Wow. Everything on this site is true.


Don Juan
Jul 10, 2004
Reaction score
Wow, as I read some posts, mainly from the bible, I reflect more and more on my past and why I had trouble with girls. As I do this, I realize I didn't get dates by asking girls out because I did EVERY single thing that this site tells me not to, and only now am I beginning to realize this.

It is the start of the freshman year. As I enter highschool, I am extremely nervous, because it is far away from where I live and I have absolutely zero friends here. Questions start flooding my mind: Will I make new friends? Will I be made fun of for whatever reason (had little confidence), and ect. So first week comes around. I start making new friends, including some girls, and even get acquainted with the "popular" people. All this builds my confidence bit by bit.

Then, this is where it starts. I meet this one girl. She seems cool, alot of charisma, ect. Later that week, my friends and me are chilling at the park. Then this girl and her friends are there too, we meet up, talk. Then for some reason, she starts jumping all over me. She hugs me the whole time, kept giving me all the signs. At the end of the day, I go home, and start thinking about her, which starts the worst case of oneitis in my entire life. Whenever I had spare time, I thought of this girl. I found out her SN, and just sat there and waited for her to get online (so pathetic, I know). At school though, we didn't hang out much. Anyways, half of first semester ( 2 months ) pass, I still havent made any moves, but at least I have forgotten about this girl.

Then later, I notice these girls on my schoolbus are starting to notice me. The giggle when I come in, give me some signs. Being my pathetic self back then, I made a terrible mistake: I simply showed no confidence, none at all, and let them walk all over me.
One of them tested me, to which I was completely oblivious, and asked me to get her a book from the library, because I live near one. Being a chump that I was, I do this, thinking that if I am nice to them, they will like me more, and for some damn reason, I thought that being nice helped me get the girl (LOL!!!). So yeah, semester passes, and I am kind of the girly friend to these girls I met. I finally get the balls to ask one of them out second semester, thinking she will say yes (...). So when I do, I am nervous as hell, kinda shaking, looking down, doing everything possible wrong thing. The reply I get is "Dude, you are not hot enough". This left me devastated for nearly a month. But one good thing did come out of all this experience: I realized that I wont give a **** about any of it anymore. I completely cut them off, stop being nice, stop talking to them, act ****y as hell around them.I simply did not care anymore. And then, suddenly, I found out that the girl I asked out before had a crush on me. I was like WTF, i completely stop paying attention to them and NOW she gets a crush? I did not understand why this happened, and stilld ecided not to ask her out. Now from that moment on, I stopped being "the nice guy", I still had alot of AFC qualities, but at least I wasn't considered a nice guy anymore. This happened almost halfway through second semester.

Why did I type all this? To prove once again from a personal experience that everything on this site is true. That nice guys DO NOT get the girls. To learn from this experience. As I look back, I laugh at all the things I did wrong: developed oneitis, missed countless outings becuase of girls, and let girls walk all over me. By now, I am a totally different person, and it took a breaking point to change me and for me to realize alot of things. This is a true "change" story.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Good to see you found this, Now begin your process to becoming a DJ.:D

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Actually, most of it isn't... some of it is though. Use your noggin ;)

Bone Thug Mug

New Member
Jul 30, 2004
Reaction score
Oh yeah, good thing you found this site. I can imagine how devastating that must've been when that girl said you weren't hot enough, OUCH, well luckily it turns out that it was your personality and not your looks. Well now you know what to do and use it.

Capi Crimini

Sep 1, 2003
Reaction score
What's an 'Oneitis'?
It's doing a three way with yourself..;)

nah... it's just obsession with a chick... where she's that one girl... there is a line between oneitis and marrige... Oneitis is gerenally obsession and desperation with a chick who will never to very unlikely like you back... Most of the time they like that girl and are so obsessed they don't try anyone else.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Good for you, man. I am entering grade 12, and the only regret I have is that I didn't find this site sooner. 3 years went to waste, and when i say 'to waste', i mean it. Before, I had two problems with the bichinas. Either I developed a oneitis, or I simply didn't care enough to date. Needless to say, the former always lead to disaster.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Disconnect
Good for you, man. I am entering grade 12, and the only regret I have is that I didn't find this site sooner. 3 years went to waste, and when i say 'to waste', i mean it.
I sometimes feel the same way. I discovered this site a little over a year ago (halfway through grade 11) and today, with year 12 finishing at the end of September, I kind of feel like I wasted my first 5 years of high school. But I guess it's better discovering this site later than never. :)