I've always dated up... (mainly 9s and "10s").. However, it is true that a lot of these super good looking girls are usually more headaches to deal with. They look good on your arm and all, but usually they come with a lot of headaches and issues.
Then again, I’m sure there are girls that are not all that great looking that have issues as well. I was talking to my brother about this the other day, and told him somewhat jokingly “you know, maybe we should have just settled with some normal, average girls, all these fine women f*cking crazy and always have some issues they dealing with”… and my brother hit me up with a classic response “naaa, then we’d just have some ugly bi*ches who are still crazy” LOL this cracked me up pretty good..
However, I do think that a normal HB8 would probably be a better long term material than some 9s and “10s” that come with their usually issues of a dime. The problem is, that HB8 could also turn out to be a freak show, and then you’re left wondering if you should have kept your 9 or a “10”. From my observation, the happiest guys in LTRs (serioius LTRs, including marriages) are usually with like an HB8 or an HB7, who is more down to earth and enjoys being a wife and making her husband happy. These guys are usually way more relaxed and able to have fun and still follow their passions and what not. Those guys that “struck gold” with the dimepieces, the 9s and “10s”, are usually a little more tense and it usually seems like their wife has the upper hand in a lot of situation.
A lot of this probably comes from those husbands being a little more worried about their drop dead gorgeous wives as they know everyone and their mom (or dad?) is gonna want to hit on them and get a piece of that. They also are probably dealing with a woman who has a certain level of insecurity and issues, as a lot of these women grew up being idolized solely for their looks. So there is always some drama that these guys have to deal with, and these hot wives are usually the ones who are more jealous and freak out if their husbands do anything without “checking in”.