Don't split. Splitting sacrifices strength gain by depleting the Central Nervous System (CNS) so you can further exhaust muscles. Strength is mainly coordination of nerves, by working out everyday you stop the CNS from recovering. Even though you have 6 days worth of muscle groups, you have ONE Central Nervous System.
Don't bother with weights if its too hard. Google gymnastic bodies and dragondoor, they (esp. The first) beat the **** out of Scoobys workouts. The only reason I lift is because I find it enjoyable and for the diversity. Strength build with bodyweight transfers better to weights than weights to bodyweight. More importantly, it's free.
Don't bother with supplements. Skim milk is just as good.
Actually Norwegian, BPH and I have a really detailed discussion across the first two pages of LS's journal.
Russian plank is the same as a normal plank with elbows and shoulders in line, you push your elbows up to eye level or above. Your body will be more stretched, your leverage decreased and your body closer to the ground. Maintain either neutral (like you were standing with your backs natural arch) or hollow (without the arch but still stretched, as tall as possible) body position.
Another argument against splitting is that the excersise most worth doing use THE WHOLE body as a unit. The deadlift uses back, hips, legs, arms and core. The squat uses core, legs and back. The shoulder press engages you from head to toe. Same with the planche. So you never really rest a body part as much as an actual rest day would.
Basically, if you don't care about strength and only care about aestetics, split. I have nothing against it but I prefer strength to hypertrophy as a goal. If you want maximum returns for time put in, don't split. Focus if you want (whole body but mainly pulling, squatting or pressing) but train the movement, not the muscle. Unless you care more about appearance. Then focus on the muscle and split. Or don't whatever works for YOU.