WTF just happend


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2005
Reaction score
Me and a friend , a girl, were watching a movie together in my dorm room. I've known her for a little more than a year. Lately she has been showing high IL by giving me food, making excuses just to talk to me and hang out. So i figure why not try the DARK SIDE on her. Before the movie started she was already in my bed underneath the covers. (Keep in mind that we are just friends and somehow this past couple of weeks she just showed a lot on intrest in me. Its maybe because i just broke off a relationship with this other chick and like the bible said, girls want guys that they cant have.) So i sat on a chair next to the bed. And as the movie progresses i ended up sitting down at her feet and then moved up to laying next to her sharing a pillow. All the while making Kino, using the DARK SIDE, and stuff. We ended up talking in bed for an hour. Im guessing that she got really turned on because before i could make a move she put her head on my shoulder and naturally i put my arms around her. The mood was perfect, it was dark with only the monitor giving off light and i could still see her eyes and make eye contact. We ended up making out and i stuff, tried to take her clothes off while i was kissing her neck and chest but she kept resisting so i decided its not going to happen. She let me feel her body and she felt mine. We ended up sleeping in the same bed. This is when everything just cofused the hell out of me. She got up to go to her room and i asked her if we can talk about what happend and she just grabbed my hands and hugged me and left. I IMed her again and she agreed. I imed her right after she left. So we started talking and she kept saying that she didnt know what happend back there and that it was just too fast for her. We are friends and she did not expect that to happend. My problem about this is that she initiated the physical escalation of the situation. I only played the mind games. She was the one who started feeling me, started rubbing up against me and she is a smart girl. I figured she knew what she was doing. I dont know what happend and i really need help on this, maybe a way to make her think that i want to take it slow with her, go on atleast one date with her or something. I want to persue her or is it even possible after what happend. Or maybe its just the power of the DARK SIDE lol.


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
ignore it and just keep doing what you are doing. Chicks do not want to feel like sluts so they try and rationalize the situation in their heads. She is attracted to you and does not know why. Trust me just ask her to hang out again and do the same ****.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
P-Town 503
Well, I think it's safe to say you've probably got this one in the bag if you play it right.

It's the first time that ever happened....some chicks just wanna fool around the first time. If she's the one who initiated it, she's obviously attracted to you....You don't need to talk about what happened. That's just gonna complicate things and possibly change her mind if she thinks it's such a big deal that you need to 'talk about it'.

What happened is perfectly normal, and she needs to know that.

She already told you something along the lines of "It was a little too fast".

Okay, make plans to go do something, and make it happen again. But don't push too hard, wait until the third maybe fourth time this happens, then kill it.

Normally, I'd never tell somebody to wait, but this is a different situation.