Yes means yes now law in Australia.. Coming to USA next.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
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Here you go gents. Once it comes to the US (Cali/NY of course 1st), you needed to carry a VAR on you at all times. Because if you don't, it will be your words vs hers. Guess who's going to win most of the time? This sh!t is getting ridiculous.

New Australian law requires that all partners must say 'yes' – out loud

The nuances of sexual consent have been on the table recently thanks to the #MeToo movement, and one state in Australia is trying to clarify what consent should actually look like.

The new law states, in effect, that if you want to have sex you must ask for it clearly, and then hear a verbal “yes” back, under new reforms announced by the New South Wales (NSW) government in Australia, the New York Post reports.

The state, which is on the east coast of Australia (Sydney is its capital), has placed sexual consent at the core of a strategy to battle sexual assault after a high-profile rape case seemed to show that the existing laws did not protect victims.

A man named Luke Lazarus was acquitted of rape after a five-year criminal legal battle, despite a jury and two judges finding the woman, then 18, had not consented to sex with him behind his father’s nightclub in 2013. While the jury found the woman had not consented, the legal issue was if Lazarus knew she was not consenting. Both conditions are required to prosecute successfully under the current laws.

Under the package, which also seeks to protect against sexual harassment in the workplace, a $1 million advertising campaign will teach people how to “obtain a clear yes.” The campaign will target young adults in bars and clubs and via social media, with messages like “no means no” and “silence is not a yes.”

ABC News reports that the Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Pru Goward, wants the campaign to shift to cultural attitudes around what constitutes sexual assault and make it “second nature” to request verbal consent.

According to Australian publication Whimn, sexual assaults in NSW have risen, with the latest figures revealing a 12 percent increase in victims in the last 12 months. More than 13,000 incidents were reported to NSW Police in 12 months.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2018
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Hilarious. When have you ever said the words, "Do you want to have sex now?" to a girl when you're making out with her?

I've always said if I was in any position to be sexually successful I would record audio 24/7.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
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I'll be honest, after my divorce some years ago and I started dating again, the first two women I fvcked I did ask permission on each step of the way. Reasoning? It was the advice of my divorce lawyer and being out of the field for so long. Now, I just keep a VAR on me and flip a button. This is legal in NY and NJ as long as one person knows about it (cleared with atty, just no video). I use this one usually.

In NY news, there have been dozens of false rape acquisitions in the news this year. Some had recordings to prove the woman was lying. Others, not so much. Not risking go to jail or being on a sex offender list.

This sh!t is real bros. I am sure Macklemore and other posters here will disagree, but this is truth of what's happening in NYC.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2018
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Does your unit work well if it's in your jeans pocket or does it have to be out in the open? Also I looked at it - make sure you have it on continuous recording when in use. If it's just "voice activated" there will be gaps and they will say you spliced it to remove her objections.

Do you then copy the files off to a hard drive and keep them all archived somewhere?

Just LOL at what we have to do.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
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It's voice activated and I have not had an issue. It's very small and is unnoticeable. If it happens at her place I just make sure the clothes are with me to record everything. I also have another one in the bedroom from Sony. I'll look up the model and post it hear if anyone cares. All is recorded on a micro-SD card. I then back it up to my SSD hard drive. I have it set by name of woman. I know some may think this is overkill, but I do not need any woman coming at me 10 years later saying I raped them. Just check to make sure it's legal in your jurisdiction.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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  1. I'm from Sweden. You know how the far-right likes to use our country's rape statistics for propaganda without giving the full picture? that article is doing the same thing. It says there's been "a 12% increase in victims the past 12 months" in Australia but I'm willing to bet you, what that figure actually means is there has been a 12% increase in reported cases. That is why this map portrays rape in Sweden as occurring more than 28 times as often as in Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Syria (besides the rape documentation here, which in short, treats each reported rape as its own case rather than "bundling" them into different incidences in one case). Of course, no one wants to present statistics unless they can do it according to their agenda.

  2. Some guys may think you're taking these kinds of news too seriously. Other guys like me have overheard women sitting around gloating over how they got guys jailed over false rape charges when they thought no one was nearby.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
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  1. I'm from Sweden. You know how the far-right likes to use our country's rape statistics for propaganda without giving the full picture? that article is doing the same thing. It says there's been "a 12% increase in victims the past 12 months" in Australia but I'm willing to bet you, what that figure actually means is there has been a 12% increase in reported cases. That is why this map portrays rape in Sweden as occurring more than 28 times as often as in Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Syria (besides the rape documentation here, which in short, treat each reported rape as its own case rather than "bundling" them into different incidences in one case). Of course, no one wants to present statistics unless they can do it according to their agenda.

  2. Some guys may think you're taking these kinds of news too seriously. Other guys like me have overheard women sitting around gloating over how they got guys jailed over false rape charges when they thought no one was nearby.
I've been through the system and game with the legal system, so I know how bad a woman can be. Just like in my divorce, I will take every precaution necessary to protect myself. This is not overkill, this is a necessity. This little 80 buck device can save you from humiliation, bail, jail and legal fees. If someone's life and freedom is not worth 80 bucks, okay, that's their choice. It's coming... This is not in my mind or stupid MGTOW BS. This sh!t is real and is here.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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This would make seduction a lo more difficult. When in the throes of passion, you suddenly popped the question... both parties are put back in their heads.:D


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
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This would make seduction a lo more difficult. When in the throes of passion, you suddenly popped the question... both parties are put back in their heads.:D
Just say tell me what you want and what you like to her in a seductive voice. Seems to work well now w/o setting off any alarm bells. Although, when I dated a cop after my separation, I did ask each an every time can I do this and that until she said fvck me already.. Amazing...


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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There's a black YouTuber I follow who says he videos all sexual encounters.

Its going more and more this way. She makes false accusations later, you upload pics, vids, sexting to social Media.

Men need to protect themselves in a time where not getting the ring can result to false rapey accusations once she's hit the wall aka cratered SMV.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
There's a black YouTuber I follow who says he videos all sexual encounters.

Its going more and more this way. She makes false accusations later, you upload pics, vids, sexting to social Media.

Men need to protect themselves in a time where not getting the ring can result to false rapey accusations once she's hit the wall aka cratered SMV.
In South Korea, there was recently the largest mass protest of women ever in the country. They were protesting about the use of micro-cameras being used by perverts in the filming of women in public toilets or in sexual encounters.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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Just say tell me what you want and what you like to her in a seductive voice. Seems to work well now w/o setting off any alarm bells. Although, when I dated a cop after my separation, I did ask each an every time can I do this and that until she said fvck me already.. Amazing...

I wonder if the lawmakers and demagogues of this subject practice what they preach? Probably the case that many of them don't need to because no one wants to fvck them or they're in a dead marriage anyway. But it'd be interesting to see how those who still have sex act...


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2016
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Spokane, Wa
beta male protection program


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
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It's soo weird... cause which women EVER found a man "asking a question" to be "desirable" ?

I remember women saying to me and PUA writing mentioning how "you need to own it with actions" .. Asking questions is for kids... women said that too.

We all know in the field how it "really work out". You can say stuff: " I really wanna kiss you right now" etc. And see her "body" reaction...

I am all for protection and true some women are being abused and stuff but there is a damn limit especially when "words" don't lead to "actions" but "actions" leads to "words". Alot of guys go beyond the acceptable but hey... we learned actions is better than words lol

Anyway: How the hell will they monitor this? What about if " I said yes under pressure but meant no" ?

Seriously how is this law even enforceable ?


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
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It's soo weird... cause which women EVER found a man "asking a question" to be "desirable" ?

I remember women saying to me and PUA writing mentioning how "you need to own it with actions" .. Asking questions is for kids... women said that too.

We all know in the field how it "really work out". You can say stuff: " I really wanna kiss you right now" etc. And see her "body" reaction...

I am all for protection and true some women are being abused and stuff but there is a damn limit especially when "words" don't lead to "actions" but "actions" leads to "words". Alot of guys go beyond the acceptable but hey... we learned actions is better than words lol

Anyway: How the hell will they monitor this? What about if " I said yes under pressure but meant no" ?

Seriously how is this law even enforceable ?

Doesn't matter. The acquisition would sink a man regardless if it was true or not. It will cost him is job and credibility. It will be in the papers. He will be arrested and need a lawyer. Without that VAR to backup a man's story, he is screwed. If anyone think it's overkill what I am suggesting, fine, take the chance. However, if anyone gets into this situation and doesn't have a VAR to backup his story, it's going to turn out bad regardless.

This Yes Means Yes and Me Too movement, as with most things humans do, has gotten out of control. Soon, you will have to sign a piece of paper just to have sex. This is actual law I believe on the public campuses of Cal State.

Welcome to America.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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Yeah, but it is all getting so ridiculous that you'll see a back-lash sooner or later. As it is, the culture seems schizophrenic/ dichotomized - Trump the conservative alpha male [ha ha ha ha… cough cough], and the radical feminists pushing into mainstream. Some reckon that the 'metoo' movement was a reaction to Trump getting into office.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2015
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It seems I'm not quite "trusted" enough yet around here to post links yet, so this is the url-free version of my post. Perhaps a mod can post the links, if anyone is interested.

Some further qualifications to this worth noting:

Both articles are by female journalists, so expect spin on both counts. I've only had a quick look but I don't see any evidence that there is any such law yet.

At present it seems to be more of a publicity/re-education campaign at this point.

Although, it does seem as though the laws regarding sexual consent are under review.

The events leading up to this are covered by this investigative journalism program, by Four Corners, which is about the only decent investigative journalism on Australian TV at least since I last checked. I haven't actually had time to watch this particular program yet myself.

Another thing to note is that, although this is a "Liberal" NSW Government, in Australia the so-called Liberal Party is a conservative or Tory party. So this isn't even the liberals, at least in the American sense.

Some of the reactions to the story are priceless though, people suggesting logbooks etc.

I guess we will have to see what becomes of this. Like most of you, I can't say that I'm optimistic. I certainly don't disagree that this is very real. NSW is Australia's largest (most populous) state and Sydney the largest city in Australia.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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Its a problem but its more to do with girls lack of ownership.

The girl at the slut walk wants to cry wolf.

Brb guys, charging up my troll cannon.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2011
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Land of slow.
Here you go gents. Once it comes to the US (Cali/NY of course 1st), you needed to carry a VAR on you at all times. Because if you don't, it will be your words vs hers. Guess who's going to win most of the time? This sh!t is getting ridiculous.

New Australian law requires that all partners must say 'yes' – out loud

The nuances of sexual consent have been on the table recently thanks to the #MeToo movement, and one state in Australia is trying to clarify what consent should actually look like.

The new law states, in effect, that if you want to have sex you must ask for it clearly, and then hear a verbal “yes” back, under new reforms announced by the New South Wales (NSW) government in Australia, the New York Post reports.

The state, which is on the east coast of Australia (Sydney is its capital), has placed sexual consent at the core of a strategy to battle sexual assault after a high-profile rape case seemed to show that the existing laws did not protect victims.

A man named Luke Lazarus was acquitted of rape after a five-year criminal legal battle, despite a jury and two judges finding the woman, then 18, had not consented to sex with him behind his father’s nightclub in 2013. While the jury found the woman had not consented, the legal issue was if Lazarus knew she was not consenting. Both conditions are required to prosecute successfully under the current laws.

Under the package, which also seeks to protect against sexual harassment in the workplace, a $1 million advertising campaign will teach people how to “obtain a clear yes.” The campaign will target young adults in bars and clubs and via social media, with messages like “no means no” and “silence is not a yes.”

ABC News reports that the Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Pru Goward, wants the campaign to shift to cultural attitudes around what constitutes sexual assault and make it “second nature” to request verbal consent.

According to Australian publication Whimn, sexual assaults in NSW have risen, with the latest figures revealing a 12 percent increase in victims in the last 12 months. More than 13,000 incidents were reported to NSW Police in 12 months.
They should take note on statistic of heat and divorce advisors. Also they should always tell their women yes to avoid the scientific failure. Clearly purpose for concept of free meal...