They're not impressed by what you make and how much you have as long as you have a decent job/career and live a comfortable life. Why? first off they can afford their own lifestyle just fine. Unless it's the gold digger types which you don't want anyway. Second, being a millionaire by 40 is not even a big deal anymore, you keep bringing that up, seriously get off your high horse. Just about any dude in the technology/software field is making $200k+. Regardless, as I said they don't care. How do I know? because I'm fvking meeting these women and I'm seeing it with my own eyes. What they're looking for is a well rounded man. You don't have that, you're too caught up in your own mirror-mirror BS.Entitlement issue because they're doing well in their career? What does that matter to me? I make nearly 200K and will be a millionaire by the time I'm 40.
You're totally delusional. I've seen two pics of you, one that you posted with your sis and the other you posted in the hallway of your home (I'm assuming). Just between those two you've aged by like a decade.It's not like I will be any less good looking at 40 than now either. I'm a very high testosterone dark skinned male. I'll age about 3 years appearance wise in the next 25.
How do you envision you'd put yourself out there if you weren't scared?But I'm not getting the results I should be getting because I'm scared to put myself out there
And scared of what?!