Originally posted by Sexy_Malibu
That's surprisingly close to an accurate description, ha. :cheer:
Thanks. I have been told many times that I have psychic abilities, especially with loose women. I call it HODAR
I do give quite spectacular head if I don't say so myself, I do perform extremely well under severe spankage, and my ass IS blindingly white (although it's not fat, sorry).
See thats a common misconception amongst white girls. When I say your ass is fat, that is a compliment. Its not really fat, just round and appealing, the kind a man can use for a most comfortable plillow.
I don't know what the "Jiggle Endurance Test" would entail.
Jiggle Endurance Test is when I slap your ass and see how long it takes to stop jiggling. A fun and rewarding sport if there ever was one.
But I never drink tequila anymore, so unless you slipped something in my Corona I think you were just THAT forgettable. Yawn.
Dont try to distract me with your alcoholic memory loss...I just wanna know what happened to make you stop drinking tequila. Now THAT must be a tale worth tellin! (If you can remember it, that is)