I'm tempted to say ,"Yeah,just forget about her",but let's rather see if you can re-ignite her interest...that is,if
you're still interested.
So if you're game,I'll put what it is you need to do to rekindle her interest in you in steps.
Step 1: Go at least the next 5 days with no contact.
Don't call her,
text her,instant message her,communicate by Facebook,MySpace,or any of that. And if she tries to contact you IN ANY WAYOTHER THAN BY A PHONECALL,
do not answer or reply.
Absolutely NO CONTACT for the next 5 (4 to 5) days.
Step 2: Let's say that in the 3rd or 4th day of this,she calls you. If this happens,go ahead and talk to her. Ask her how she's doing,tell her what you're been up to (make it something exciting/emotional). Talk to her for a little while,but whatever you do,
DON'T SAY ANYTHING about you two getting together for a date or hanging out. Just talk and catch up a little,
just a little,and then end the phone call as soon as you've done this.
Step 3: Now let's say while you two are talking one of the times she calls you,you do like I suggested above,but
she suggests you two getting together and hanging out. Now at this point,you need to be CAREFUL. You can
easily let your desire for her screw things up. NOW LISTEN:If she suggest you two hanging out,DO NOT AGREE TO IT.
You heard me. I'll repeat it.
What you do if she suggest this is you reply something like this...
her:Would you like to hang out tomorrow?
you: Umm....well...well look,I know that between your job,hanging out with your friends,and taking care of your mother,you probably don't have a lot of time on your hands,and I COMPLETELY understand. You've got a lot going on right now,that's cool. So since you've got your plate full right now,if you don't have any time,if you're just TOO busy,then it's cool. Don't worry about it.
Now what will happen here is she'll think that you've lost or are losing interest. She'll think that you don't want to see her anymore,but instead of just straight out telling her,you're trying to use her being "busy" as an excuse to end things
At this point,things should have flipped over to your favor. After you say all that to her,if she has
any interest at all,she should come back at you with something like,"Oh no,I'm not busy. Not anymore,I'll be free on (whenever).
Then you come back at her with...
you:Are you sure? I mean,I don't want to mess up your schedule or anything like that.
If she says she's sure,and suggest a time,
then say ok and agree to it.
After 4 or 5 days of no contact plus this type of conversation taking place after all that time has passed,her interest level should be raised.
And finally...
Step 4: (And this is the most important one of all) Come back here and thank the forum.
The toughest part may be going the 5 days of no contact if you're used to talking to her everyday or every other day,but it's VITAL you do this.
Try that out. If after you do this,she's still not interested,then drop her and move on.