Yep, so I'm depressed.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
So my girlfriend broke up with me and now I'm all emo. Don't you hate it when you've found a really awesome girl, and she breaks up with you.

Well actually it was probably inevitable for few reasons. Which is why she broke up with me.

You see, the both of us were probably going to move in the summer, which is like 3 months away. But jeez, in 3 months I could have had sex with her thousands of times. She says she doesn't want me to get any more hurt, so she said we should call it quits before we start liking each other more. Which I can understand. But she was such a great and unique girl, and it really pains me. I know it was extremely AFC, but I begged for her to not break up with me. Saying that there's a chance we wouldn't move. But she said that as much as she was telling herself that there was hope, she had to do it. She said we should just be friends, but I took her on that and said that I'm not interested in being your friend, only your boyfriend. I could've gotten back with her if she put me in the LJBF zone. But that's only a small possibility. The only reason she put me there is because she didn't want me to get hurt. Today we had a pretty long conversation that pretty much took over the entire day about us being together or not. Hell we were both crying about it. But she finally made it official, and I was heartbroken. I know you shouldn't worry about getting dumped, but it was hard for me.

But is there any chance I could get back with her, even in this amount of time? Cause I really adore this girl. And I really don't want to forget about her right now.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
All the reasons she gave you for leaving you were all reasons 2,3,4,5. The real and only reason was that she had lost interest in you.

You said that you begged to not break up. Begging is unnatractive to women. Given that I suspect you acted very needy in your relationship and this turned her off. Did you buy her too many gifts, give her "everything". Seeing her too much etc. All the classic mistakes which turn women off.

Don't ever speak to this girl again. Spend lots of time improving your self esteem. I think Doc love's system might be of help to you.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
Well it's the end of the day when I got this info. Ok, so today I did the most AFC thing. It's so AFC, that it'll probably the most AFC thing ever recorded. First of all, I told me friends about this, and they all kept saying that she was a loser for breaking up with me, today. This happened over the weekend.

Anyways, at the beginning of the day, I wrote her a note saying that we should just forget about the future and think about the present (referring to her moving). At the end of the day she wrote me a letter saying that it's that she would be really hurt that we would have to break up. You see, I had this one 'date' with her at her house, where we basically made out and did some other stuff. She said that she realized she loved me at that moment, and so she says she doesn't want to get any more into me, otherwise it'll be harder for her to break up. So I begged a little more. Then after school, I talked to her on the phone. On the phone, I begged for about 25 minutes, as well as some other stuff. I mean I told her I was begging, and that for God's sake she should just do it. She kept saying no, so out of anger, I just said,

"ok, is there any chance we would get back together?"

and she said "no".

So I say "fine then, I'm sick and tired of asking. So bye, and you're dead to me".

I then hang up the phone. Now this really pissed her off (she blocked me on myspace. Yep, it's that bad). Then I start to worry about what I said. Then I see this bulletin on her myspace, "if I died" (she's an emo chick, and wants to suicide). So then I'm basically freaking out cause I don't want her to die for God's sake (it was a new bulletin). So then I try to reach her, but I forget her phone number, and myspace is ****ed up as usual and won't let me get the message where she gave me her phone number. So I'm basically freaking out for about 15 minutes, then I try and comment her, fortunately I'm able to. So then I comment saying "I am so ****ing sorry. I am ****ing crying right now. I love you so much." Then I finally find the phone number right by the phone. Then just to be AFC enough, I send another comment saying: "I'm so sorry what I said, I didn't mean it. I love you more than anything". (she wasn't picking up her phone. Then I finally find the phone number right by the phone.

So then I call her and she's like "what".

And I'm like "I am so ****ing sorry, I'm crying right now OMG".

Then there's an awkward pause.

Then she's like "is that why you called me, to say you're sorry?"

And I'm like "well yeah, but omg I am so sorry what I said. I didn't mean it at all. I love you so much. Will you ever forgive me?"

So she says "yeah I forgive you".

And I'm like "thank you." Then I say "can I just be your friend now?"

And she's like "yes, I never told you, you couldn't. That's what I've been asking you".

And I'm like "ok good".

Then there's another pause.

Then she says, "well I've gotta go, I'm talking to my friend (friend's name) right now on the other line. Yeah, he's a friend who wouldn't say you're dead to me. Cause that was just not cool."

Then I'm like "ok, bye."

So basically she's never gonna give in, and just go out with me for 3 ****ing months. Not to mention she probably hates me now, and not to mention my self esteem is that of an emo kid. Oh and I'm still not over her. And I'm scared to go to school cause then I'll see her and be down because it never worked out when it really could've. Oh and I think her friend likes her. And maybe she likes him. OMG I feel so ****ing bad. I've gotta study the DJ Bible and find my testosterone. Can someone please help me. I mean someone personal just help me through this. It's pathetic, but I really need help on not being so attached to one girl.
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
Wow... you just handed your balls to her and ruined ANY chances of you hooking up with your girlfriend. To tell you the truth I had a smililar experiance with my 2nd LTR and I acted all AFC so she ignored me but then I MOVED ON. After that she became nicer but we never became friends, she sent me new years card for 2 years but I refuse to do and probably will never write one back cuz I moved on. All I can say to you is move on because friendship and LTR don't mix and it's rare for it to work out.


New Member
Nov 28, 2005
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Brighton, England
1st things first: She stopped liking you, she used the moving as an excuse to dump you.. sorry

second: go **** her friend.. get her out of your head :)


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
brodiev said:
1st things first: She stopped liking you, she used the moving as an excuse to dump you.. sorry

second: go **** her friend.. get her out of your head :)

actually it is the truth. she is moving somewhere. But I'm starting to wonder if she really does like me. She says she does, but lately she's been acting otherwise, so I'm presuming she doesn't. But I think I'm starting to get over this gayness after reading some tips. Thank God.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 24, 2005
Reaction score
L.A., CA
Well, what can you do, you know?
The reasons why she would lose interest in you in the first place could actually be a lot more broad than I can imagine, but the very fact that you started begging was pretty much the last straw. It would be a lot more better, AND HEALTHIER, on you if you broke up with a girl that isn't interested in you anymore and hooked up with girls that you could've ignored over the past few days/weeks/months/years.

Pick up your dignity and just find a new girl; easier said than done, but just go do it!


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
Dog. I want you to take a look in the mirror. Look at what you do not see a man, you see a broken little boy.

Dude, it probably feels like ****, but you can't just sit there and watch your life pass by like a piece of **** floating down a river. You need to make something of it man. Forget this ****ing emo girl. She's not your GF anymore, therefore the emotional connection you had must be severed. END IT NOW.

but reading your long ass ball-handing-over post made me that is like a flashback of olden days and I know...I KNOW I WILL NEVER GO BACK. Look toward the light...-->>> dj bible


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
Ok, so I was planning on just forgetting about this chick today. But for some reason I didn't.

*Be warned that what I'm about to tell you is very obsessive like and what a stalker would do*

Ok, so if you've been reading my other two posts you'll know what's happened. So after yesterday with me saying that she's dead to me and me telling her I'm sorry.
Anyways, today, while she did say she forgave me, it was still bothering her. Anyways, here's the part where I get a little weird. I try to get her to kiss me by saying "you know you want to" and leaning my head in. At first she wasn't into it and she backed her head away. But in the end I got my kiss! mwahahahahaha......

But yeah, so that was in the first passing period. Anyways, I ignored her at the next passing period. But when lunch came I just went and sat with her and talked with her and her friends the entire time. I sat right next to her and she didn't really mind. However, what I do think is that her friends are on my side. Cause really, it's only 3 months and they agree.

Anyways, at the end of lunch, I tried to work my magic again. This time however it didn't work and so I acted all pissed and walked away. She was actually worried that I was though.

At the end of the day I tried to ignore her some more, but eventually I decided to say bye to her and went home.

So it's been a weird day.

Anyways I talked to her again afterschool asking her why she was ignoring me and why she's mad at me (I don't think she was/did, I just wanted to say that cause she was trying not to look at me). She said she was only ignoring me because she thought I hated her guts, but she's not mad at me. Then she went on about how there's something on her mind and she doesn't know what to think right now ("her mind is clouded"). She says she still likes me, and that she regrets breaking up with me. But "(from what she knows) she can't get back together with me right now" because of something. And that she's going to talk to a friend this weekend about that something. She wants me to be her friend for now and that "after the weekend the results might not be that great. But the odds are in your favor."

Whatever that means. Now that I have a chance, screw that *****!

:cuss: :up: :up: ;) :D :crazy: :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
I don't really think you should waste your time on an "emo *****". Seriously, they're not worth the trouble. But if you really want to...constantly talking to her/begging her to get back with you isn't the way, as you probably know deep down, but just can't bring yourself to do it the right way. Back off some. Work on your self-esteem. Get your life in order. Get your priorities straight. Talk to other girls for awhile, see if you can find someone better (you always can). If you haven't, it's because you don't WANT to find someone else (one-itis). And if that's the case and you're going to talk to her, figure out what you're going to do BEFORE you do it. Make sure you won't look like a wuss. And remember, if she still doesn't want to get back together, SHE'S the one missing out, not you. She's not worth making yourself look like a fool over.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Well, you shouldn't aim to "get her back" she that valuable?! I think not. You are the prize...You can do better.

We've all been through this..and the harder you try to get a past relationship back...the harder it is to achieve it.

I'd suggest that you date other women...treat your ex like a friend, but don't be in her life too often. Give her a chance to miss you...and give her a chance to see that you can have a good time with or without her.

Good Luck:up:


New Member
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
mastersF said:
one word will do. NEXT
Your gay. Maybe this has not happened to you cuse your a fag but it has happened to me and it hurts.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
Man, time to move on. You can try to get this one for all it's worth but after that move on and consider it experience.
I'm pretty sure you've ****ed up bad enough to never get with this girl.
And she's emo, but you seem definitely emo. What happened to the olden days when you were pimp? Get back to that.

I dunno, I'd hook up with her friends, go out with a bang if you know what I mean.


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
man roger this has happened to everyone and mastersF was right this kid does need to next her. hes screwed up. nexting will save him time and give him the opportunity to find an even better girl. so in my opinion stfu roger


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
Alright, so now I have more of an idea of what's going on with her(as you read from my previous post). We've been talking the past few days, and she's starting to get closer to me. However I've also learned something is not good. At all.

In my previous post I said that this guy might like her. Well she's been saying that he's hit on her before, and that he'll most likely ask her out whenever they hang out this weekend. She's been asking me what I would do if he did ask her out, and I replied with I don't know. She said the same thing about what she would do. At first it was I don't know. But then later I made the truth come out and she said "yes, I would. I'm not good at saying no". Then I asked if she liked him and at first it was as a friend. Finally she gave in and said yes, I do like him. But only for "rebound action" after me. What's even more disturbing is that this guys a Grade A fruitloop. A freak, if you will. God I hate gothic kids. And he's bi too. I can't believe I'm losing to this fag.

Not only did that bother me, but in my previous post, whenever I told her she was "dead to me" out of anger. Well that's really bothered her and while she's forgiven me, now she's saying "I love you babe, but not in that way. Whenever you told me that, something turned off inside me". I told her to forget about it, and she said she will. Then she said that she might get to like me again over time.

But you know, I think I'm done with this chick. I've had enough. I've been looking to much at the good of her, and at none of the bad. And now I'm starting to see the bad(I've seen it before, but I said to myself to just ignore it, so I did) and this chick is pretty much a flakey, weird little *****. Even my friends ask me why I want to go out with her.

I might change my mind, but I really need to move on.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
Well today was pretty gay and ok at the same time. I found out that the fruity little goth kid asked her out and that she said yes. So pretty much this is done. While I'm really starting to see that this chick is really messed up and weird. And the fact that she's actually going out with this freaky goth kid, which is making me not even want to speak to her ever again, it still hurts, man. I've been trying all day to get it out of mind, but it's hard. I've been pretty much ignoring her, not talking to her or looking at her all day. Then I talked to her once, the part where she said the goth kid asked her out. Then I walked away, and ignored her for the rest.

As much as I want to get over this chick, I still like her. But I know for the better, that it'll be better for me to move on. Not only will it make me stronger, but I've learned many things from this experience, all of which are in the Bible.

#1 Never get attached to a girl. Never. No matter how much you like her, still think of her as some ***** who got lucky that you chose her.
#2 Hobbies and friends above girls. I've invested most of my energy and time in the past month or so on this girl, and it's making my time with my friends and hobbies to suffer.
#3 If a chick you really like dumps you, get over it immediately. Don't try to get back with her, just move on and think of it as her loss. I made this mistake and tried to get back with her, and it just made her get farther away from me. If I would've just moved on immediately, this chick would be begging for me to come back instead of the other way around.
#4 Always stay calm...

Anyways, I've learned my lesson. But I'm still trying to decide how to react around her. Should I do one of these:

#1 Ignore her. Never talk to her, never look at her.
#2 Treat her as some random chick.
#3 Tell her that I'm gonna give her one chance to come back with me. And if she says no, walk away immediately and never talk to her again or something. (for laughs )
#4 Be an ******* to her, and tell her to go **** her fruity little goth boyfriend.
#5 Mixture of #2 and 4. When she tried to hug me ("as a friend", she says). Say no, and I'm not your friend! Or something heh.
#6 Treat her as a friend.

Tell me, what should I do? ;)
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NYC Dude

Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2002
Reaction score
New York City, USA
Dude, leave her the **** alone and move on in your life. I read maybe three sentences of the novel you have written up there about this girl and I know that you care too much for a girl who dumped you for some stupid little goth kid. Obviously it's over between you two, so forget about her before you ruin your chances with any other girls.