Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Erections are for the purpose of sex. Sex is for the purpose of procreation. There's nothing more to say.
comeon that is a very thin argument. As i remember you said that sexual drive is driven by the need to reproduce and that is how we chose our sexual partners ,,,, right ?
So did you know that in the old days in certain cultures being with a heavy woman with saggy tits was considered the more popular thing , so guys today think that being with a thin petite woman is the popular thing. this shows that sexual interest can be altered by culture and community. and sexual interest has nothing to do with reproductional need , sex is ofcourse ment for reproduction but there are three known species that use sex for only plesure aswell , those are baboons dolphins and humans. When we are sexually interested , men are usually preprogrammed into being attracted to certain aspects of the female body , and the higher the testosteron level the more sexually attracted we are. Humans need certain amount of social contact , and sex is considered the highest form of social contact , and it being sooo very pleasurable it also becomes the most easy form of social contact for those who lack it from other places...
And gay people are probably the best example to disprove your argument. as they only have sex for plesure...
also do you really think every sexual partner of yours as coming mother of your children ???
Deus ex Pianoforte said:
You referred to all those who disagreed with you as quote unquote: "lowlife losers". Am I supposed to feel warm and cozy inside after that little remark?
I called those 30+ year old guys who were saying that theyd sleep with girls as young as 14 , lowlife losers. I didnt say anything about people who looked at a nice 16 year olds body and felt horny . its normal for us men... but again it doesnt mean that we should act on it aswell....
Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Yeah, I do...and they ARE, in many states and almost every country. Unfortunately for you, this means that I have 6 Billion+ people on my side, leaving you in a very, very small minority group of people sharing your opinion. I try not to be judgmental when it comes to other people's behavior behind closed doors, providing that noone is harmed, especially when it's within the bounds of the law.
exactly that ,"within the bounds of the law ", thats the main argument for you guys , so what if the law was lowered to 12 year olds ? would you think that 30+ guys having sex with 12 year olds as okay ? better yet you have a daughter shes 12-14 and she has casual sex with a 30 + guy , would you aprove ?
and also i should change what i believe in because my views are only with the minority ??? hey i could be the only guy living on earth believing that 30+ guys should not have casual sex with 16 year olds and i still wouldnt change my beliefs.... you might be the kind of person who changes his beliefs to the larger group beliefs , but i stick with what I believe is right.....
Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Which point did I miss? And which ones did I take out of context? I do edit the fluff out of people's quotes for content and length purposes, and preserve the main ideas for the sake of clarity and conciseness. If I manipulated a certain quote, please provide a specific example and I will reply with the full quote included. I apologize if you feel your post was mainipulated to distort your main arguments, but you must realize...your original post remains for all to see. It's not as if someone needs to do more than move the scroll bar two inches upward to see the full quotes if need be.
it is actually manipulative when you fluff someones post and only use certain lines then give back an argument , its makes it look like your argument is more superior , this tactic is commonly used by people like fox news and other politicians... , taking posts out of context is very easy to manipulate and twist , now yes people only need to scroll up or change pages , but most people are even too lazy to do that. (is that also a personal attack

Deus ex Pianoforte said:
General observational opinion. As a native English speaker, I must tell you that you used a misleading euphemism for a personal attack. Sorry.
for it to be a personal attack is has to be driven towards a single person who made an argument and im trying to discredit it , my opinnion was meant for a larger group...
also i was agreeing with a poster from way before in page 3 or 4 i believe , he gave that comment before me and i agreed to it.
Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Really? Then it shouldn't be too much of a problem to quote one of them for us. I'll be waiting anxiously.
"Man. Time to review 4th grade sex-ed I think."'
this is whats constitutes as a personal attack , its not really a harsh one or even a effective one but it is a personal attack...
Wiki " It is considered a personal attack when a person starts referencing a supposed flaw or weakness in an individual's personality, beliefs, lifestyle, convictions or principles, and use it as a debate tactic or as a means of avoiding discussion of the relevance or truthfulness the person's statement. "
wich you are doing many times... not very effectivly but you are doing it...
(ps : just be be clear , you didnt bother me with that , i found it kinda funny , but you stated that i was givng personal attacks , while it was in fact you yourself who was doing so.... )
Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Sorry, I didn't realize that. You speak English very well for learning at least two other languages first. However, this is all the more reason to use a spellchecker, and is especially beneficial for you in order to improve your skills in the language.
thank you , yeah i know i have some eye-hand cordination flaws still when im typing on my computor =P .... guess is should just slow down a little=P