. Yes
Yep. Let her know. I came to the conclusion, that most of the guys out there who are getting girls without knowing or the dating game as we do, are going for the Yes.
For me, the DJ Yes is: making her know, by your actions, your eye contact, your smiles, your kino, your physical closeness, and your VIBE that you want her.
Subtly making her notice you want her, make it obvious yet not verbalized.
Very obvious right? Yeah, I know, anyone who reads the Bible learns that.
But, what if you are questioned directly about it?A friend of the Babe comes by and ask you if you're in the hots for her. What do you do ? What if the babe asks you if you want to kiss her ?
I say, let's say Yes. Yes, I do want to kiss you, Hot Babe.
Some will say that it breaks the mistery, the challenge, but, as long as you don't act like a stupid AFC, who's addicted to the girl like a junkie is to dope, I guess it's all right.
She knows you like her, she knows that when you go talk to her, or set a date with her, you have 'second intentions'.
That's great. Because if she accepts the dates or keep up the convos, then is a sign that you're going to get her !
Think with me, no girl would give attention or go out with a guy, knowing that he wants her, if she did not feel attracted to him.
And if she gives you the LJBF bullsh!t, just say: ' You know that friends is not what I want from you'.
This is the essence of the movie Swingers. Being honest to your instincts, yet, not making them verbally explicit.
If you are a DJ, you know that you won't be needy, desperate, call her 10 times a day, give her gifts and all that sh!t.
So, let her know !!
2. No
No, you should never tell a girl that you have a crush for her. Never. That would break the mistery and end the challenge.
Besides, she'll think you're a sure catch and start to fool around you.
The No mentality, is right to a certain extent. It's the part of you that help you from being played, used, f*cked and LJBFed.
Besides, when played right, the mistery thing really drive them wild. And the harder you are, more value you have in their eyes.
3. Maybe
I guess that here's where all the Hypnosis Mind F*cking materials work.
Using the maybe, you create doubt. You tease her, showing interest in the middle of confusion, or making you seem ideal for her, yet not totally interested in her, engaging her in a quest for your attention and interest.
And the maybe approach is used a lot in the DJ community, as a way to create mistery and challenge, but without looking too misterious or too challenging.
It's the middle-ground, where you can step from one side to another easily. It's very versatile.
4. General Comments
Well, I guess you all get the picture of what I'm trying to say. And guess that most of you will fit in the Maybe category. And that's good ! That's beautiful !
But, I, for myself, am going to date with a really nice babe tomorrow. A 9 in my blues-world.
And, I'll give the Yes approach a try. I'm going to kino a lot, smile, eye contact and be very close to her, and exude my 'I want to kiss you' vibe.
Her sister will be there too. Yeah, I know it sucks, I could go with the chick alone, but I want to have an 'obstacle' , in order to make things harder for me.
If you only play easy you never get out of the amateur leagues.
If I see things going good, I am going to tell her sister to go for a walk and get to the business with the one I'm after.
I'm tired of the maybe confusion. It has gotten me and my friends in a lot of Friends Zones, and that sucks. For now on I'm going for a Yes or No.
It's like when we play soccer near my home. There's no Draw. The game ends when someone scores the tenth goal. So, you can score 9 goals and still loose.
And it is very good, because there's no doubt, no apologies no sh!t.
Win or lose.
The same I think it's right for girl-getting.
Hear a Yes, or a No.
Never stay in doubt.
If you hear no, it will spare you a lot of trouble and you'll get over it faster than a bullet.
If you hear yes, you know what to do
But maybe, is so, maybe.
It's an invitation for you insecure, old-days AFC fella inside you to pop up and start making a lot of crap go through your mind. And we don't want that.
By nite I'll tell everyone the results of my afternoon, but for now, let me hear your opinions. What do you guys think that is better ?
The Yes, the No or the Maybe ??
Or is this all just a bunch of bullsh!t ?
Please give me your insights, tell me your success/failure stories, anything that will make this thread richer in a beautiful way.
Well, let me explain why I want to start a debate.
I've been studying a little a.s.f., and observing regular guys who get girls, or get girlfriends, and digging through the memories of my natural DJ friend speeches.
Then I came to the thing, which I believe, is the single most important thing of getting girls.
It is: Letting her know you want her. Being honest.
So, I decided to stop, and make an analysis of the 3 sides of this issue.
1. Yes
Yep. Let her know. I came to the conclusion, that most of the guys out there who are getting girls without knowing or the dating game as we do, are going for the Yes.
For me, the DJ Yes is: making her know, by your actions, your eye contact, your smiles, your kino, your physical closeness, and your VIBE that you want her.
Subtly making her notice you want her, make it obvious yet not verbalized.
Very obvious right? Yeah, I know, anyone who reads the Bible learns that.
But, what if you are questioned directly about it?A friend of the Babe comes by and ask you if you're in the hots for her. What do you do ? What if the babe asks you if you want to kiss her ?
I say, let's say Yes. Yes, I do want to kiss you, Hot Babe.
Some will say that it breaks the mistery, the challenge, but, as long as you don't act like a stupid AFC, who's addicted to the girl like a junkie is to dope, I guess it's all right.
She knows you like her, she knows that when you go talk to her, or set a date with her, you have 'second intentions'.
That's great. Because if she accepts the dates or keep up the convos, then is a sign that you're going to get her !
Think with me, no girl would give attention or go out with a guy, knowing that he wants her, if she did not feel attracted to him.
And if she gives you the LJBF bullsh!t, just say: ' You know that friends is not what I want from you'.
This is the essence of the movie Swingers. Being honest to your instincts, yet, not making them verbally explicit.
If you are a DJ, you know that you won't be needy, desperate, call her 10 times a day, give her gifts and all that sh!t.
So, let her know !!
2. No
No, you should never tell a girl that you have a crush for her. Never. That would break the mistery and end the challenge.
Besides, she'll think you're a sure catch and start to fool around you.
The No mentality, is right to a certain extent. It's the part of you that help you from being played, used, f*cked and LJBFed.
Besides, when played right, the mistery thing really drive them wild. And the harder you are, more value you have in their eyes.
3. Maybe
I guess that here's where all the Hypnosis Mind F*cking materials work.
Using the maybe, you create doubt. You tease her, showing interest in the middle of confusion, or making you seem ideal for her, yet not totally interested in her, engaging her in a quest for your attention and interest.
And the maybe approach is used a lot in the DJ community, as a way to create mistery and challenge, but without looking too misterious or too challenging.
It's the middle-ground, where you can step from one side to another easily. It's very versatile.
4. General Comments
Well, I guess you all get the picture of what I'm trying to say. And guess that most of you will fit in the Maybe category. And that's good ! That's beautiful !
But, I, for myself, am going to date with a really nice babe tomorrow. A 9 in my blues-world.
And, I'll give the Yes approach a try. I'm going to kino a lot, smile, eye contact and be very close to her, and exude my 'I want to kiss you' vibe.
Her sister will be there too. Yeah, I know it sucks, I could go with the chick alone, but I want to have an 'obstacle' , in order to make things harder for me.
If you only play easy you never get out of the amateur leagues.
If I see things going good, I am going to tell her sister to go for a walk and get to the business with the one I'm after.
I'm tired of the maybe confusion. It has gotten me and my friends in a lot of Friends Zones, and that sucks. For now on I'm going for a Yes or No.
It's like when we play soccer near my home. There's no Draw. The game ends when someone scores the tenth goal. So, you can score 9 goals and still loose.
And it is very good, because there's no doubt, no apologies no sh!t.
Win or lose.
The same I think it's right for girl-getting.
Hear a Yes, or a No.
Never stay in doubt.
If you hear no, it will spare you a lot of trouble and you'll get over it faster than a bullet.
If you hear yes, you know what to do
But maybe, is so, maybe.
It's an invitation for you insecure, old-days AFC fella inside you to pop up and start making a lot of crap go through your mind. And we don't want that.
By nite I'll tell everyone the results of my afternoon, but for now, let me hear your opinions. What do you guys think that is better ?
The Yes, the No or the Maybe ??
Or is this all just a bunch of bullsh!t ?
Please give me your insights, tell me your success/failure stories, anything that will make this thread richer in a beautiful way.