Master Don Juan
A friend of mine and I started lifting weights at the same time recently. I have wanted to do this awhile to not only improve my health, but also be more attractive to the opposite sex as a perk. I have also tried to improve myself in many different other areas by doing new things, pushing myself out of my comfort zone, doing cold approaches etc. As you can guess, working on your inner self takes a lot of time and effort and I have crashed and burned pretty frequently. My friend has been giving me **** for it telling me it's a waste of time and that just becoming "big" from the weights will take care of the confidence issue.
I can't really speak on this but I'm not sure if I can believe that. I think having a nice body is worthless if you aren't confident in yourself. When my friend told me what he did, For some reason I thought about a buff guy being intimidated by a little girl he was interested in while talking to her and how that looked pretty...pathetic.
I can't really speak on this but I'm not sure if I can believe that. I think having a nice body is worthless if you aren't confident in yourself. When my friend told me what he did, For some reason I thought about a buff guy being intimidated by a little girl he was interested in while talking to her and how that looked pretty...pathetic.