The Koch brothers donating their money, which is capped, is way different than the de facto public square that companies like Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and others now occupy. The public square of old is simply categorically different than the digital public square, as your reach is exponentially larger than the traditional public square.I am not splitting hairs... I am telling you what is and is not allowed by current laws. We can no more force the Koch brothers to contribute to liberal causes than we can force the Facebook owners to support conservative ones. I never said that what you call "technocrats' do not lean to the left, what I said is since Citizens United allows companies to take on the political flavor of the owners of the company, and since now companies have individual rights to free speech they can allow or not allow, anything they want as a right to free speech. Citizens United was a two edged sword... while it allowed unlimited money to flow into Conservative campaigns, it also allowed liberals to do the same fvcking thing.
Don't blame me for pointing out reality... blame the judges on the USSC that were appointed by Republicans, they are the ones that gave us this steaming pile of sh!t. Judicial activism, be it leftist or right wing, is ALWAYS wrong, and ALWAYS leans to unintended consequences.
I do agree that the US is drifting to the left... and the reason this is happening is because conservatives have abandoned freedom as a guiding principle and will not allow free market capitalism work properly. Conservatives should have allowed the big banks to fail rather then bailing them out... this is why we got Obama. Instead of hauling off the bankers in orange suits, who perpetrated a fraud on investors causing the 2008 fiscal meltdown, we handed them golden parachutes with taxpayer money. If you embrace FREEDOM, then you have ignore all the bullsh!t from traditional conservatives. If a guy want's to cut off his pecker, say he's a lady and use the women's restroom... SO THE FVCK WHAT. If two dudes want to get married and fvck each other in the @ss, SO THE FVCK WHAT.
The Koch brothers can only donate or give away so much of their resources to a political candidate by law and they're not stupid, they're going to take care of both sides so that if the other side gets in, they're still going to be allowed to operate. Is it even possible to quantify, in dollars, how much value all of these platforms going further and further left is worth to the fascist, communists now masquerading as "progressive" and "liberal"? Whatever it is, it's worth way more, by a number of factors, than whatever the Koch brothers could donate to their causes. It's like looking at an entire bucket filled with water and thinking that putting another drop in there is going to make a difference, spoiler alert, it's not!
Judicial activism is not only wrong, it's treasonous, it's short circuiting and defeating the will and vote of the people. And by the way, the proper way to operate is to default to conservative mode and go liberal when necessary, but by defaulting to liberal, you get sucked into communism land before you know it. Honestly, how many judicial activists do you see going right? You guessed it, not many.
The only area we agree on is the fact that the banks needed to fail, bankers needed to goto jail and so did the politicians that passed those silly laws regarding red-lining. It is those laws that the bankers used to justify stopping making rational, realistic decisions about home loans and use SJW logic to allow people with 40k a year jobs to get 400k home loans. Oh, you can't stop someone from getting a home loan, that's bigoted, racist, misogynistic, blah, blah, blah.
As far as queers and transgenders go, on the surface, yes, I could give a crap what someone does in the privacy of your own home. However, when you start legislating morality, about what I, as another member of the public, have to put up with to allow you to "live" your lifestyle, that's when we're off track. Hate crimes are bullsh*t, plain and simple. Someone murders a gay person, it's murder, not a hate crime. Someone beats up a transgender, it's assault, not a hate crime. This encourages playing the victim card and encourages a totem pole of value, where usually whites end up at the bottom. Forcing your kids to have to listen to drag queen story time because that's now labeled as "acceptance" of their lifestyle is wrong. Putting out sex-ed classes where they literally reference fisting is wrong and again, brought to you by "liberals". Where this "activism" is taking us is right to the gates of hell.
You throw out right activism and I don't see that anywhere. The main problem with this country is communists and fascists masquarading as "liberals" and "progressives" that are using our own system against us. In literally 2 generations, these "activists' are literally on the cusp of destroying this country.
And you quibble over straw man arguments about it not being a freedom of speech 1st amendment issue but a different label that better suits your argument. At the heart of the matter of many of these issues is the lack of freedom of speech. Whether it is them destroying your career or the government throwing you in jail for saying something unpopular, you are part of the problem when you tacitly support this mentality. If I destroy your career, I've pretty much ended your ability to be effective and I've shut down your voice. If the government throws you in jail for saying something something unpopular, the outcome is the same. So save me the argument on it's only violating your freedom of speech if they throw you in jail.