Would it still be a good idea to pursue?


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2006
Reaction score
Theres this girl at work i've had a crush on and i was always chicken to speak to her, last week I grew some confidence and we spoke for a bit. That night we talked on facebook chat for like 3hrs and the next day also for the same amount of time. I didn't wanna jump the gun so I tried not too get too excited, but a couple of days later i sent her a hi message and signed off...i went to go do something, next thing I know she finds my aim screename and we talked on aim for a bit and did so again a couple days later. By this time I thought maybe I should ask her out to do smthing, but she was busy this week with school starting so she said maybe on a weekend so we are both working and chill after work.

Heres where things get a bit fuzzy for me...we texted the other day for the 1st time which I thought was a good step, but on fri there was a party that a guy at work threw so I went, knowing she would be there...we didn't talk much at the party and it was kinda dead so I left. This made me start to think maybe she didn't like me as much as I thought. Yesterday at work one of girl-friends at work spoke to her (they are good friends) and she mentioned the fact that we have been talking lately and that I asked her out on a date. She said she didn't really know where I was coming from and that she didn't wanna give me the wrong idea. Now I feel like I've wasted some of my time and that I've made a fool of myself. The girl doesn't know she told me and I feel totally awkward around her...we barely spoke after work and actually she left the same time I had a lunch break and we walked out together...we had few words though.

Theres more, Her friend basically told me that she is kinda involved with sm guy right now and that he probably isn't the best choice (he makes her cry all the time and treats her very bad)...they stopped talking and now he is basically reeling her back in. (She was with her ex for 4yrs and he broke up with her earlier this yr, so she is in this "fragile" state) Based on her history, Im not really the type of guy she goes out with or even dates. My question to you guys is. Should I still pursue her and ask her out to do something next weekend and what day should I ask her out? or cut my losses now? I've been going back and forth...I kinda feel like if she doesn't have a boyfriend she is still open game and if Im not her "type" I could show her something different. I dont wanna get "pity date" though (or is that still a chance). Or would that totally be opposite thinking? Normally what I do is when I find out a girl isn't interested I just stop talking to them as a whole. Sometimes they come back around, but I don't think I've really made enough of an impact on her life for her to miss me like that though.

P.S, from what her friend told me, many times there will be a guy she might like and she'll either reject him early b/c of this guy or get going somewhere and stop b/c of the fear of getting involved and whatnot


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
If i was you.
here is what id do...

Id still talk to her..dont give her the attention that you have for so long.
the more attention and time you give to her, she'll just place you in friend zone..
and the whole idea of chatting for so long online...put that aside.

IF she's already mentioned that she doesnt want to accept your date because shes scared to give you the wrong idea..then back away.

let her chase you.
like the AIM thing...it felt good though right?

dont reply to all her msgs immediately..only text when needed.

you want to avoid talking SO much..that she starts talking about her relationship..as soon as you hear her complain about that..BOUNCE!!!

make yourself scarce bru..so she'll appreciate the value of your time..
hopefully by then she wouldve sorted her drama to be single again..

or...you can drip feed her attention..all the while giving attention also to other women at work...wait till she seeks your attention more...and then ask her out with a definite time and day and place. using one of her interests..like bowling or pool...then move forward.

again...if it doesnt seem to work..then let it go..because if she notices you have better things to do..then she'll come after you..


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2006
Reaction score
I see what you mean about being scarce, but we work together, that makes things harder...is there anymore input?