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Would You Bang A 15, 16, or 17 Yr Old?


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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Loss Vaygus, NV
Centaurion said:
Isn't the legal age for sex in Ireland (or Northern Ireland) 11 or something like that?
No. It's 17.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
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Damn. I need to cancel my tickets then.


Anyhow, it's 13 in Burkina Faso, Japan, South Korea and Spain. Lol I know where I'll be going this summer.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2005
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
No matter what we use sex for, it was designed exclusively for procreation. Likewise, even if a human uses a gun for revenge purposes, that doesn't change that it was designed for protection and recreational sports. The reason an orgasm feels good is so we'll want to do it again and again, thus increasing our numbers as much as possible. Not to see how much surface area of your moist towel you can cover with your man chowder.
yes sex is for mainly reproduction but that wasent your argument , you said , that we CHOSE our sexual partners BASED on who we see as the best bearer of our offspring.

Everybody knows sex is for reproduction , they made it good so we would do it anywy , if sex was bad , then i believe we would have had alot less humans living on this planet today.....

Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Never suggested that, but you need to know that you have your work cut out for you if you want to play the "lonely beacon of hope in an insane world" role.
yeah i know.... o_O

Deus ex Pianoforte said:
I need you to quote a specific example in which I quoted you, and your main idea was lost. Here's what I got so far from your posts: You believe that it is gross and immoral for a 30+ year old to sleep with someone under 18, legal or not. If this is incorrect, please set the record straight.
i guess you didnt understand , when you take a single line out of an text , even though it is the line wich mostly summarizes the whole text , but when you give and argument with only that line , it makes it look like your argument is superior , it may not be intentional , but it happens , because most people dont even bother to read the text that was left out and thus miss the point of the argument....

Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Please don't bring your far-left rhetoric into this. I knew you were a liberal extremist from your very first contribution to this thread, but it'd be better if you'd keep the #1 Cable News channel out of this discussion...it's completely irrelevant.
well im mostly liberal but also some conservative , i dislike many of the republicans politics and like many of the liberals , also i like some of republicans politics and dislike some of the liberals... I dont understand why you americans have to make it into a black white case , cuz then we only have conflict and the country will be in the end divided.....
i only referenced fox because of the whole bill clinton interview they had , he specificly said that he did everything to try to find bin laden before he had to give up the seat , he said he made some plans for the next administration to deal with bin laden , but only thing fox news were interested in was that he got a little angry... Now is that right of a tv channel ???
they are responsible for giving the news to the people , yet they only bring up that he got mad .....

Deus ex Pianoforte said:
I referred to your lack of retention of a certain elementary school course. Does this reference your personality, beliefs, lifestyle, convictions, or principles? Honestly, because I can't seem to find which one it fits. That's a pretty crappy definition imo, but you used it. And my reference obviously wasn't used as a tactic to avoid the discussion, as I used it in concert with an actual rebuttal. What other personal attacks you got? You did, after all, claim that I used personal ATTACKS, plural.
hmm intellect should hve been in that definition .. my bad...hmm yeah that was a bad definition should have included the whole text....

what i meant was you used the 4th grade comment as an attempt to diminish my intellect towards any other readers on this board... that is what i think consists within a personal attack... you might be just trying to be funny , but as i said before i found it to be funny , but you were saying that I , was giving out an personal attack .....

Deus ex Pianoforte said:
** Oh, and do yourself a favor and stay off the lefty smear sites. They'll steer you wrong every time.
oh comeon , being liberal isent that wrong , im mostly standing with the liberals rather then the conservatives atm , because theh conservative poloticians have proven to be more and more inadiquite for their posisions of leadership.. and this time now is probably the worst time for the rebulicans , as more and more dirt keeps coming out about them atm , like threathining a coutnry for theyr "help" when they already said they would help.. like the sick 40+ 50+ rebulican leader who was trying to **** his 16 year old male underlings , and that the fellow reublicans with him knew of this since idk was it 1995 or 1998 , yet they let him stay on....
For me the republicans seem like the italian mafia on tv spranos or sumthing, theyre only thinking of prospering for themself ,and want to keep the "buisness" within the "family" ..... and "family" comes first....
I want a president like lincoln back now dont try to bring up any dirt on him , i want him back because , he chose the members for his administration from both the conservatives and liberals , hell he even chose people he knew hated him and his beliefs.... He chose them because he knew they were the best for the job , now thats what i call a true president......


Don Juan
Jun 27, 2006
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I am 20 now, I have not and would not go near any girl under 17 years of age.
I am from England and the age of consent is 16 over here which I think is resonable, however its highly complex, you can get 16 year olds who are more mature and responsible than 19 year olds so its very complicated issue. I would never advocate our age of consent going below 16.

Heres a weird observation I made. In England we can have sex at 16 BUT we're not allowed to watch porn till we're 18 (officially anyway, I was stroking cane well before then!).


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2006
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I am 19. I personally wouldn't fool around with anyone below 17. When I am 30, I wouldn't screw around with anyone less than 21 or 22. Its just me though.I think its very weird to screw someone younger than that.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
This thread is bad enough as it is, now we're bringing politics into it? Can it get any worse?


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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Francisco d'Anconia said:
Can it get any worse?
Well so far everyone's been talking about consensual sex with minors. I suppose there's always the question of non-consensual sex.

Maybe my low opinion of some guys here is unwarranted, but I don't even want to go there!

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Jariel said:
Well so far everyone's been talking about consensual sex with minors. I suppose there's always the question of non-consensual sex.

Maybe my low opinion of some guys here is unwarranted, but I don't even want to go there!
Oh you just had to go there, didn't you! :nono:


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2005
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
For you, Morphiex:

1) I never said anything about choosing partners based on anything. Quote me if I'm wrong.
what about this then ?

Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Men are attracted to younger women for the simple fact that it sets off signals within us that these women are able to produce healthier offspring than some hag with saggy tits and a butch haircut. It's just how it's always been.
that is what started this whole debate between you and me , yet you seem to be diverting away from that discusiion into a more personal one atm... why ? idk maby because you found out that your argument was flawed...

Deus ex Pianoforte said:
2) Every news network focused on Clinton's outburst. Moreso than Fox. A president shirking responsibility for the death of 3,000 innocent people is much less newsworthy than a president normally renowned for his level-headedness acting like a 4 year old that's just been told that he can't have another lollipop. And you brought the black-whitedness on yourself. There's Far-Left, and there's every other position on the political spectrum. You and the rest of your kind are in a league of your own.
well i understand Clintons frustration , when he sits there being acused by an known republican interviewer that constantly tries to emply that he did not make a single effort to even find bin laden , while the truth in fact is very different.
If you belive that him acting out of frustration with anger as a vaiable reason to not even report on what he did say and focus more on the outrage , then im really sorry for your country.....

Deus ex Pianoforte said:
3) You flip-flopped. Before, you cited Wikipedia for your definition of a personal attack. Now you are defining it yourself to fit the criteria of your argument. But that's academic. You still haven't cited any of the other personal attacks you claimed I made, so it's impossible for myself and others to determine whether or not they were in fact personal attacks.
well wiki isent a dictionary its a website wich its members ,regular people ,submit definitions on the subjects... Now that doesnt mean that its 100% accurate.... also when you say stuff like put down the cool - aid , or the stay away from left wing bla bla bla , theyl stair you the wrong way , all that helps emply that my intellect is based on what others belive or my intellect is low adn false.... that to me is a personal attack....

Deus ex Pianoforte said:
4) Your comments about the recent Foley scandal are proof positive of your liberal extremism. Let's lay it out really quick.

Exaggeration: "tried to **** his 16 year old underlings"
Reality : Sent inappropriate e-mails (which you are ignorant to the content of which) to a 16 year old paige, singular.

Falsehood: "and that the fellow reublicans with him knew of this since idk"
Reality : No proof of this, mere speculation. Same with accusations directed at liberals that they were also aware of the relationship. You said it best yourself: "idk".
well do you know for a fact that he did not have sexual relationship with any of his underings ? , did you work with him ? did you know him ?
if not then how can you call those arguments facts on wich you are emplying now .
I do not live in america so i do not hear these channels that you speak of , i live in norway , i get my information from 4 different norwegian newspapers , in wich all of them said , there might be some evidence that emply that his fellow republicans working with him knew about his problem , the newspapers also said that the underlings or whatever theyr called , even told each other from idk 1998 or 2001 that they should stay away from him... because quote : "he can be very too -friendly , give you inapropriate hugs and ask you to stay late" ....
And did you read the content of his emails , there are some really disturbing thought this man has ,

quote :
"what are you wearing ?
- a shirt
I wish i could slip it off your right now."

now if he didnt idk force any of his underlings (again forgot the right term for theyr job) , to have sex then he had atleast had high wishes for it..... these kind of guys , the older they get theyr need to find younger adn younger boys get higher , its a psykological fact.

Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Put down the kool-aid, and start thinking for yourself. If your people keep trying to spread this leftist garbage, you're going to get absolutely destroyed in November. Smear campaigns don't work. This is why Fox News (fair and balanced) is Number 1, and far-left stations like Air America and NPR are either bankrupt or floundering in the ratings.
dude you should be the one putting down the "cool - aid" adn start thinking for yourself , your people keep feeding you this right wing garbage aswell .... you can have it both ways you know , you dont have to side with only one side , and totally neglect the other ... Or are you sriously saying that you have complete fatih in the republicans and everything I MEAN EVERYTHING the left wing says is wrong??? I do not have any american left wing programs here , i make up my own mind based on the information i read ....

BUT since this is a non politics forum , we should forget about politics before it gets to that point and focus on the primary arguments we made ...

wich is I believe that 30 + guys should not sex with 16 year old girls ... and that sexual interest isent based or even effected by the need to find the most eligble partner for reproduction....

also it would be nice if you answer all my questions rahter then picking out soem of them , since i try to answers all of yours....


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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Loss Vaygus, NV
Well, I'm off to bang the 19 year old who looks 15. Girl's 95 pounds with her boots on, damn it's hot. Laters.....

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
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Villa Regis
I decided to bring this back. There's a lot of interesting responses here.

Capt.Jack Sparrow

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2003
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Fontana, California
To be honest since I turned 18 almost 3 years ago I never hooked up with anyone younger they were always older than I.. until the other day. haha. she was 17 though... I don't think the age a difference is that bad.


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
Well the age of consent here (UK) is 16, so a 105yr old could legally have sex with a 16yr old here. If I fvcked a 16 year old (and I have) I'd think nothing of it..


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
I wouldn't bang anything illegal because I don't want to be in jail if the girl decides to rat me out. But morally, I don't see any issue going beneath 18. The fact is, there is no magical cut-off age that a girl becomes a woman. To me though, she stops being a girl and starts being a woman when her body takes on the form of a woman with a .70 hip to waist ratio, perky breasts and a rounded ass. If she has these things, she is no longer a child, by nature anyway, even if still by law. Maybe a child in the mind, but then some 40 years olds are still children in the mind too. Biologically, you could even say womanhood starts with her first menstruation. Nature is telling her to now go and have a child, and that's what happened way, way back in the day when life was hard and short and people grew up quick to survive. Girls often had kids by the age 15, and that still is true is some traditional cultures. This whole "ewww factor" with young women having sex is a development of modern society. But there isn't anything inherently wrong with it.

That said, once again, I wouldn't do anything illegal because I don't want to risk having a record as a sex offender. But do I get turned on by underage women with very womanly bodies, you're damned right I do, and why wouldn't I? Nice, smooth unwrinkled skin, Perky tits that point to the sky and haven't yet seen the effect of 30 years of gravity. No cottage cheese thighs. Don't our genes make us want to mate with women that show signs of youth and health?

Now if you're looking at pre-pubescent young girls that haven't reached sexual maturity, then you're a sick pedophile.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
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If there weren't any laws or strong social consequences, i could totally do some 11-12 year olds. Anything with some discernible puberty development would prolly work for me. But I can't imagine actively hitting on one, i hate conversing with kids. I'm just saying that if she spontaneously brought up putting my dck in her mouth...

Could have happened btw, social situation I had a 12 yr old inexplicably hitting on me, i was prolly 16-17 or so, she was being damn near overt and I was surprised at how aroused I was getting, considering that I'd never given any thought towards her at all sexually.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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I'd go as low as 15 and no lower if it was legal in a certain state or country.

Its really only currently illegal at that age now not for the line society puts forward about them still being children (because lets be serious they AREN'T at that age) but in reality its outlawed because older broads know they can't compete with chicks that young and hot.

Those bodies are hot off the presses whereas an old cougar's body has seen better days.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
KontrollerX said:
but in reality its outlawed because older broads know they can't compete with chicks that young and hot.

Those bodies are hot off the presses whereas an old cougar's body has seen better days.
HAHAHAHA, the covert truth made profound, I love it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
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piranha45 said:
If there weren't any laws or strong social consequences, i could totally do some 11-12 year olds.
11??? Dude, that is f*ckin' sick. That's child molester territory there. An 11 year old girl hasn't even started sprouting anything. 11 years olds are STILL in elementary school!



Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
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S1NN3R said:
There is no scientific evidence that a girl is more capable of making a reasonable and informed choice of what you do with her body when she's 30 than she is when she's 17.
Yes there is.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
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speakeasy said:
11??? Dude, that is f*ckin' sick. That's child molester territory there. An 11 year old girl hasn't even started sprouting anything. 11 years olds are STILL in elementary school!

I didn't realize we had experts on 11 year-olds here. I was under the impression different people physically mature at different rates, and gave myself some arbitrary breathing space. At what precise point in time do all children uniformly grow pubes, Dr. Easy?