Wow... AFC gets hottie


Senior Don Juan
Mar 21, 2004
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Well hell has frozen over. I made a post a while back about this chick i used to be very AFC with in the past. I've been hangin with her lately and being a huge challenge, ****y/funny... all the good stuff JUST FOR FUN, I'm at the point where I don't NEED a woman anymore. Anyways, there's this new AFC guy in her life too, this dude absolutely worships the ground she walks on..... well guess what? They just hooked up and are a couple! WOW! I'm still being all flirty/sexual with her and so far she's still being very open to it and flirting back a bit herself (and shes KNOWS that i know she has a BF).... lol oh well, i'm going to keep flirting with her but i'm actually pretty interested in seeing how things go between them lol, he reminds me SO much of me 2 years ago. She could easily be a model, he's no more than average, has absolutely no style and is the epitome of an AFC, the dude has been bragging to everyone about how he has a g/f.... and he has this livejournal, like every freakin post is about how much he loves her.... if these two break up, i would hate to see how the dude is going to take it though, oh man i've been there before and I know most of you have too, it aint pretty.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 21, 2004
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yep, the dude is still mentioning how much he loves her every chance he gets..... im being 20x more sexual with the girl than he is though (only through words, im not going to put any serious moves on a chick with a b/f unless she initiates) so it'll be interesting to see how it goes down.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
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Just because one acts chumpish/girly doesn't mean a girl won't like him. She likes him because of some things *YOU* do not possess. Will she be tired? Maybe - but if she's the nice kind of girl she will HELP/TRAIN him become more DJ and correct his AFC ways.

You do know about that right? Sometimes girls want a guy that like physically (Which is not you of course in this situation Killingtime) but because he's dorky.. she'll change him into being more manly. Or if he's macho she'll make him find his softer side.

Does this mean the girl REALLY wants that type of person instead of the original? Not really if you don't think that making someone better for themselves is evil.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 21, 2004
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whoa whoa... wait is this for real??? That seriously seems to go against every post I've ever seen here. So now average looking AFC's can get girls b/c certain girls want to turn them into DJ's.... that's hard to swallow, but i'll keep an open-mind to it.
And now just because a guy acts chumpish/girly it doesn't mean a girl won't like him?... that also goes against everything i've read here but again, i don't know everything so i'll be open-minded to the idea.

I don't know, from studying the stuff here you always hear about the girl wanting to take the jerk/challenging guy and turning him into a nice guy.... the other way around makes no sense but oh well.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
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Ive heard of attractive girls hooking up with AFCs & even WBAFC's, this is probably because they got burned by jerks & turned them towards the nice guy/AFC.

Ive heard of one WBAFC who chased a girl for 8 years before finally getting her


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
lol, she cant TRAIN him into being less AFC.

If this guy is all over her, telling her how much he loves her, blah blah blah, he will loose any challenge to her, he will keep calling her and she will get sick of him.

The more she gets sick of him, the more he will suffacate her! He will only become more AFC. This will continue until either he grows up or learns the game or she dumps him and finds a guy that satisfies her needs.

Sometimes you can have all the game in the world, if the girl just doesnt have that chemistry for you, its all over. Dont even bother with these girls, plenty more who WILL have that chemistry for you (then u just gotta find one who u feel the same way about, which can take a long azz time, lol).

Give it a few months, a year max, she will dump him sooner or later if he is the epitomy of an AFC as you say.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
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It depends. There are AFCS in this world that are CLUELESS in dating yet are not the NEEDY types. KEYWORD IS NEEDY. A girl would rather train an AFC who is clueless than someone who is needy.

That is why you sometimes see an eye glass geeky looking guy going out with a girl that is an 8. Or when you see a big nose sorta ugly large guy going out with a girl that is a 7.

Those guys have something that the girl wants in a girl. Whether it is his incredible size and soft heart or romantic dorkiness - it is SOMETHING that not even an experienced suave-DJ cannot penetrate.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by DJ_Dork
It depends. There are AFCS in this world that are CLUELESS in dating yet are not the NEEDY types. KEYWORD IS NEEDY. A girl would rather train an AFC who is clueless than someone who is needy.

That is why you sometimes see an eye glass geeky looking guy going out with a girl that is an 8. Or when you see a big nose sorta ugly large guy going out with a girl that is a 7.

Those guys have something that the girl wants in a girl. Whether it is his incredible size and soft heart or romantic dorkiness - it is SOMETHING that not even an experienced suave-DJ cannot penetrate.
All AFCs are needy, IMHO. However yes I see with this post what you mean. I think you are referring to Chemisty. Something unexplainable that draws the girl to the guy or vice-versa.

This site has gone far off the truth anyways. Most guys here think a girl wants a suave, smooth badazz. However girls really do want the soft gentle side that only they get to see.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares
theres hundreds of ways to get a girl.....doing all the **** this site tells you to do is just one of them, and is also the one of the only ways that most guys can afford to do to attract as many girls as possible


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score

Dude, not every girl wants a guy that memorizes lines on this message board and uses them on her!!!! Just because your friend doesn't walk around with a constant ****y smirk on his face, can't carry a real conversation because he is too worried about thinking of a good punchline to make fun of her for everything she says, and tries to hit on every single girl that looks at him DOESN'T MEAN HE IS NOT CAPABLE OF GETTING A GIRLFRIEND!!!!!

It is clear from your post that you are very jealous of this man.


Master Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
I find it strange that through all the sexual kino and flirting that you haven't made a move yet. Maybe she's with him because he had to the confidence to actually make the move rather than the casual flirting.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
nrm got a point. The only sure way to find out is to make a move. Do it. If she rejects you, move on. If she takes it well, chances are she's yours. Stop worrying about it and find out.