"****y-Funny & Busting"


Jun 7, 2007
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Just got an e-mail from David D, about C/F and busting...

...Now, I've been known to joke with women similar to that. But here's the thing. I've got to be in the mood for this, and it has to be the right time. I know I will F*#k myself if I try to do something like this at the wrong time, or if I force it.

And that material. If I asked a woman "where she got that ugly dress," and she said "Old Navy," and I said "you were in the Navy?" she wouldn't think it funny, she would think I was a blithering IDIOT.

My point? ****y/funny, and some friendly busting? Absolutely! But to the point where I was being a prick, or sounding like a bufoon? Really now.

I mean, to do it the same way you would joke with buddies, sure, but there's a point where a buddy would want to kick my @ss, and a woman would want to see me get it kicked.

Seriously...how far is this sheit supposed to go?
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The Zen Energy

Don Juan
Jun 18, 2007
Reaction score
I don't got it TOTALLY figured out, but the thing with C/F is its more a matter of balance and not passing a certain boundary, once it hits your subconscious, it pours out with an almost perfect balance. 50% humor and 50% wiseass tactics. I for a while had a reputation for being a bit of a wiseass.....unfortunately, i started to become more boring than wet paint drying.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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PrinceBeavis said:
Whatsamatter? None of you "studs" got this figured out either?
Ouch that stings. Air quotes gets me every time.

If I asked a woman "where she got that ugly dress," and she said "Old Navy," and I said "you were in the Navy?" she wouldn't think it funny, she would think I was a blithering IDIOT.
Which part of this is ****y or funny let alone both? Kind of hard to be down on C&F when your example is neither.

My point? ****y/funny, and some friendly busting? Absolutely! But to the point where I was being a prick, or sounding like a bufoon? Really now.
If you're BEING A PRICK then it's not funny. Funny to her. Not you.


New Member
May 10, 2006
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PrinceBeavis said:
Just got an e-mail from David D, about C/F and busting...

...Now, I've been known to joke with women similar to that. But here's the thing. I've got to be in the mood for this, and it has to be the right time. I know I will F*#k myself if I try to do something like this at the wrong time, or if I force it.

And that material. If I asked a woman "where she got that ugly dress," and she said "Old Navy," and I said "you were in the Navy?" she wouldn't think it funny, she would think I was a blithering IDIOT.

My point? ****y/funny, and some friendly busting? Absolutely! But to the point where I was being a prick, or sounding like a bufoon? Really now.

I mean, to do it the same way you would joke with buddies, sure, but there's a point where a buddy would want to kick my @ss, and a woman would want to see me get it kicked.

Seriously...how far is this sheit supposed to go?
you can get away with lots of C&F if you never Qualify yourself. Remember women become attracted when they are frustrated a little, I know it makes no sense . until you see it a thousand times.

Myriad By Python

Don Juan
Jun 19, 2007
Reaction score
I believe C/F should not be the main theme in an interaction. It should be just thrown in there like a spice. I really think a lot of girls (unless they're dumb.. or 14 yrs old) are too mature for C/F, I feel they want something more during an interaction.

My advice, start learning how to have fun with the girl rather than just busting on her the entire time.