Yep, so I'm depressed.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
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so yeah. I feel like a total ass right now. Today I mercilessly ignored her all day long. I didn't even look at her. It was quite similar to yesterday, except without the talking part. I could see out of the corner of my eye that she was taking peaks at me. But I never caught her gaze. I also made sure I looked like I was having fun, so that it looks as if I can still have fun without her.

But towards the end of the day, after lunch, I was digging through my locker and she lightly pushes on my back and says "hey (my name)". She slowly walked past me waiting for me to respond, but I didn't. I didn't say a thing. I acted like nothing happened. So she walked off. I feel a kind of bad though. I'm sure she thinks I hate her. Which I kind of do. But I'm thinking about at least saying hi to her, or talking to her a little bit. To sort of confuse her I guess. :D


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
Well apparently she likes this guy a lot, and vice versa. But hey, they go together. I'm starting to realize the bad things about this chick, and they are bad. This chick used to be goth, but then she turned emo. But she has hella problems. She was molested by her brother, she thinks a ghost is trying to kill her and her friends, while the ghost of Kurt Cobain is trying to help them. I laughed so hard when she told me that, but freaked out a bit when I found out she was actually serious. But that was my problem, I always looked at the good and none of the bad. I always remembered me and her being in her room 'doing stuff', and wanted it to happen again so much. I never thought about how messed up she was. She's suicidal, and she's given me a depression. But I guess it's the same thing with the other kid. I guess these freaks go together. But what really annoys and disturbs me is how I got dumped for a fruity little goth kid who's really younger than her. I mean, I'm one of the most popular kids in my school, and I get dumped by some suicidal flake who a lot of people think is weird. A lot of people do. And thanks to her, I hate goth kids!

I hope you enjoyed my rambling, I'm sure many of you cared alot about this deep and amazing story. And I guess I should've listened to the first person who replied with: "One word will do: NEXT". But alas, I've learned alot. Alot that has been told in the Bible, but I just didn't apply it.


Don Juan
Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
listen, this girls got problems. I know it's hard I went through this not too long ago myself. I loved this girl. It took some time. Don't talk to her any more though. Even if she wanted to get back with you I would advise against it. Shes suicidal and has serious problems. I feel bad for her but don't get yourself cought up in it. Relationships are tough enough when the girl doesn't have problems so do yourself a favor and stay away. Take some time and spend it on improving your own life. I would wait a few month's before you date again but that's really up for you to decide when your ready. If you loved this girl it would take time though. Leave her in the past. All I can say with 100% certainty that time will heal the pain if you work at it. It took me almost 5 or 6 months to get over this girl completely. The first 6 weeks I was miserable then the next few month's my feelings varied. You'll get over her though, there are plenty of girls out there.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
I'm going to ruin some of your ideas, here.

First of all, she is not a great girl who broke up with you because in 3 months you're both moving away.

It's one, or the other, or neither. Either she's a great girl who broke up with you for reasons she's not telling you, OR she broke up with you because you guys are moving in 3 months. If she broke up with you for those reasons, then she is not a great girl, because that is an extremely selfish move on her part.

She has shown very little regard for you and your feelings. She should have told you the real reasons she was breaking up with you and thus given you some closure, rather than this I-still-love-you-but-can't-be-with-you bullshit that she's feeding you. She wants you to keep chasing her while she goes after other guys.

Don't hold out hope on getting back together with her. Do your own thing, find somebody else and make sure, every time she sees you, that it is obvious you are having a great time and loving life without her.

edit: I just read the rest of it. sounds like you've learned a valuable lesson. there will always be more girls, and you don't have to settle for any that raise serious red flags (as this one did). don't be captain save-a-ho


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
Porky said:
I'm going to ruin some of your ideas, here.

First of all, she is not a great girl who broke up with you because in 3 months you're both moving away.

It's one, or the other, or neither. Either she's a great girl who broke up with you for reasons she's not telling you, OR she broke up with you because you guys are moving in 3 months. If she broke up with you for those reasons, then she is not a great girl, because that is an extremely selfish move on her part.

She has shown very little regard for you and your feelings. She should have told you the real reasons she was breaking up with you and thus given you some closure, rather than this I-still-love-you-but-can't-be-with-you bullshit that she's feeding you. She wants you to keep chasing her while she goes after other guys.

Don't hold out hope on getting back together with her. Do your own thing, find somebody else and make sure, every time she sees you, that it is obvious you are having a great time and loving life without her.

edit: I just read the rest of it. sounds like you've learned a valuable lesson. there will always be more girls, and you don't have to settle for any that raise serious red flags (as this one did). don't be captain save-a-ho

Yeah you are right, she wasn't a good girl. She did break up with me to go shag some bisexual goth kid who wears eye liner down to his cheeks. I'm starting to realize this, and it pisses me off. I wasted so much time with this chick, when I could've been doing better things. Not to mention wondering if she still liked me or not. Oh and seeing her telling this guy she loves him, just like 2 days after he asked her out, is kind of stupid, but it really really tore me up inside. But now I'm starting to care less. And it showed today, she tried to hug me and I didn't hug back. The next time she tries to, I'm gonna show her who's boss and say "don't touch me". I will show her that I'm having hella fun without her. I don't want to be an ass to her, but there's no way I'm gonna be her friend.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
If i were u, i would date as much hot babes and ignore the ones that break ur heart!!!!!


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2005
Reaction score
Uh, holy shyt.

Next her, and delete all traces of her existence. First things first, call her, and tell her curtly that you had fun hanging out with her. From that moment on, she ceases to exist. Delete all phone numbers, wipe your history (which would have her myspace address), block any method she has to contact you through phone/internet, and ignore her at school. This should help you for the first few weeks. Don't even think about her.

After a while, you might say hi, here or there (assuming she hasn't moved yet), but it's better to face this now.


So, with that in mind, next her and use this as a learning experience to not beg a girl to go out with you. Go get some fresh meat.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
alright, so late last night I was walking around this place with some friends where we usually chill. Suddenly I see the chick and her boyfriend walking around and holding hands, and I'm like omfg. So I tell my buds to wait, and I go over to them and say to her fruitloop bf what he's doing. And he's like, "do I know you". So I say, you'd better know, since I am her bf, and he's like "oh yeah, you're her ex". Then she tells me to go away, and him "let's go". And he's like "yeah, let's go." then he kisses her right in front of me. So I get all pissed and finally after a little insults lose control and say "what did the 4 fingers say to the face"? and then punched him right in the face. he collapses then. And the chick is like "omg, why did you do that? don't you know we're through". Then I lose control and grab her and punch her in the stomach. then drag her over to the bushes. I then start kicking that gothic fruitcake, and after I get my fill I run back to my friends and we walk away like nothing happened. But I just need to know, is this the right thing to do? I know I overreacted but I couldn't help it, I needed to show that fudgepacker who's boss. I know I shouldn't have punched the chick in the stomach, but that ***** was really pissing me off. I think I might be able get back with her though, because I bet she now thinks that her so called boyfriend is a little wimp. Cause that little faggot is!

Was this the right thing to do though?

kev me723

Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
dude, holy sh*t I hope you learned a damn good lesson from this, because dude, sh*t. That whole 'i love you and I'm crying' thing, not cool at all mad, not cool at all.

Anyway take the panties off all the way now, and show her that you are over her. If I were you I would definetly keep some distance for a little bit. If she sees that you have no problem whatsoever living without her, you're on the right track. After that, get things back to cool w/you two and bang her before you guys move


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
Ok basically I read the first few things. YES it is possible that you could eventually get this girl back. But before you do this you need to get in touch with your masculinity. You NEED to read the dj bible and subscribe to david D's newsletter since ****y funny style of talking is extremely effective. Basically a long time ago I was hardcore AFC. More then you buddy but like at this time I was actually extremely masculine I just didn't realize it. I did a lot of very AFC things because I thought those were the things which would make the girl like me and so I did them because I believed that those things would work. Now many years later a few weeks ago I heard her talking with other girls about how extremely attracted they all were to me but I couldent care less anymore because shes like an 8 at best and well I only deal with top of the line girls now. Basically if a girl breaks up with you, you should pretty much act like it does not bother you and start saying this is a good idea and LJBF her. Recently at a bar this girl who to be honest things have not gone smoothly with freaked out on me and was like you had your chance with me blah blah its too late now. I was like (i didnt think about this) well I hope we can still be friends. After I said this extremely calmly and sincerly she ran off and I did not follow I just kept on having a good time. The next time I was at the bar she was using extreme kino on me by maybe kicking me like 30 times (lightly) and I knew she had extreme lust for me. You CAN pull her back to you but you must allow yourself to grow and improve as a man. The techniques on this page only work if they are real. You must have the confidence to make the things real. Kill your despiration and gain some confidence. Get a buddy to goto the mall with you and get rejected like 30 times. You can just walk up and ask for a number it will make you much stronger. Theres no point where your completely dead in the water with women you just need to do things to improve yourself and you can always pull it back together. But to be honest I would just next her. I hope this made sence I don't do paragraphs much


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
what the ****.

so what you're saying is that I could still get back with her after everything I've done? Even if she now has a new boyfriend, whom I think she 'loves', and 'can't stop thinking about'? I think you guys should read every post that I've written in this entire thread, and rethink your answer.

What I've been doing over the past few weeks is ignoring her. Not talking to her, not looking at her. I've walked past her a few times, but never made eye contact. I've maybe made eye contact a few times. But only on accident. I've basically been an ass to her. She's tried to hug me, but I don't hug back. I act like I'm in a hurry. Though I have talked to her friends a bit. Even some times when she's right with them. But I don't acknowledge her existance. Oh and I didn't even have to delete her myspace. She did it for me. :) that *****

I don't even think I want to get back with her. I'm basically over her. I mean I do have my moments where I do think about her, but it's starting to get less and less common. I'm moving towards this one preppy chick who is better looking. I have yet to make a personal approach to her though lol, but I should sometime this week. :cheer:


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
well it's been awhile, and quite a few things have happened. I have forgotten about this girl (not totally entirely, but I really don't care if I get back with her or not, and don't care about her business), and I've been doing ok since then. Gotten my esteem way up. And I've been going for other babes. However, since like a month and a half ago a few things have happened. First of all, she broke up with that fruity little goth faggot like a week ago, and I saw her a few times kissing some other really weird goth chick (meaning she went bi for a few days there), but I don't see that happen anymore since awhile ago.

Anyways, yesterday we were doing this major presentation, involving a display (everyone set up a display all over school about some sh!t), and I was walking around and I came across hers. I started some small chat (remember, I haven't talked to her in about a month and a half at all) with her, talking about her display, and then about her a little bit. She acted a bit normal, like it was a few months ago. Somehow, she got the impression that I've stopped hating her, so she did a bunch of crap like re-add my myspace to her friends list :)D), when I was walking in the hall, she shyly waved at me (I never waved back :D), and when I went back to her display later, called me over to talk to her. She even offered me some licorice. But I acted a bit distant, and moved on to talk to other people each time after only a few minutes of chat. Anyways, I basically ignored her today, she tried to wave at my again, but I never waved back (mwahahahaha), and yeah.

Anyways, my point is, I don't care how screwed up she is or what she's done, but is it possible for me to engage in pole to hole combat with this chick like I originally planned?


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2006
Reaction score
I love this whole thread, because it chronicles the insane mind of someone who has just gotten broken up with and has no idea what to do with himself. I am going to put a couple things out there for you to think about, instead of being silly about this and letting your mind go into tangents.

1. Yes, let girls get close to you, and you should get close to them, alright alright so one day you will probably break up but who cares? It is great to be in a caring relationship like that, it helps you to grow and mature as a person, I have been through a few breakups, and they get better with time. It is a great feeling when you can get close to someone, and then when you break up, not feel that upset about it, because you understand why it happened, and why you are better off now.

2. No, friends and hobbies do not come before girlfriends, when you commit to being a boyfriend, you commit to that person, and you have to treat them with equal respect to other things in your life, it comes down to balancing all of it.

3. Yes, stop talking to her, get rid of all things relating to your relationship, it is unhealthy to constantly have reminders everywhere. You obviously will think about her, but the best way to go is to fill your time with other activities that have zero relevance to her.

4. PLEASE next this girl, she is so far from girlfriend material I can't even fathom it, she is fickle, and emo, a horrible combination. Her little mood swings will string you along forever if you stay involved in any way with her. I dated a girl so similar to that once, she was beautiful, cared alot for me, sex was great, but you know what, it was all outweighed by the fact that she was off her rocker man, she would complain to me about ridiculous **** and we would get into arguments alot. These girls are not good for relationships.

5. Keep it real, you are eventually going to meet the right girl for you, and let me tell you something, it isn't this girl. Who you, "love" now, is not who you will love in 5 years.

All summed up, heres what it boils down to.

Get Over It.


i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
wow. thats so much drama that it jus aint worth it for any girl. forget about it man, find somethin else to obsess over


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
Ahh, seems liek you can start it all over because you have history, and she sees you've changed. Good luck yo.