This NWO conspiracy theory is nonsense. Nevertheless, I believe China is a huge threat to us right now:
1. Over 4 trillion dollars of our debt is to foreign countries, especially China, which is also producing most of the things we buy in America now. The U.S. hardly makes anything anymore. This happened very recently (and very quietly). When I was little, I remember everything..all the toys, the salt shakers, everything..was made in the USA. Now, it's all made in China. This is a security threat.
2. China is a communist nation. They don't like the USA. They're taking our money and investing it in their military. Their military is growing faster than their economy.
3. We've been stupid and we've been allowing Chinese immigration in record numbers. As a previous poster stated, they are invading us from within. They are not taught American civics. They are not taught about the principles of this country...they are not encouraged to assimilate. By the year 2040, if we don't do anything, the U.S. will be a "majority minority" thanks to all the Chinese and illegal Mexican immigrants.
I'm in college right now and I've heard them talking about this stuff. One
Asian professor in particular is excited. She can't wait until 2040, because then everybody can "redefine what America really is."
Incidentally, she sent her entire class links to the website "The Socialist Worker".
THAT is the threat of China....not these conspiracy theories.