Not true
@jhonny9546 in the US. Maybe in Italy but less true here. I came from an affluent influential family but I and my sisters chose our own mates.
I do know women whose families set up trusts to deed assets to their daughters (so those assets cannot be taken by a non family member) and I know families in similar situations like the one OP is describing.
The first man I dated a year after my divorce & 6 months after his divorce involved a man coming out of just such a marriage as OP describes. Turns out his ex wife was BPD diagnosed (researching that led me here 10 years ago), which does not appear to be the case for OP.....he was a film editor in Hollywood, working on movies gig to gig (uneven but high income), and between gigs he had a cushy job at the father-in-law's company. The ex wife is a TV producer also making a very high income.
He married her for the same reasons as noted by OP, and the father-in-law (who owned a multi million dollar manufacturing firm) dictated where they lived, and many other things. When they divorced after 20 some years the father-in-law had unlimited money to work over the husband in court. It was very very ugly and awful for him. Even after their "War of the Roses" divorce was final the ex wife and the father-in-law blugeoned the ex husband with child custody injunctions, tried to strip away his parental rights (the children were all teens and he was a devoted father), and he went broke trying to defend these frivolous claims. Total power plays by the ex wife & her family & it put him through hell (our relationship ended because he had to focus all his energy on getting through those years in his life.) The ex wife and her family were diabolical.
He told me he knew he shouldn't have married her before he got married, but he set aside his concerns for a comfortable life.....
And he paid for it.
He is now happily remarried to a younger woman who he loves but it not crazy/passionate about. He met her about a year after our LTR ended....and they dated 6 years before they married. He seems happy & content now. His children are all adults now so he rarely has to deal with the ex wife or her family now.