I think you guys are approaching this DJ stuff all wrong. Being a DJ doesn't mean that you're being someone else to get a girl. That's just crazy. If you're looking for a quick lay, some speed seduction stuff would work, but if you wanna be a DJ, you're just changing yourself for the better so that you are so content with life that people become naturally attracted to you.
Being a DJ is about self-improvement. You should change yourself FOR THE BETTER. You should understand all the mental programming the world has done to you while you've grown up and that nature never intended it to be this way and to act accordingly. If you're just being a mean bastard to get the girl, you're building a facade, not true to yourself and definitely not true to the woman who you are with. But hey, whatever works for you right?
If you entered a real relationship the right way, you shouldn't be asking yourself,
"Should I change back to the way I used to be?"
That change should have become you by now. If it isn't, then you're just lying to yourself. Jeez, be a man about it. Be who you are, if she doesn't like that, then forget her. You need to do what is for you.
Being an AFC means changing FOR HER. Being a DJ is changing for YOU. Who are you changing for this time? Who are you worried about losing? Definitely not your own integrity.
If you want a short answer, then you should be the man that she's known since DAY 1. For fell for you for all the reasons that made you you. While you're in the relationship, you should act like you have always acted. If it worked in getting the girl, why change?
If you want a long answer, ask yourself why you would want to be in a relationship when you can't really even be yourself. Maybe even drop the whole dating thing completely till your reestablish yourself and figure out what makes a man a man and what makes you you. It's all social programming, figure out what side of the table you want to be on.
Good luck with whatever you want to do.