****y & Funny doesn't work!


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2009
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I met a while ago a very nice and cute girl, with a great personality. So I started working on her with the ****y & Funny stuff I learned from the site. I began with some comedy and busting her balls, although I didn't went to hard at the start since I noticed she was a bit shy.
Things went fine, and I made her laugh and had a good time. Whenever we were having a very good time, I left (as you have suggested), which left her wanting more of me. Also, I tried not so see her so often (about 2-3 times per week).
After a while, she started talking me about her love problems, so I told her simply to save them for herself, as I wasn't going to become her councelor. I always assumed the control and used the C&F I learned here.

However, I don't know what went wrong. When I was advancing with the relationship, she simply told me the dead sentence everyone hates to hear: "I just want to be friends". I couldn't believed it! She even told me that she always had a good time with me, and I was a cool guy, but she was falling in love with other guy.
I tried to simply control myself and get with a cool "That's ok", hoping to later get a chance, so I continued being secure and C&F. But, I finally met this guy. He acted like a wuss with her, always giving her what she wanted to too. She even told me that he always was chasing her, and she couldn't resist it. She told me how "nice" he was with her, and that never a boy complimented and "treated" her in such a cute way. To end up things, the boy she was falling in love was her best friend.

I really don't get what I did wrong. I was C&F, didn't acted needy and was a man with her, always having the control. Then comes a nice guy, needy and in some case "wussy" who ends up getting the girl. I really feel totally fatal, don't know what went wrong.

Can you help me?


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2008
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1) She goes for guys like that
2) Your personality isn't nearly as tight as you think, but the "chode" has a better one
3) C&F" and "secure" are such vague terms. You might not be "good" in the right way


4) Screw that and move on


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
CoolProgram99 said:
After a while, she started talking me about her love problems, so I told her simply to save them for herself, as I wasn't going to become her councelor. I always assumed the control and used the C&F I learned here.

However, I don't know what went wrong. When I was advancing with the relationship, she simply told me the dead sentence everyone hates to hear: "I just want to be friends". I couldn't believed it! She even told me that she always had a good time with me, and I was a cool guy, but she was falling in love with other guy.
I can't believe you can't see where you went wrong here. To me,it's as clear as the blue sky above.

In fact,the answer you're looking for is ALREADY HERE in the post you've written,you just can't see it.

CoolProgram99 said:
I really don't get what I did wrong. I was C&F, didn't acted needy and was a man with her, always having the control. Then comes a nice guy, needy and in some case "wussy" who ends up getting the girl. I really feel totally fatal, don't know what went wrong.

Can you help me?
You don't know what went wrong? Ok,well let me ask you this...

Did you ever ASK HER OUT? You know,like on a date? Or did you spend the whole time you've known her trying to be funny and making jokes?

A woman wants a MAN,not a bafoon,comedian,or some court jester.

"****y funny" is a TOOL,an aid. It's NOT the goal.

Dating the girl is the goal. ****y funny is just to help you along the way to that goal of dating her.

You're supposed to be ****y funny for a little bit,THEN ask her out,not be ****y funny for weeks and weeks on end.

You asked for help. Well answer my question.

Did you EVER ask her out?


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2009
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Igetit! said:
I can't believe you can't see where you went wrong here. To me,it's as clear as the blue sky above.

In fact,the answer you're looking for is ALREADY HERE in the post you've written,you just can't see it.

You don't know what went wrong? Ok,well let me ask you this...

Did you ever ASK HER OUT? You know,like on a date? Or did you spend the whole time you've known her trying to be funny and making jokes?
Maybe forgot to mention in my post, but I DO ASKED HER OUT. When I was refering to the time spending with her, I do asked her out. By the way, I wasn't just going with her to movies and all the boring stuff. The first time we went to take a coffee after school, and I got to know her and like her more. Then, we went to a fair, which she didn't liked at first but I mantained a cool attitude and things went on right.
However, when I meet her best friend (her love boy), he barely even went out with her, just seeing her when she came home (he doesn't goes to the same school), and I just plain saw he acted very needy and wuss.

A woman wants a MAN,not a bafoon,comedian,or some court jester. Not exactly I was a comedian. I used the stuff and always assumed the control, and I managed to get some deep conversations, especially the first one when I get to know she had a great personality. When I refered to C&F I mean I didn't had the fear to bust her balls a bit or just be funny and don't really care to be nervous, just feel cool and enjoy the moment.

"****y funny" is a TOOL,an aid. It's NOT the goal. Well, yeah, maybe I overused it in some parts, but you are right, I should not take it as my goal.

Dating the girl is the goal. ****y funny is just to help you along the way to that goal of dating her.

You're supposed to be ****y funny for a little bit,THEN ask her out,not be ****y funny for weeks and weeks on end.

You asked for help. Well answer my question.

Did you EVER ask her out?
And I repeat, jeje, yes, I do asked her out.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
CoolProgram99 said:
And I repeat, jeje, yes, I do asked her out.
Ok,then answer this:how long did you know her BEFORE you asked her out.

A day,3 days,a week or two,or what?

And also,what did she say the FIRST TIME you asked her out?


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
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You probably forgot to Kino her, project a sexual frame, kiss close or f close her. If you don't escalate, then she's going to LBJF you.

The girl sounds like a tard anyway, unless her best friend is a hunk, then she is just going out with him because of some fvcked up social indoctrination making her think she wants a Nice guy or friend. Her primal impulses will shine through soon when she realises she wants a MAN.


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2009
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she's a human being, not a machine or a computer
I feel from your posts as if women are programs, you input some sort of code and command and you get a feedback accordingly
but with humans nothing is 100%, maybe he did all the right things but she simply did not like him. techniques improve odds, but nothing gives 100%


Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
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Yea well theres always that small percent of women that actually do like nice guys, which is about 10% and mad rare. The other 90% would usually go for ****y and funny but you gotta take control, what everyone else said. I dk maybe she's just into wusses. lol.

J. Darko

Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2009
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I think she just didn't find him attractive enough. Looks > game.


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2010
Reaction score
J. Darko said:
I think she just didn't find him attractive enough. Looks > game.
I agree. I know many on here wont agree but physical attraction is neccessary, although being funny and playful increases the attraction. If you are funny and playful like when you were a little kid then people can't help but to like you.


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2009
Reaction score
Igetit! said:
Ok,then answer this:how long did you know her BEFORE you asked her out.

A day,3 days,a week or two,or what?

And also,what did she say the FIRST TIME you asked her out?
Well, actually, I don't know if I didn't mention, but I have know her for about a month and a half. As soon as I met her I just decided to get a cup of coffee with her, just to know her. That's when I found out she had such a great personality, she was funny and all, and pretty. So I started the C&F as soon as I could.
Regarding to kino, yes I worked on it, although she didn't seemed to like it. However, when she was unsure if I should continue, I just answered, "Come on, I am not gonna bite you" in a funny tone. I never forced her (never force a woman to do something she didn't want).
By the way, this guy, the times I saw him with her, almost didn't touched her and simply was too nice (as I could hear from himself and how she commented on him). By the way, he had known her for 7 years! I don't really know if it was since then that she liked him or just a while ago. And he is not the super hot man, he is as average as me. She even hasn't commented anything on his looks, and as I know her, she doesn't take that much in account.

Igetit! said:
Yea well theres always that small percent of women that actually do like nice guys, which is about 10% and mad rare. The other 90% would usually go for ****y and funny but you gotta take control, what everyone else said. I dk maybe she's just into wusses. lol.
But well, I have to agree with this opinion more. Sorry, I was too stressed the while I wrote it. But maybe yes, she is one of those rare women who actually like nice guys, and I just maybe have to move on. I talked with him a while, and he is not that bad, and even is quite funny and interesting. I maybe will give him a chance, so I am just get over it :cool:

However, I got the question of the million: "Should I continue to be a jerk?". I once was a nice guy, and really enjoyed some results I had with friends, and even I got my first girl (not officially) acting like that. Now that I see there do exist those rare and special women, I was thinking if I should stop acting like a jerk.
I mean, come on, I really don't care to be surrounded by hot chicks, but to meet that one special girl who is sincere, funny and likes to be complimented and not just be treated like a *****. Really, I don't care on looks, but more on personality and how I feel with that girl. If there are those girls out there, I really considered to stop treating women so bad. Ok I will continue to be secure and C&F sometimes, but I don't think treating well women and just giving an occasional gift will be bad.

What do you think?

Thank by the way for your comments :D


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
You know that you misquoted me. You quoted me as saying something that Colombiandude said,that "10%" remark.

So anyway,you asked her out,she said yes,then you two went out,right?

Then a little later on,you got the friends speech from her.

Well if you two went out,then later on you got the friends speech,then obviously she's not attracted to you.

I don't see what the big deal is,can't you just go and meet someone else?

Why waste time with someone you went out with,who decided that she's not interested in you? And if that wasn't enough,she already has a boyfriend.

Do what she did....

You two went out,she wasn't interested,so she moved on and found someone else.

While you're stuck trying to figure her out,she's done moved on and got into a relationship.

Forget her. She forgot you.

As far as you changing your behavior,so what do you plan on doing?

You plan to put on a different face for each new girl you come across?

Just be you,dude. You already have everything necessary to attract women.

I believe ALL MEN do. It's just that these attractive qualities have been covered up and repressed either by upbringing,rejection from girls,or distorted by tv and movies.

One of the main focuses here on the forum is to strip away fear and wrong teaching to help us become TRUE MEN. You don't need to put up a different face for each girl you meet,just get rid of wrong teaching and misinformation,and you'll be ok.

Just be YOU,dude.


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2009
Reaction score
Igetit! said:
Forget her. She forgot you.
Igetit is absolutely right. You'll see, as soon as you meet even one new girl that you're interested in you'll completely forget about the old one.

The thing that's bothering ME personally most is how you refer to ****y+funny and kino as almost materialistic things.

About ****y+funny: Some people might say fake it til you make it, but if you you do that you'll eventually come off as having a fake, ingenuine personality.

Igetit! said:
Just be YOU,dude.
IDEALLY, that's the way to go^^.

Of course the reason most of us are on this site it that^ got us nowhere. I can't really give specific advice, I'm not nearly experienced enough but what I can confidently tell you is:
HAVE FUN!!!!!!!

I think it's a proven scientific fact too! If you enjoy yourself, people around you naturally start enjoying themselves too and that's what girls want!

Not only will this get rid of tons of awkwardness, but it will make things a lot more playfull which means it's a lot easier to "perform kino" as you put it.

About kino: I don't understand why people say "to perform kino," or "I kinoed her," if you have to say the word it would make much more sense to say "we kinoed." Maybe that's just me.

Once again, kino SHOULD start very PLAYFULLY and fun. Here are a few little tricks which worked for me:
1. If she's wearing a ring, bracelet examine it. (that's very minor but wouldn't be a bad start)
2. If she has a certain hairstyle, touch it or tease her about it. My absolute favorite is girls who wear bumpits haha. I just have to pat it and comment (that would also make them feel a bit insecure that you've discovered the bumpit :D )
3. A little thing I learned is girls usually take up a nice amount of room when they sit, especially if their legs are crossed. So when I'm sitting across from one what I do is lightly kick her and tell her to stop taking so much space. Sometimes I have a little footsie war but not too long thats kinda gay lol. What I then do is stretch out my legs into her space and say "ok I'll sit like this too then!" Your legs are basically forced to touch each other.

The reason i listed those three is you can really do those at any time without seeming at all weird. Those also act as minor tests imo. I remember one time I tried to kick a girl and she FLIPPED OUT because she didn't want to get her boots dirty or something =/. Another time however, a girl started unconsciously rubbing my leg with hers which is a huge ioi.

Now, if you notice she's relatively comfortable with that type of touching, you can move on and start touching more often.
If you two are sitting look into her eyes and tease her about something and hold her hands for a bit. If you're standing or walking put your arm around her for a little. It all depends on the situation.

The best part is, the more you do it, the easier and more natural it becomes for both you and the girl and as you escalate it to more sexual touching it doesn't seem at all awkward.

Now back to the girl you originally posted about. As hard as it is you really should forget about her and move on.

Seriously, Igetit wrote some good sh1t, if you listen to him you should be fine. I also strongly disagree with the people here that say looks>game and you shouldn't take that idea too strongly. I know from personal experience, from my current girlfriend that isn't true! Her past boyfriends were these chiseled, jacked@ss guys while I consider myself average if not a little worse and I can barely bench 160 pounds. All I do is go out, have fun, and not give a sh1t. It works for me and it will work for you.


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2009
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YogurtSlinger said:
I thought nice guys always finish last?:rolleyes:
trust me, they do, I've spent 20 years being nice and never got a girlfriend

and when you're not nice(as in you have a sense of self) even if you are still single, at least you have your dignity, at least you don't feel your energy went for nothing. being nice you lose alot more

I don't even have loyal friends, only people who call for favors


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2009
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bookman said:
trust me, they do, I've spent 20 years being nice and never got a girlfriend
Trust me, they don't.

Hasn't failed me yet.;)


New Member
Jan 21, 2010
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dude in a few days notice she'll either be disinterested on that other guy or she will stay with him but feel really bored, which is the time for you to sweep in and take her