No, it's a lot more sinister than that.Nutz said:The bedrock foundation of civilization has been ensuring men have a wife and kids to slave and provide for. Allowing polygamy would allow for harems, which translates to minority of men would scoop up all the best women in an area. The shortage would leave men without any incentive to produce, thus civilization would collapse over time.
The idea behind the market is that men with a lot of money can buy according to their whims, while men with little money must sell themselves for their entire lifetimes just to earn money for bare necessities. With all men turned into servants, the whims of the rich grow on a fantastic scale.
The elite want to be able for them and their lickspittles to buy the services of every woman they run across. Meanwhile, the price of women is artificially inflated, so that men are ever-more-deeply enthralled and compete with each other over access to women, poach on each other's women, c0ckblock and AMOG, rather than uniting to fight their common enemy. Women, being addlebrained and unable to resist suggestions from authority figures, are recruited en masse to help deflate the price of men.
Any traditional family with a faithful wife -- removes that woman from the market. In practice, she can still be bought, but at a price that is irrational (way too expensive compared to the many common slvts). A harem of faithful wives removes many women from the market. While neither a one-wife nor a many-wife family is compatible with modern capitalist merchantry, the many-wife family is scapegoated, so that the means used to combat polygamy can be put in place to undermine monogamy. Foremost among these means is winning the assent of the citizenry to have their reproductive behaviors monitored and controlled by the state.