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Yeah! My first REAL c0ck tease!


Mar 23, 2010
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jonwon said:
Reminds me of a time when I met a chick in a bar, we hit it off, one thing led to another, ended back at her pad.

We fluffed, she told me in no uncertain terms nothing was going to happen, even went as far has heavy petting, then a total freeze out on her part.

At that stage, I was pritty in the zone, tired also and wasn't prepared for the mental flip head games bull-cra* - I simply got up, as I did so she said, we aint going into the bedroom - I simply grabbed her hand and led her into her room, It was a case of her giving token resistance, but not actually forcing her hand from mine or standing her ground, kind of like resistance for the sake of resistance.

Once in bed, I stripped naked, she still had her underwear on, she said "nothing is going to happen", I simply said "uh uh", whilst proceeding to remove her panties.

I slept with her that night, she actually turned into a bit of a freak - after I did the deed, had sex for about 45 minutes, she said "is that all", i.e wanting more se*, It resulted in about a 1hour 30mins sex session, in the morning she wanted it again.

To a normal guy he would have given up at the first hurdle.

OP this girl was a FB only, personnally I would have ignored her freeze-out, looked at her like she was some cute little girl trying some play-ground grab, grabbed her hand and lead her to the bedroom, unless she slapped my hand away or makes a added fuss, that is when I'd leave it.

I've hardly slept with any girls who dont have some form of resistance, most more than most - some not so much - This girl in all parts was doing something i've encountered plenty of times, and personnally, I feel I would have gone past that base.

I have no idea what the relationship type speak is in this thread, she could have been a perfect pump and dump.

To me the problem is your reaction, personnally, I would have given her that look like, yeh yeh that shi*ts not going to work on me - ramped it up a notch in the form of leading her to a room for fuc*ing - and only at that point if she would have been totally anal, would i have put my jeans on and said "see ya" -

"You hate me now dont you"

"Yeh, let's head to your room" - grabs her hand stands up and starts to walk to it.

Edit - getting into a conversation was a poor show, if anyone actually as a clue they will know what I am saying -

The point were you started pleading your case, was the point you failed.

You either freeze out and go for a smoke, or go do something for 5 minutes giving her time to think, i.e the gift of missing you (even in such a small window is powerful especcially with all the chemistry going on) - or you ramp it up - what you dont do is plead your case and try to act all cool and laid back whilst relating to her emotional female resistance speak. You definatly dont start cuddling her, you make an excuse and feeze out or you remove her from you and say, lets head to the bedroom - Cuddling when she freezes you out, is a beta play.

Personnally I cant see any thing out of the ordinary here at all, on her part.

Further edit:

Her: You thought we were going to have sex?

You: No. I didn't even expect to come here. I just thought we were flirting. I expected a kiss with all the sh!t we were doing.

What you should have said is: "Yeh, lets head to your room"

Agreeing with her was weak, it shows you make apologies for your sexuality, no wonder she bombarded with 'male friend' BS speak - Seriously this is weak game, your almost to a level, were your attracting the girls, but you really need to get past this hurdle.

No sure why your bombarded with AW and all that sort of nonesense, to me this is a-grade normal shi* right here. THIS SHI* IS NORMAL, GET USED TO IT.

The walking away stage was a long way off from your point of taking your ball in - the only time you walk away is after you've laid it down and she is still being totally anal - i.e dont be that guy who dry humps her leg, but again dont be that guy who cant get past some token resistance - What this girl did is tame in comparison to some shi* I've personnally had to bomb through.

I have recently taken the jonwon approach to getting laid.

I went out with this girl for FIVE dates, and it got to the point she was sleeping in my bed but she resisted when I went for the panties.

After the 2nd or third time in my bed, I basically ripped her underwear off. She didn't complain while I was doing the ripping. When I got her naked she finally said "do you have protection" so I knew it was on.

To this day I still talk to that girl, working on tapping it again. I think I did what most guys are scared to do and she liked it.

Sometime you just have to take it.


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
jonwon said:
I thought the same thing when I wrote it.

I predict some femtard as probably read what I wrote and is now calling me a rapist on some forum.

Fuc*ed up especcially in-light of how women play this game.

I think it's a reason why alot of men dont try to even bomb through the usual cra* women pull when it comes to getting them into the sack - it's not because they are beta, it's probably more to do with the horror stories from the feminist shrills.

Feminists seriously I hate the cun*s.

But in femtards world, your a rapist if you sleep with a girl who has had a few alcholic drinks -

Hence if she offers clear signs of resistance and not just power word play - I mean you take it to the next level and she tells you to stop, you stop - and you leave.

There is a difference with a women telling you to stop in no uncertain terms and a women feeding you female emotional tat to test your mettle and your ability to bomb through her final defences.

I personnally know the line and I have never crossed it, but in a femtards world, even speaking to a women with sexual intent could be classed as rape, but when it comes to the real world - most women are not fanatical femtards and they mostly if not all need that last minute resistance broken down.

I dated that girl for over 2 weeks - in all purposes a normal sexual first time encouter with a girl - but for example if would have told me to 'stop' at the nicker pulling down stage, I would have got out of bed, pulled on my jeans and got a taxi home.

which reminds me of another story, were I had this girl in bed, was at the stage of fingering her snatc*, she still came out with "I'm not sleeping with you, but your ok doing what your doing". At that stage, I got out of bed, with her looking shocked and went home with her chasing after me asking me what my problem was, I waited for my taxi and left! There is a limit, Thunder for me didn't even get off the starting block.

To me it's basic:

Ignore them and advance till she gives true resistance, or flip it around and make them do some more chasing, i.e freeze them out and make them come to you, like a cat -

Do not get sucked into the female emotional mental state that comes with her last line of defence - any healthy normal women, when first fuc*ed by a new guy will come out with resistance, some more than others and some can be extreme, it's natural.
I know what you mean but sometimes even a small portion of LMR is too much for me. Basically it happens when the girl already lowered my interest level with her through other BS like lame shyt test, trying to insult me or whatever. After that I don't feel like it. If she still behaves like she does not want me and I have to make all the work and emotion, well, fvck it, she is not worth it. I'm not saying you are a rapist but I simply need cooperation - I don't get off on "forcing" a girl I barely know or like. I need her to be enthusiastic about it.
There is token resistance in terms of feeble "No" but otherwise enthusiastic and there is token resistance in terms of another shyt test - coldly calculated power play - fvck that.

I trust your judgement but be careful, some girls could be so terrified to anger you they simply let you fvck them. Or simply because they get persuaded or they are afraid of loosing you. And that is sort of rape - lots of negative emotions for her. And I don't dig that.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
DanelMadr said:
I know what you mean but sometimes even a small portion of LMR is too much for me. Basically it happens when the girl already lowered my interest level with her through other BS like lame shyt test, trying to insult me or whatever. After that I don't feel like it. If she still behaves like she does not want me and I have to make all the work and emotion, well, fvck it, she is not worth it. I'm not saying you are a rapist but I simply need cooperation - I don't get off on "forcing" a girl I barely know or like. I need her to be enthusiastic about it.
There is token resistance in terms of feeble "No" but otherwise enthusiastic and there is token resistance in terms of another shyt test - coldly calculated power play - fvck that.

I trust your judgement but be careful, some girls could be so terrified to anger you they simply let you fvck them. Or simply because they get persuaded or they are afraid of loosing you. And that is sort of rape - lots of negative emotions for her. And I don't dig that.
You mistake being forceful with a girl and a womans natural Last minute resistance to having sex being natural.

Sex for us men is easy, we put it in we pull it out.

For a woman it comes with alot more complications, not only could she get more emotionally invested, she also has to think about getting pregnant - and if so will you stick around. Not to mention social stygma and if you'll judge her for it.

A woman having sex for the first time isn't like us having sex for the first time and if that comfort hasn't been established prior to having sex, i.e dating for x amount of dates till she feels totally comfortable with you, a man needs to over-ride all the emotional resistance checks wired into a womans brains by trying to over-ride it with her lust or desire to have sex - hence it's not a case of forcing yourself on her at all, its a case of pushing the boundaries and seeing if she is simply giving token resistance or genuinly doesn't want to fuc* you.

This has nothing to do with a woman being verbally abusive towards you, and has nothing to do with a woman unsulting you (why would you want to progress with that type of woman anyway) -

What you have done is twisted the meaning behind my post to a guy who encounters a wash of BS from a woman, forces her to bed and rips her pants off - that my friend is rape, what you fail to grasp is the subtile nature of woman and you confuse LMR with nothing more than a girl who states in no uncertain terms she wont sleep with you full stop.

I've been around the block more than a few times, LMR (last minute resistance) is very normal, so normal infact If I meet a woman who doesn't have some form of issue with fuc*ing when it comes to the crunch - it's a sure sign she is a loose girl - Any girl who doesn't slap it about normally have LMR to a degree, even if they are tossing out extreme flirting.

I've had girls giving B-jobs only because they didn't want sex yet. A woman is more than happy to give BJ and still not be in the state of mind for sex, it doesn't get more extreme than that - hence Token Last minute resistance is a normality -

So to assume that something that almost 80% of all girls I've slept with or most men I know who are succesful with women, was nothing but a guy forcing himself on a woman because she didn't give herself freely, shows a clear lack of experiance when it comes to sleeping with many woman - No man I know who hasn't slept with a multiude of women hasn't encountered this problem. Then again guys who sleep with girls they establish comfort with over a long period of time and have had few sexual partners may never understand it or even know it exists -

But from a guy who has had more one night stands than I can even remember, LMR is very real and it's not a product of a girl being a tit, it's just a normal reaction from women when it comes to sex, because rather simply sex to a woman can potentially change her life.

It was already established the OP was in the zone for fuc*ing, the point about the girl insulting him should have been dealt with alot sooner, what we have is damage mitigation - Simply put he didn't know how to progress hence the insult was thrown in like it was his choice to not sleep with the girl - when infact the point were he was insulted should have been the point he walked, he choose not to, because he wanted sex - but after she and him were alone, with her being sexual, he made a classic mistake of getting emotionally sucked into her drama - if you fail to understand that, that aint my problem - I know 100% the situation will arise again, because it's pritty dam normal when it comes to sleeping with woman.

This woman in my opinion didn't do anything out of the norm - the point about the insult was a seperate issue and the choice to progress after the fact is unrelated - to the sexual situation going on here - which when you take away the other tat, was the crux of the OP post.

LMR can be a damage ego trip, but if a guy understands whats going on in her mind - he can remove himself from personal ecountability and realize that its a natural thing for woman to go through and has nothing to do with him what so ever.

And yes it can seem the projection for the LMR is the guy on the recieving end, but its hardly ever personal and deep down in her slu*ty little core that I believe all women have, she wants an excuse to fuc*, you've simply not given her a powerful enough one yet and sometimes that excuse is nothing more than her being relinquished of all ecountability - i.e the reason why she fuc*ed you is because it was your fault and she couldn't resist your advances - Hence the knicker ripping off stage, and the having sex is 'your fault' - "it was your fault we had sex tonight", she says with a smile on her face.

Edit and the most important bit - I wouldn't advice anyone who doesn't grasp this concept fully to simply try to rip a womans pants off - a man needs to understand the forces at play here - There is a fine line to bombing through token resitance & - - rape - I would advice men who encounter token resitance who are not familier with it, to lay back act all cool and let her come to you and do not get sucked into her drama - just give her one word answers, if your in bed with her - Simply turn around and go to sleep - eventually she will put out and eventually you may learn to create a stronger desire for her to sleep with you to over-ride LMR - I wouldn't try to cave man it because you've read it on a forum a man needs to understand the concept and to get to the knicker ripping off stage, is a cumulation of events that has peaked her sexual desire to explode - you cant just go in there feet first.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
I'm happy to report that this girl wasn't doing any kind of LMR. She was a c0cktease who does this to most of her guy friends. She's a sociopath in that regard and I didn't want to pursue it physically. I was turned off.

I've encountered plenty of LMR with many different women who WANTED to sleep with me. This one I wasn't comfortable with at all.

Razor Sharp

Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2010
Reaction score
Desert of the Real
Thunder, any time a girl will let you fondle her tits and NOT kiss a f*cking psycho. Good on you for dodging the bullet, even if your swagger was thrown off, it happens to the best of us.

Funny sidenote, you know how on the main page it lists the thread titles, but they are abbreviated? Right now all I see is

"Yeah! My first REAL c0ck..." by ThunderMaverick

Funny how a few omitted words will give your thread a whole different spin :crackup:

@ jonwon, everything you said was so spot on it for a second I thought I was reading one of my posts. Massive reps to you brotha.

As a lover of women, you have to learn to appreciate the token resistance. It makes the game far more interesting. I mean really, if you were in the great outdoors hunting game, what fun would it be if the animals jumped in your truck, tied themselves up, and said "roast me with a little garlic and rosemary - I don't mind" They don't call it the "thrill of the hunt" for nothing!

To all you sensitive woman sympathizer types, let's get one thing straight. ALL women, even the shy "good girls" (and yo momma too) have rape fantasies. I'm not saying they actually want to be raped, but the THOUGHT of it is very appealing if done by the right guy. Rape really is an ugly word tho - I believe the term "ravage" applies here. It's an act of dominance which is fueled by passion, not hate or contempt. The only reason most of them resist in the first place is because they get off on you breaking through it - sort of a symbolic penetration of defenses before the actual deed happend.

I remember one girl was giving me so much LMR that I grabbed her by her arms, threw her on the bed and ripped her shirt off, buttons flying everywhere. Before she could freak out, I gently ran the back of my finger from her neck to her belly button and kissed her ever so softly. The contrast of the two actions sent her over the edge and I was IN. The whole night I kept doing freaky sh*t like that. Smacking her ass, pulling her hair while f*cking her softly, then caressing her whole body lightly while stuffing her good. She came 8 times - a personal record I'm trying to beat right now.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
If you had raped her and then been tried for the crime, and then I had been on the jury, you would have been acquitted.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
MatureDJ said:
If you had raped her and then been tried for the crime, and then I had been on the jury, you would have been acquitted.

lol@Razor Sharp. No sir, I haven't have "my first real c0ck"....yet.