INteresting read mr ruckus, thanks.
But, the main thing I'm wondering: When those guys all say how dangerous the bb bench press is and assume that incline bench press/db bench presses are much safer (because most pec injuries happen during the bb bench press according to doctors)....maybe the thing is that the majority of people working out there chest do bb bench presses, thus it happens most often during bb bench presses? Everybody basically says "you have to bench press" and everyone I know does that for chest, so Im wondering if that might be the main reason why it happens mostly during bb bench press...
really just wondering if I could spare me that trouble when switching to incline bb presses and db presses (or just incline db presses)....or if I'd really just be fooling myself and being in 30 degrees incline position or using dumbells instead wont make that movement any safer for me...?
How do you work out your chest? I've been doing bb bench presses (and nothing but them) ever since. Yet recently I read "If bb bench presses are the best exercise for the chest, then seated rows must be the best exercise for biceps" (lol). Might sound silly, but I guess it's actually true. Maybe not seated rows but chin ups (or was it pull ups? I mean with palms facing your face). Nobody would really assume that using such an exercise (which allows you to lift "heavier" and is a "compound" movement) would make your biceps grow more easily than doing simply curls.
Also, during the first 3 years when I lifted, I never worked out my back or legs (because I couldnt do so at home and had social anxiety issues and thus didnt go to a gym, of course I have been working them out for the last 5 years now!)...however I only used an isolation exercise (curls) for biceps and my biceps still grew just like all the other muscles on my body. Thus, I'm wondering if maybe doing nothing but db flyes, pecdeck, cable crossovers would help you grow your pec muscles just as well?
PS: From the incidences that I've read it does somehow seem like pec ruptures (or tears) seem to be mostly a problem of people benching large amounts of weight (very advanced lifters), way more than their own bodyweight. Have you ever heard of this kind of injury happening to a guy who only put on 20lbs of muscle mass and benched around his own body weight (or less) for reps, not more?
Just curious how concerned I have to be about it, as the 20lbs Ive put on are enough for me really, and am wondering if this kind of injury is limited to mostly bodybuilders/power lifters/big guys (moving big weights), or if it's also a big problem for the average guy who just works out to build/keep his 20lbs of extra muscle on him.