STR8UP said:;_ylt=As8CsQIFQ4dWtCu1fOqrlZkazJV4
Check out the comments. You would expect to see "PIG" and "DOG" and every other negative word in the book, but no! These people are actually defending him!
If anyone hasn't caught at least five seconds of his t.v. show, you might not know that the wife is the EPITOME of everything that is wrong with women today. A short haired, ball busting, obsessive compulsive, passive aggressive beyotch. Just the way she looks at him turns my stomach.
Check out :45-1:00. Also check out 2:00-2:25.
I think I need to throw up now....
Just thought it was kind of interesting to see blog comments actually blaming the woman for a man's infidelity.
Men and women have different views on cheating.
A women is more concerned the 'other women’ will take the guy and this is true the more qualities the guy has.
For example:
A rich guy, or a hot guy would be ‘forgiven’ in rather a lot of circumstances if:
He did not get the other girl pregnant (i.e his time and resources are now taken up by the ‘other women’)
He didn't start giving the other women attention.
You see it all the time.
Rich guys and successful guys, cheating on the women left right and centre and the women still stick with them.
Men and women think differently about cheating.
Has a man we cant get past that some other male has injected his love juice into your women and I believe this goes back to nature – i.e not wanting to raise another mans son.
Where as a women, is more focused on; what the man can offer –
Yes women do not want the man to cheat, but most will either ignore or pretend it didn't even happen. If the guy had the right excuse he would be forgiven.
But this only equates to the ‘catch male’, i.e the more qualities that are desirable to the women, the more of a chance she will forgive and forget.
Look at David Beckham for example, cheated on his wife numerous times and not even a peep out of the wife – why? Because she gets so much attention from being with David – His cheating makes no dint on her character at all, if anything she will get more sympathy and attention from other women.
Now if it was in reverse and Posh cheated for example; David will be humiliated and his man hood is left in question.
It really is different.
I think men who have partners that leave them because they cheated either:
A: went too far.
B: Did not have the qualities that where truly desirable by the women enough to surpass the cheating.
Women forgive cheaters all the time, but there is a crux – they usually forgive cheaters if:
A: The story pulls the old heart strings.
C: The guy is Hot (bad boy, playa', alpha stud)
D: The guy is rich (or has the potential, see provider guy)
C: The guy is a 'catch' or socially desirable in the womens socio group.
If you have a combination of the above 4, you could probably get away with cheating on your women and get virtually no backlash from it – but if for example you’re cheating was to effect your ‘relationship’ to your partner, that is when you would see a problem.
Women don’t like ‘affairs’.
But they ‘will’ and do forgive ‘one night stands’ rather regularly.
After all a good % of women actually think ‘ men cant help it ‘ and that is - good for us.
If you know what to say and she finds out you’ve been sleeping around, you can twist it around – more so then you could do if the genders where reversed.
Also I believe if a women is into you, she is going to be more ‘upset’ if you leave her for ‘no one else’, i.e you leave her to be free, then she would be if you left her for another women. The second she can excuse – the first she has to reflect deeply into herself and wonder what she did and that is something I feel most women do not like to do at all.
If women did not get stupid payments from divorce courts, the ratio of women who would put up with the man having a younger lover would sky-rocket.
Alternativly, no man worth shi* would put up with his women sleeping with anyone else, no matter what she had.
Look at the attention the women is getting and all the gushing emotions from the other women, they love this shi* - This drama is like crack to them. The cheating pales compared to all the attention the chick is getting with this - Yes she will put up a front, but if the guy manned up a little and told her to either accept it or get the fu** out, this drama would not of even happened - But then again this would have deprived the women her chance to pour out all her emotional feelings -
Though personnally I think having your women go on a talk show talking about you cheating has to be the bigged AFC shi* I have seen this morning - Look at him sat there like a simpering beta provider guy wimp ass*d fuc* - the guy is nothing but a commodity and that is why she does not mind, but she will rub it in because at the end of the day, it gives her power over her B***H and his cheating only helped to shift the power to her from him, because he let it.
The way she looks at him, whilst telling the story like some school teacher mocking a child, really does tell a story in itself. No wonder the guy cheated.
The cheating was a real good excuse to 'grab power' and the women is more concerned about that, then she is about him fuc*ing someone else - That much is clear.
This is an example of a guy who if his circumstances changed the women would be thinking of an out! I would put money on that.
I see a poor guy castrated by kids and a power hungry wife - Poor bastar* - But he brings it on himself, the first evidence of Manliness and cheating on this cun*, is met with more power for her and less for him - His ball sack has probably gone so far inside his stomach, i'd be surpised if he is even allowed to fuc* the master of that relationship.
This guy is a beta provider and a perfect example of what your life could be if you marry some power hungry bitc8 and let her control you.
She has the perfect excuse to dump him, take his kids and half his pay-check, so why doesn't she? Becuase here we have a perfect example of a women with a lap-dog and why should she give up that? She has him under her boot heel already. If he rebels or puts up a fight or tries to look for his balls, he has the threat of the law of the land to look forward to.
Dont you just love it - seeing castrated males with power hungry bitc*'s, makes me happy I aint sat next to her thats for sure.