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Writing a book about dating for introverts, based on my own experience.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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League of Legends and MTG are great for networking... at this point they should be called sports simply because they are played so much. I can connect with guys in almost every country at this point as those two games are played by a large group of men there.

I would say 97% of the world sits in front of a boob tube and does absolutely nothing with their life beyond their job, their house and their immediate family. Getting married is such a big deal they have a huge wedding bash where they blow all their money. I think life has always been this way, its not the TV or the hobby, its just people realizing their own nature by watching others 'watch'. Before TV, people would work in the village, read books, maybe they were a bit more social but only a little. The extroverts took the huge risks, going out on the sailing ships and getting around the world despite not having access to information. Trade routes with tall ships used to be huge, at one time the entire world was heavily connected by them, now you hardly hear about the merchant marine at all.

From my time in the 3rd world I still noticed that people would rather be propped up in front of a TV. Just a very small minority were actively taking part in making their lives better by going places. When people get too comfortable with food/shelter even if its in complete crap, they tend not move. That's why you rarely see 1st worlders in the 3rd world but you always see 3rd's in the first. You are just too comfortable and living comes too easy to you. If you are feeling like you aren't part of the world, its probably cause you aren't. Buy a $10 backpack and pick any poorer country, get the shots, save some cash and go. You can still play Morrowind, just do it while sitting in another country to blow off some steam, it is infinitely more rewarding to play those games when you have to hunt down an Xbox, find the underground to buy the English games and have a projector shooting the image on to your wall. All my friends and I played through Skyrim and HALO 4 but we did it by getting together and trying to track down the places that sold the English games under the table... that was an adventure in itself. I knew all the places in the city that sold games and movies and how much... haggling to get them was actually more fun then playing them. Eventually, I just noticed that I was trying to collect all of them and that became the hobby I spent the most time on.

You have to remember even people on TV are not really extroverts either and they are not REALLY adventurers. These are people who are basically in a room, doing everything in front of the camera. When we watch TV, it looks as though we are part of their world when in fact they are doing all their movements and reading from a script, mechanically, facing the camera... this is not the same as putting yourself in front of REAL people. We often equate movie stars with adventurers but nothing could be further from the truth, these are imaginary characters created by other stay-at-homes, dreaming about what the world 'might be like'. You want to meet other extroverts, you gotta go abroad, you'll meet them on airplanes going to far off destinations. Even meeting women abroad is an adventure and a challenge, you've got to re-learn what works and apply what you know. You'll get more out of your interactions with the local girls as you'll put in more effort and have more fun trying to communicate the most basic things, you'll also have more patience and it will create a deeper connection.

That said, I am an extreme extrovert forcing myself to live in the 1st world (built for introverts). Everything in the 1st world is created for better introversion. Of course they have nightclubs and other small arenas where I can be myself once in awhile but for the large part, the west is introvert central. I hate it. My friends and for some reason my wife, are all introverts and I notice that introverts tend to gravitate towards extroverts. I'm the 'that's our LivefreeX' in my social groups. Now having said that, all my introvert friends still managed to get married and start families in the 3rd world without PUA/Game. There is just something about getting out into the 3rd world which activates your survival instincts and you become better at everything you do. If you lean more towards extroversion, its going to make you an extreme version of yourself.
If you are more of an introvert, it will force out your extrovert tendencies and reinforce that you must make friends in order to survive. When abroad and you see someone who is clearly not from the local area, its very easy to strike up a conversation and make a connection be you intro or extro. No amount of learning game and picking up women at home will offer the same rewarding experience that being out in the open world does.

Morrowind is a game for adventures, as is fallout. You've got the skills to survive in the hostile environment, now you just have to put play into practice and see what comes out. If you like that type of Sandbox game, you're gonna love the real world.

What applies?

You go out in search of money/quests.

You see a new person, your first instinct is to run up and talk to them, quiz them on information from your quest, once in awhile someone joins your party.

You learn new skills to conquer hostile environments.

You build and buy houses abroad and create safe areas where you can relax.

You eventually become wrapped up in the quests of others and start crusading on their behalf, trying to track down items and resources that will help them complete their quests and increase their loyalty scores.

Sand box Games are incredibly useful to real world adventuring.

Yes, it goes down just like this. I honestly don't know how he got these North American girls to go along with this but whomever made this video is a genius. This is so accurate to my experience, its uncanny.
Dude, Morrowind is like 12 years old...Oblivion and Skyrim have followed it and another chapter is coming out next year


Don Juan
Dec 10, 2012
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Dude, Morrowind is like 12 years old...Oblivion and Skyrim have followed it and another chapter is coming out next year
Bethesda may pump out as many games as they wish - graphics aside I doubt any will be as good as Morrowind. Oblivion was playable, but Skyrim? Sorry, no. It is all about the story, and Skyrim does not have one. Instead it has some puzzles a 2 year old could solve in less than a minute and... dragons? Morrowind felt real, it was difficult it created a completely new atmosphere, where I could almost feel I am in the game. Skyrim and Oblivion too (for a lesser extent) has been dumbed down.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Bethesda may pump out as many games as they wish - graphics aside I doubt any will be as good as Morrowind. Oblivion was playable, but Skyrim? Sorry, no. It is all about the story, and Skyrim does not have one. Instead it has some puzzles a 2 year old could solve in less than a minute and... dragons? Morrowind felt real, it was difficult it created a completely new atmosphere, where I could almost feel I am in the game. Skyrim and Oblivion too (for a lesser extent) has been dumbed down.
I'll assume you never played with mods, and if that's the case you have no idea what you are missing. It's almost two different games with and without mods.

Vanilla versions of those games are at like 3% of their modded potential.


Don Juan
Dec 10, 2012
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I actually used a few mods on Morrowind, but had to be selective about it, as a lot of them were incompatible with each other or simply bugged. If I get the time, then I might play it again with a graphics overhaul... Skywind looks promising too. However I doubt that there is a mod that would create a plausible story into Skyrim, and remove/replace many details I consider fit for children ages 3+. And adding extra content in the shape of mods into a game that I in all honestly consider for young children would just add more content into a childrens game. Sorry for all the Skyrim fans here, but that is the way I see things.

You may laugh, but I actually enjoyed visiting bookstores in Morrowind... and reading books ingame. :D That was how well the game was done. It was like a real world, and I indeed learned a lot from it at the cost of not having a real life for several years. :p But then the storywriter resigned and we got Oblivion. Skyrim... I doubt they even employed a storywriter.

oOh Nasty

Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2002
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As someone who became quite interested in MBTI years ago, I can say that introverts need to know their weaknesses and overcome them in order to bring balance to their life. Extraverts also.

Introverts need time in the limelight. Extraverts need time by themselves to experience more introspection.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
I actually used a few mods on Morrowind, but had to be selective about it, as a lot of them were incompatible with each other or simply bugged. If I get the time, then I might play it again with a graphics overhaul... Skywind looks promising too. However I doubt that there is a mod that would create a plausible story into Skyrim, and remove/replace many details I consider fit for children ages 3+. And adding extra content in the shape of mods into a game that I in all honestly consider for young children would just add more content into a childrens game. Sorry for all the Skyrim fans here, but that is the way I see things.

You may laugh, but I actually enjoyed visiting bookstores in Morrowind... and reading books ingame. :D That was how well the game was done. It was like a real world, and I indeed learned a lot from it at the cost of not having a real life for several years. :p But then the storywriter resigned and we got Oblivion. Skyrim... I doubt they even employed a storywriter.
What's not believable about someone killing a king and starting a civil war to take back their homeland? This stuff happens quite a bit throughout history and still happens now.

There are mods that do just about anything...teams of designers that release mods bigger and better than the DLCs that came out, a mod that actually reintroduced the Civil War and allows you to take part in It and actually lose, tons of content that was in there but got left out because of it being rushed, New world's, revamped everything, etc, etc. Basically whatever you want you can find. Comparability has been greatly enhanced by people who created patchers for the mods to sort out the records, etc...

In some ways the mods are actually better than the game itself.

And don't think I am hating on Morrowind because I'm not. I loved that game...Bloodmoon, Tribunal, etc I had all of them. In fact I still have all of them installed on my rig right now...


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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Had a quick read. Not bad. The T chapter was interesting but I was a little bit concerned about the emphasis on supplements. Now I have 0 credibility because I haven't had my T tested. But I would assume the young guys can get a lot of mileage just by having a varied diet. E.g adding a few bananas and almonds to your week would sort out your boron. And the old guys probably need the shots. There are also plenty of Studies showing that high dosage vitamins can cause cancer. Vitamin D that you mentioned is one of them. So if it's not too late and in a chapter about how to get these from your food in my humble opinion would add some value.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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Faking and becoming more extroverted are completely two different things. And if you are faking it, you won't be very convincing because you'll more than likely be socially awkward. Basically you are learning more social skills, which many introverts lack.
learning more social skill will not make you a extrovert, in the end of the day you will want to stay alone without people noise so you can rest