zekko said:
I hate to say this, but you may well be right. I mean, I imagine they would stick it out for awhile, but once the going gets really tough, I could very well see them bailing. "I'm not fulfilled" or whatever lame excuse they might use.
However, that doesn't necessarily follow that we should abandon them in their hour of need. Isn't this the difference between men and women, that we follow through with our obligations and women don't? I'm not saying that all men follow through with their obligations, but generally speaking, they're more likely to do so than women.
As to the suggestion that the guy get a mistress, I am not an advocate of cheating. However, I do think that in this situation it might be understandable, if unsavory.
That I have to say IS THE difference between men and women of this day and age, Men will stick through the worst of situations because that's just the way we have been trained to be for generations, women on the other hand will bail when the situation best suits her needs ... read what I typed again "When it best suits her needs".
And to go a bit further you can not hate the woman for doing so its her biological subconscious mind that dictates how she responds to you no matter what situation you are in (top of the world or bottom of the gutter).
We as men need to stop "doing whats right" and start to see things more like our prehistoric hunter/gatherer ancestors did, as the leader of the tribe you would normally have access to many women (many cultures still adhere to this in .... Islam you can have 4 wives). If any member of the tribe is sick or physically damaged they would be the first to succumb to death be it by natural means or by other animals looking for an easy meal. The tribe leader was always looking out for the rest of the tribe and insured he had ample breeding rights with the best females around.
Taking this into account it would make sense for a modern man to do what he could for his partner in such a circumstance but keep in mind that as a highly valuable male there will be many many women ready to jump onto you at any given time and that he should slowly start to spin more plates.
Just to give a related example, today a workmate an I had a decent talk, she has the hots for me and is willing to jump my bones any day, she's gone as far as to say that if she were to get pregnant she would become a solo mother and leave me alone. Of course this could be a trap but how many times have we seen women get knocked up by one dude only to have some loser step in after a few years to look after her kids and play daddy. In my mind she basically told me "I just want your genes for my kids cause you're tall smart and play a tonne of sports and aren't afraid to voice yourself, I'll find a beta later to take care of me".
Now if women are ready to take this role why should we commit to one, further more why stay committed to one that's "damaged goods".
........... Damn I sound like a evil evil person but I guess this is the deepest point of the rabbit hole guess it's not everyone's cup of tea.
EDIT: Okay now that I've delved into this lets have an open discussion about the weird things woman you know have proposed to you or have done with you, I'm sure there are more weird stories like mine.