All the put downs and rejections just fade after a while.
Recent one was a girl telling me to pi** off when i cracked onto her mate.
But i tend to forget about them pritty fast, also you know when she is about to blow you out, there are subtle signals.
I am a firm believer the guys who get blown out the worst are the most persistant and dont know when to move on. They assume its something to do with there ego, even though there are many reasons she may not be intrested, many indeed.
Not even worth worrying about tbh, plenty more where they came from.
MMM worst, probably the worst was my mate who has slept with well over 300+ women who was a total genius when it came to pulling girls (he slpet with 4 in one night
) He was shot down virtually all the time, contsantly, always with out fail every night, but he always pulled in the end.
He has had chips thrown at him, been called some random put down names, been told by girls they are waiting for something better to come along, nothing ever phased him and this was is true success.
If i wanted to relfect on put downs i could probably fill this forum with his put downs alone, mine i cant recall, i forget about them and talking to my mate, he never remembers his put downs either.