WTH ?? was that all about?

Sal Ceech

Don Juan
Aug 31, 2011
Reaction score
Southern Ontario Canada
Hi I'm hoping I can get an idea of what went down during the time I went to Ohio for a cousins wedding. The trip up to that point was a bit of a see saw.I wasn't having the greatest time.After the reception was over , went to the local watering hole / pub .I wasn't into gaming , wasnt really in the mood.I'm wearing a suit , tie.Near the end of the night the night I stepped outside for a smoke , I got "ambushed". This chick goes comes up to me out of the blue and says " your weird, go somewhere else" .
I was stunned .I had my smoke in my lips lit it and said I'll stay right here." I'm 5'8 the blondie is taller had the hand on her hip and other hand pointing a direction ,and says " you have to go elsewhere" .I saw she was with 4 guys.The group looked mid twenties . I'm 43 but some have said I look younger maybe 30.I look over the group and tell her that's alright you can go there I'm fine here.

She gets out of my face , sits back down and goes muttering yadda..yadda...this faggot ..yadda yadda "what's your name ? After a beat I replied and asked hers she answered. Then goes on ranting about whatever to her group.I play it cool diplomatic and go back inside .I overhead her friends say her name , I was leaving with a ride and said to her " good night , (name,lastname) .She pauses and says your weird"

I just fixed my password and was able to post , I read the list what a chick says/really means. Other than a drunken cee u Next Tues having a bad day or on the rags , any ideas what that was about ?

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
What happened was you were in Ohio where the worst women I've ever encountered are. The 20 year olds here roll out to bars in big groups and if they see any guy in the bar who looks a day over 28 who isn't drop dead handsome, the women feel entitled to treat him like a leper.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
next time ignore the *****, or if you want to piss her off says you don't have money, so go find another client


Jun 6, 2009
Reaction score
Hold the phone...you are with a group from your cousins wedding at a local watering hole. You go outside for a smoke and some little kunt comes up and gives you shyt for no rhyme or reason?
I would have said something like 'Sorry.....and who are you when you are not being a rude ignoramus? Is this how you conduct yourself in everyday life by walking up to strangers and start hassling them in a public place? If anyone is weird, lady, it is you. Now fvck off and get out of my face before I go have a word with the management of this place".

Sal Ceech

Don Juan
Aug 31, 2011
Reaction score
Southern Ontario Canada
@StaggerLee ... Is it like that in CLE , CVG , CMH as well as the smaller towns? My cuz is older a regular there , an Alpha

@Alfave .... It would likely been effective to have a deadpan expression , and a slow shake of the head ... She would have kept going.This was the weekend before the 4th of July last year.To myself I had thought , : What if I had smirked slowly and said sweetie I'm heading back home later in the morning , my day wasn't too hot ( heatwave) yours doesn't like it was either , my cousin lives up the road let's go ."

@Zunder ..... Sub the word little for tall , other than that ... Yup exactly. I was stunned I did not have presence of mind.If I did maybe say just like you suggested with a " look honey , same words with a slow casual tone.

Until today it did not dawn on me to even day something to staff.I have not told this to anyone there , only person I think I told was my bro-in-law .

Stagger I was there 3x at that bar , I have talked to some other twenty something chicks, she was cool . I just that incident was particular to that banshee .....her name rhymes with frigid. Speaking of which yes no rhyme or reason.Thanks so much on the replies :)


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Dear Cheech,
Happens......In a strange place,best just smile,say nothing.Have a drink move on....Pity is,that in these little One Horse Towns,there is always some local thug with a perverted sense of Social Justice who will pick a fight with you for insulting a Lady....Win,win for him,he is Jack the Lad in front of his mates and later on might get a roll in the Hay with her!

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
Alvafe said:
say you don't have money, so go find another client
Thanks, that's a good one!

Sal Ceech

Don Juan
Aug 31, 2011
Reaction score
Southern Ontario Canada
Mauser after that scenario you mentioned ..today is our thanksgiving and since I read it lots of food for thought.I'll be adding more to this thread later , mind as well warn ya,s it ain't gonna be pretty.


Don Juan
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
I know the Ohio and CVG thing well and agree with Stagger's assessment. I don't know if it's unique to the midwest, though, as we can all agree women are fucked up these days anyway.

I would say you do have to be really cautious in how you respond in a situation like that, though. It burns my ass when women, especially younger ones, act like a man as if they can call out a man with impunity. In a perfect world, they should get beaten down like a man. See, we have this weird schizo way of treating women in Western culture now where it's acceptable for them to act like a man, but not be treated like one. This is one of the number one things that has destroyed our society and may let the third world eventually kick our ass.

Back to the situation: responding in any way could be an invitation to an ass-kicking from her male friends and orbiters. Nothing like being boot-partied at a bar where you are a stranger with no backup.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Three said:
Nothing like being boot-partied at a bar where you are a stranger with no backup.
There are a lot of people who have been beaten to death outside of bars.

Sal Ceech

Don Juan
Aug 31, 2011
Reaction score
Southern Ontario Canada
Itsa gonna be a long one

Im gonna start with imagining the scenario I plowed her ..(with a fist).She had 4 orbiters with her.They were average build ,I would have to have been in a berzerker rage to take them on, lmao Bruce Lee Im not.Aside a potential pile on the rabbit and a possible stommpin , ...it would have been messy for alot reasons.I was traveling with my sis , who was covering the whole trip ( I dont have a car ).She is a L.E.O .I dont think I could pull off "I thought her fingers were going for my eyes",I reacted.I dont know if I,d be held until preliminary or a dropped charge with dont come back ever.Ahhh if she had bleeding ,broken shnozz Id be taken in custody likely.In the least that woud be awkward.


I would have said the last time I hit a female I ws 5.It was at some social event.I asked her to dance.She said no.I gave her a smack.I had been picked on when I was a kid an bullied some of the time.I was never taught to fight.I did not know why then ,why I was being picked on.Was it because I was "different" , a bit off?As it pathetic as it sounds it hurt more that I was not liked.

( Sorry for whats next ,some of you might wanna skip the next paragraphs ,then come back )

I was molested by older brother ,twice.I was 9 at thae time and he was 18.Funny enough to me thats not the worst part that goes to the CORE.The worst was the bullying ,being bossed around.He thought he was entitled being older.He believed he was acting as a surrogate dad ,because according to my siblings .I was "spoiled".That just means being the youngest and having older parents (mom 36,dad 38 at birth) I got the lightest punishment.My Dad was sometimes an off the boat,old school.

From all that bull**** I took my anger out on kids thatI could get away with bullying.I think I resented that that the seemed happy , I felt this inner evil to lash out.I picked on these 2 sisters .I did smack them around maybe 4 times or more.There are maybe 5 other group of kids grown believing Im the goof *******.The younger sister I came across 25 years later.She thought she knew me from high school.I said I was at another school ,what elementary did she go? The same one I went.She mentioned her sisters name then it hit me like a punch in the gut.My face was burning as I told her who I was.She laughingly said It effected her self-esteem.I did not tell her about the molestation ,but said I did not have any ,I took it out on them and others.I was thankful to have had the opportunity to say sorry , lift some regret.

My Dad did hit my Mom but I have no recollections or memories.I think I suppressed them?At 5 years old I had to go through the rigmarole of seeing specialists. The teach thought that I was deaf,dumb, retarded ... something.I was in my own world sometimes.This went on for 4 months .After all that ,they said I was a "normal" kid. I actually got picked on by girls several times .This one group did it often.This was after the sisters I picked on .I firmly was told and believed that you do not hit chicks for any reason whatsoever.Naturally they would take advantage.The lead ***** was started going out with my friend.His parents gave me big sit down on why one has to stand up for yourself.

What a scene it was on this one day.The head ***** came over to start **** with me,pushing me around.My buddy says "are you gonna let her do that".I said what can I do she is your girl I dont want any beef from you.He takes my hand literally makes punching motions on her.I thought ,well alright then its a green light.I said "do you mean like this?".I gave her a hard punch on the below the shoulder . Right then I saw the 'eyes of the tiger" ROFL .I had just enough time to say an internal " oh-oh"She ponced on me knocked me to the ground.She goes on and on with a spiel .All I remember is the boner that I thought was gonna rip through my pants like a "jack in the box " ...

Last edited:

Sal Ceech

Don Juan
Aug 31, 2011
Reaction score
Southern Ontario Canada

The excuse this time, Im on a public PC with a timer.I almost lost the draft so I had to send with out a preview.I got 45 mins to get going lol ...

This lead b#$h was straddling me.I think she felt something under there.After she gets up I dont think I was ever bothered by them again.I drove taxi for 18 years.I witnessed 2 girls getting punched , a wife getting slapped.The kid was getting kicked out of a new years eve party, I was sent to get him?.I was astounded when he gave each chick a full on punch.I yelled " you dont hit woman",he answers "you wanna have a go?!. " He started to swing I ducked had him jammed against the cab.He gives up.Im tied down waiting for cops.He gets taken in.I go to court.I lost bigtime $$$ for this punk.

The husband has an issue with another driver.He is a drunk that does not wanna pay up.He is pushing the driver around.He calls for help.10 cabs show up .I was the only "native" there.After a bit the wife discretely pays the fair.I see that on the corner of my eye, then I turn around and say "Lets go everybody , we dont need to spend more time with him".He caught on and slapped his wife.He was a tall f^^^k^r .Im 5,8 , he kinda reminded me of an 'anorexic' ,-Andre the Giant".I was indignant.I said I dont care this is a domestic but if you touch her again I will step in ,you try that again in front of me.I was shaken up.The dispatcher asked how it it went up there.I replied "well the driver collected ,but we witnessed her getting smacked for it".He contacted cops.Later on I got asked to make a statement to the responding officer.

I made a verbal statement.I was surprised when he said "I would like for you to write out ,pretty much what you said in my notebook".Next to getting to play with cuffs or a billy I thought this was a compliment.I did one time wanted to be a cop.

Okay getting back a bit here.In that hot Ohio summer night what if it was a woman getting hassled just like I was.I would step in hope somebody got staff.

Ive been Bi now for just over more than half my lifetime ..ohh I left out the polar.I do get them ups and downs.Im thankful ,others posted about depression and other issues.Back in the spring I was doing much better.I looked good,felt good.I was doing Zumba for 2 months .I got let go on a temp job for being tardy then it just spiraled right to rock bottom.In the last month and a half I left room maybe , 6 times.As far as game goes?I asked Rollo for advice.He was busy with his book at the time.I asked how can you have game when there is no basis for confidence.Self-esteem and confidence are the foundations of everyone.How can you approach when there is no DHV.

I recently have gone through a whack of threads.I had great laughs with Fingers,KillaPete ,The DJBible and various posters.Y,all are my group therapy.I have immense gratitude for the hope thats been shown.MidnightCityafter reading " what a chick really means" and fingers it was the first time I had considered that she was actually into me.I had to get the opinion here.To me it seemed pathetic that I get validated with ..umm hard backhanded compliment by an HB6-8.?? ..

timer is up ,..Ill be back as Arnold says lol

Sal Ceech

Don Juan
Aug 31, 2011
Reaction score
Southern Ontario Canada
Alrighty time to wrap it up

[B@MidnightCity[/B]There might be case for she liked me.I distinctly remember her saying weird not weirdo.That in a silly way kinda makes sense.She was dressed well that night.I wonder then if was something like this : She had a rough day.She was checking me out ,but could not figure out why I was gun shy..?. It was pissing her off .I caught her in the middle of a rant when I stepped out.She takes it out on me somewhat.She wanted to "teach me a lesson"? Whats with this dude?Im not drop dead handsome , maybe somewhat handsome.

If by some off chance something like this were to happen again.I would whisper slowly ,calmly ,casually " Sweetie, either at your place or mine we will play a game its called 'Who,s the boss' .When she is taken aback and asks how do you play it,Ill reply ." well its better explained when were alone" if she says tell me now ,Ill say " during funtime the one who gets there first , says to their mate "who,s the boss".The one that says it the most times during a "session" or a "round" wins the game=)

If I get slapped Ill flinch ,exhale, then shrug my shoulders and tilt my head to one side.Most of the time I have done the shrug ,I get the giggles from chicks.If any of you wants to try this do let me know how it goes love to hear it with FR,s ..

The recovery plan? get back working at any job.The big dream is to go out west.Thats the promised land in Canada.There is thread on Roosh titled '6 figures in 6 months,working in the oil sands' I have to save at least 3k$ to get out there.If I can qualify for a grant then I wanna do long haul trucking,for a short while.Overall the main thing is to maintain,sustain..then Ill be all set for game" LMAO I wasn,t doing a rap piece!

The DJBible,Fingers,Killa ..the OP,s here have givin me that giddy up and go.I was in tears when someone ,maybe in DJ Tips section suggested using the technique of the "Russian Mobster" .His gf would ask to have a ladies night it with friends..he says go ahead its NOTHING.the gf spends quite a bit on a shopping spree....he says its alright its NOTHING.She does some more things.Now when he has her bent over he then says "This is for all the NOTHINGS'"

oh ya @MidnightCity.. I did the Scorpions tune at karaoke .."big city nights" ..ever since I saw your handle its been playing in my head heehee.Thanks for your patience ,wisdom and understanding fellow DJrs


Sal Ceech

Don Juan
Aug 31, 2011
Reaction score
Southern Ontario Canada

Sammy I heard that tune one time before, heehee dude ought to have played it cool ,but that would not make the song as funny and true.MCity . ahh man Im still in stitches after reading your reply.I thank you Brother.Now I can be aware fully of game, and armed with the weapons of Mass Seduction ,..among others.I will credit you for giving me the method of the "slap of the salceech" Yup she did get me good , I thank everybody for setting me straight . I so look forward the next time I visit Cl..I mean Ohio.I hope she is a regular at the bar, I will ask around.

StaggerLee ,..hey man thanx for giving me the insight of the mindset there.There is another thread about someone looking for a wingman in Toronto.I howl of all the major cities ,it seems the toughest for game.I have ran the gauntlet.Thanx for helping me lick my wounds sooner rather than later.MCity , I feel like the athlete got the "game" plan from you as coach ,with a backslap .LMAO last night I did Karaoke ,and again I sang Big City Nights ,from the Scorpions :D

Between the midwest and T.O ,..;) I think Im all set for game !

Sal Ceech

Don Juan
Aug 31, 2011
Reaction score
Southern Ontario Canada
Pmsl ... If ima fuurreakin weird it's besides the point .The most important aspect is game , its awareness, how its done with confidence. One of these days I'll be visiting the big apple.I'm most of the time a lone wolf . Well when I'm there , then maybe you can wing for me on both for day and night game.MCity I think you may have fitted the last pieces in the puzzle .The picture is complete. I owe you one for the boost.Now you being in NY and all read this blog about a COC ..knt of knts.I'd advise you to do it on an empty stomach. Looking forward hunting with you. ;)


This one gave me a way overdue wake up slap ..it started the change from blue to red