Wow, what an education in *****iness


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2002
Reaction score
The towner
It's been a long time since I've posted on here, since I've been busy getting some experience, but what happened this past week deserves a mention.

I met an HB 8.5. In fact, she approached me (I'm NEVER approached by chicks). I get her number, eventually we go out for dinner, go back to her place, kiss a lot, fool around, etc. I did NOT have sex with her (quoth me : "It's the first date! what's your hurry?")

This all took place last Saturday. I called her once on Thursday, asking what she was up to this weekend...she said something about some relatives coming in and, well, I took it at face value.

Fast forward to this Saturday...I'm at a club, I see her there, talking to some big musclebound beefcake. I move in, ask him if I could borrow her for a second, take her about 10 feet away and lay down the law on her....."You owe me an explanation!" I wasn't shouting or anything, just being gentle but firm.

She proceeds to go nuts and accuses me of being rude on the phone (note: all I did was ask her about what she was up to for the weekend).
"You're SOO RUDE!!!"
"You were totally frontinng me on the phone!!!"

I kept my cool, smiled, remark that she's a terrible liar, and wish her a nice life.

The whole thing was surreal. I assumed her interest level was pretty high when she asked ME out, we had a nice date, yet a week later it was a total 180.
I finally learned what a lot of you know for a fact.
Chicks are ****ing vile!!!!!!


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
The less you expect from women, the better. Maybe I didn't read as carefully as I needed to, but I didn't see that you had a firm commitment with her. If a woman has options, she's usually going to explore them, especially if she's not in a committed relationship.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
She obviously had interest in you - she approached you!!

You left out details on why she turned on you - you must of said something to irk her! If not, then she is vile! I hope you didn't spend too much money on dinner!!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2002
Reaction score
The towner

Believe me man, I didn't insult or offend her over the phone. You're right, she approached me, and I wasn't about to scare her off by doing something like that. I may be dumb but I ain't stupid.

She just found a taller, more muscular version of me. I called her bull**** and she freaked.

Only spent about $16 :D .


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
Whenever a chick makes it very easy for you to get with her and you don't make the move, chicken out or try to play it for next time, it almost always goes like this.

You rejected her sexual advances and insulted her attractiveness. Of course she going to take it personally.

You showed her that you're not a sexual man. Of course she is now turned off by you.


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by JustDoItAlways
Whenever a chick makes it very easy for you to get with her and you don't make the move, chicken out or try to play it for next time, it almost always goes like this.

You rejected her sexual advances and insulted her attractiveness. Of course she going to take it personally.

You showed her that you're not a sexual man. Of course she is now turned off by you.

He DID show her he was a MAN.

Being "sexual" or "sexy" is what women do, not men.

MEN take action. MEN make decisions. MED DO!

In her eyes, he was a COMPLETE sex object and he did this by his mere presence. This woman WALKED UP TO HIM. He PULLED her. She MADE OUT with him. He PULLED the plug like a man and treated her with the respect a lady deserves and said he could wait. He DID NOT say he would NOT have sex with her. HE WANTS IT! He SAID it would not happen on the FIRST date.

(quoth me : "It's the first date! what's your hurry?")

This is what ticked her off.

She got MAD at him BECUASE he is a man and not some bottom feeder of an XY chromosome who will sleep with anyone to prove his "sexuality" like she apparently is willing to do.

She FAILED his test.

She is ANGRY at him because he treated her with RESPECT. The fact he rejected her advance probably made him even MORE attractive in her eyes, not less. She is MAD at him because he THINKS FOR HIMSELF and uses his HEAD, not his **** to make decisions. She is ANGRY at the other men she can control like a puppet. She is ANGRY at the men she CANNOT control. She is ANGRY at herself for misjudgeing this guy and thinking her SEXUALITY was all she needed to bed him. She is ANGRY at herself for him calling her on her "slutty" behaviour. ( "What's you hurry!") I LOVE THAT.

She is just plain angry.


NEVER mistake a woman's advance for interest. It is never true interest on her part. Women who are truly attracted, who have very high interest, will not approach or make the first move. They will hint, they will flirt, they will play games. But they will never be so bold as to get the ball rolling if he does not get it. The more attracted (in love) she is, the more she will wait for the man to initiate. If she is just plain horny, she will make a move on the first man (hell any man) that "looks" like he will PUT OUT without QUALIFYING her.

This is what happend here.

She was horny, you tested her, she failed.

She was NEVER interested in you. ATTRACTED... YES! Interested in YOU? Not in the least.

She is not angry at you. She is angry at herself for making such a fool of herself and DIRECTING it at you and trying to make you out to be the BAD GUY. Classic ******** misdirection.

At least that is what I get from reading this thread, from what I have learned on this board, and from what I have learned in my life so far.

Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Maximus - excellent insight, that was better than my lame post:(

I forgot that he told her "what's the hurry" - otherwise I would have said what you said:D

E-Z Rider

Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2002
Reaction score
Georgia Tech
I agree with Maximus.

I don't know what you were expecting from a girl who approached you (there's usually something wierd about girls who approach men), and wanted to initiate sex with you the firts time she was with you.

Of course she'll fvck some guy at a nightclub. Take this as a lesson.

You want a woman with as much self-respect as you have. This girl had none to speak of.



Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Maximus

(quoth me : "It's the first date! what's your hurry?")

This is what ticked her off.

She is ANGRY at him because he treated her with RESPECT.

She's angry because he respected her?

Originally posted by Maximus

She is not angry at you. She is angry at herself for making such a fool of herself and DIRECTING it at you and trying to make you out to be the BAD GUY. Classic ******** misdirection.
That's a little closer but more in terms of she's angry for making such a fool of herself by throwing herself at a guy who is not sexual and isn't sexually attracted to her.

And he does like this girl. She is an HB 8.5 and he took out on a real date, with dinner and everything. She approached him since she liked him so much (ie high interest). Everything on the date went so well that she was ready to sleep with him on the first date.

Chicks who do you on the first date are very high interest chicks who almost always make great girlfriends.

Anyway, you can do all the "respecting" you want to do in the future. It doesn't get you laid, it makes the chick pissed off at you and you lose what could be a great girlfriend.

Doesn't sound like much of a strategy to me.


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona
I agree with both Max and Just on this one. Sure BlueEyes did a good job in getting approached and being a "man." But you messed up that whole man thing you had going when you said that "what's the hurry?" line. She seemingly wanted sex and you refused her advance, like Just said. So at the club, she figures she'll look for new talent seeing as how you "potentially" blew her off. Remember, chick logic and male logic are not the same. She sees your rejection of her advance as a HUGE stop sign, where as you just see it as a yield sign. The best thing to have done when you saw her at that place would to have gone C&F on her. Hit her with something about "having an affair" or "only dating linebackers." getting serious on chicks that you're not in a relationship with usually leads to her getting defensive and "chick logicing" her way out of your life.