Womens' quest to betaise alpha males:


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2007
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We all know that women tend to turn into mothers in a LTR or a marriage. But really what do they do to make alpha men into betas? Throw **** tests or constant requests?

And if alpha men cannot be turned into beta males, does the testing escalate into heavier ones..

We all know the end result of being betaised... that is when women loses interest and moves on to the next alpha male.. Can we start a discussion on how they usually beta-ise the men? And how would we avoid it? Thanks.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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Women tend to only look at an Alpha man for sex, not an LTR.
They tend to dominate the Betas, because that's how they ensure their security. They know that an Alpha is not the best bet in terms of faithfulness in an LTR. But it is true that many women fantasize about having enough opower and desirability to convince an Alpha man to settle down with a woman in a faithful, monogamous LTR.
Women who have very strong frame control, and are master manipulators may be successful with some men, if the manhas genuine love for her.
Basically, reversinjg the frame in any way possible. to convicne the man iof her power, and that her needs are more important than his, and that he is inrpt in being a man if he doesn't agree to her terms.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
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Zero2 said:
We all know that women tend to turn into mothers in a LTR or a marriage. But really what do they do to make alpha men into betas? Throw **** tests or constant requests?
Maybe the question should be "In a LTR why do men stop leading?"

I married an alpha some years back and he'd never relinquish his role or power. I possess no magic spells to transform him into a beta and any attempt would be futile, along with tests or requests.

A LTR is like a car, the man only becomes a beta when he decides not to drive. So, why do so many men pass off the wheel to the women?

Better yet, is an Alpha truly an Alpha IF he allows a women to "turn him into" anything other then what he chooses?

Great discussion Zero!


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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Because since he's "got her", he stops doing the things that attracted her in the first place. Essentially, complacency is the reason.
That's part of the reason when women are interested in you, they ask you questions to see if you have ambition and drive.
If you do, then they feel that perhaps you will lead in the relationship.
Men love the "hunt". But many men don't know what to do after they've feasted on their "prey".

What did we do in those wild and wacky caveman times?


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
Interceptor said:
Women tend to only look at an Alpha man for sex, not an LTR.
They tend to dominate the Betas, because that's how they ensure their security.
Security ? Not to mention their addiction to shiny trinkets, BMWs and foreign vacations, and another beach house and remodeling the kitchen and ....and...and ..
basically whatever it takes to maintain their beta in a state of servitude and slavery.

My Mom did mention "THAT kind of woman " (with a frown ) now that I think back.
Mar 18, 2006
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Only Hors go to other men - women are loyal to their Husbands!!!


Master Don Juan
Jun 12, 2006
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If you remain the same man you were after marriage/ltr that you were before then this is a non-issue.

You cannot turn into something you are not at your core.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
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Last Man Standing said:
women are loyal to their Husbands!!!
True! Now, why?

In my opinion, a woman has the WANT and NEED to pledge her loyalty to a man that is unwavering and steadfast. Even in areas they differ or don’t agree, respect will still be offered to his stanch character.

It isn’t his money, cars, looks, etc., those things can fade and age, but genuine character, the concrete character she was originally attracted to, one that doesn’t yield to fad and whims, will solidify their bond continuously.

Even as a man takes on different roles in life (i.e. career moves, responsibility to others, hobby changes, fatherhood, etc…) his original nature or moral fiber will offer the pure foundation on which the LTR or marriage was built.

Just something to think about while you are developing goals and visions for your life.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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Bad_Lil'Pixie said:
True! Now, why?

In my opinion, a woman has the WANT and NEED to pledge her loyalty to a man that is unwavering and steadfast. Even in areas they differ or don’t agree, respect will still be offered to his stanch character.

It isn’t his money, cars, looks, etc., those things can fade and age, but genuine character, the concrete character she was originally attracted to, one that doesn’t yield to fad and whims, will solidify their bond continuously.

Even as a man takes on different roles in life (i.e. career moves, responsibility to others, hobby changes, fatherhood, etc…) his original nature or moral fiber will offer the pure foundation on which the LTR or marriage was built.

Just something to think about while you are developing goals and visions for your life.
Great point, Pixie.

Im going to share a pearl of advice that I recently learned, and i think a lot of guys here miss this:

Your woman will never stop testing you. Stop wishing for her sh!t tests to end. If you are a 'beta', you will get sh!t tested, if you are an 'alpha', you will get sh!t tested just the same, but on a different level. ALL women test their men, and much of the time they arent even conciously aware they are doing it. Its an innate mechanism.

But hear this: They test you to feel your strength. If you freak, if you get emotional or crumble into her frame, you have failed. But if you stand frim in your character and your mettle, no matter how much it may p!ss her off, you have won. She is testing you to feel your strength, your unwaverability; not only to all the barbs she may throw your way, but to the rest of the world as well.

Women dont 'make' men into betas. Men become betas by continually failing her tests and bending which ever way her wind blows. Now this is not to say to say you should be totally uncompromising, but in matters of character and personal integrity (yes i said it), stand like a rock.

Your woman may test you a few times a day or a hundred times a day, but if you are the OAK that doesnt bend every time she tries to rile you, then she will sense your strength and know that she has a Man.

Trust me guys, Ive been the little sappling that bends and groans every time a girl pulls some girl sh!t on me, and I still get caught off-guard on occaision.
But once i realized that the essence of a Man is his strength, I could feel my own strength and everything made a lot more sense.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 29, 2004
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in an LTR the constant tests wear you down. up your ass constantly about stuff...it wears you down.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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Women need to know their and your Boundaries.

Read this,

Acoroind gto what you have demionstrated, by being a man of integriity in your opinons, decisions, morals, ethic, character, faith, etc, the woman will follow you.
WOman want Men to lead becasue that is how they FIND their plae, their Femeninity.

Women gravitate to the Bad Boy types because they exhude cionfidence ******dly, and are usually more masculine. In her early teen yesrs, they gravitate to this male becasue he represents a Masculin eIdeal. This is her exposure to men, and masculinity, all at the same time they explore their femeninity, and more especially,...their Sexuality.
Jocks were the masculine ideal in High School. Since women are looking to realize their femeninity, they are attracted to obvious traits of masculinity.
It's biological, and ev psych. They can't help it.

Men do this too, since their earliest attractions were to females exhibiting ideal figure measurements , big tits, small waist, and big hips and ass.

In order for a woman to feel Femenine , she MUST partner with a Masculine man,
She test men to find your limits, beliefs and test your integrity.

She tests because a woman has no real deep convictions of her boundaries, as women seek to accomodate to the Masculine , this does not mean Women are weak, or opuerely submissive, or that they shoukd keep their mouth shut yada yada, no..what I mean is women test to find out if you're a real Man. IF your confidence is REAL.
IF you are truly Masculine, so that they can ALIGN THEMSELVES to YOU.

Women self realize usually through relationships.
That's why women cannot understand Men who are picky. They do not understand men who have standards. They look at men's choices, the way they make THEIR choices.
Remember that.

Your Leadership sets the stage for your partnering.

A woman needs that to feel satisfied, and realized as a woman.

Thi is why women want confidence and leadership, and these traits are not found in AFCs, or Betas.

Women want to be taken.

They test men to see if they are real, If they are ciongruent.
If they are truly capable of leading them.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
Interceptor said:
Women need to know their and your Boundaries.

Women self realize usually through relationships.
That's why women cannot understand Men who are picky. They do not understand men who have standards. They look at men's choices, the way they make THEIR choices.
Remember that.
Youy kinda lost me at the "...cannot understand Men who are picky " comment
What are you getting at?

BTW the weather down here is warming up -today about 78 deg F at noon, cool at night -a little steamy. Great beach weather. Good surf and tiny bikinis


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2007
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Interceptor, you seem to have great wealth of information pertaining to this topic, but what are the things usually females do to **** test you?

You mentioned if a man turns emotional and reacts to it, they become more beta.. Women need to feel our strength..

But what if a woman throw **** tests like withholding sex, starts flaking on dates, flirts with other guys and withhold affections in a LTR? And starts demanding you to do more and more for her, then in each scenario, how do anyone handle it? We all know the annoying part of withholding sex saying she has menses and headaches, but how do show your strength in these scenes?

Anyone else who chips in will be greatly appreciated.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
Colossus said:
Great point, Pixie.

But hear this: They test you to feel your strength. If you freak, if you get emotional or crumble into her frame, you have failed. But if you stand frim in your character and your mettle, no matter how much it may p!ss her off, you have won. She is testing you to feel your strength, your unwaverability; not only to all the barbs she may throw your way, but to the rest of the world as well.
Yep that is the popular theory.. however I can tell you from personal experience that as they get older their habitual "testing" transforms itself into control and power plays . The faked-up drama , the mind fvcking, playing the jealousy card , the demands for trinkets.. a new this and a new that , the appaling disloyalty . the bad mouthing you to their girlfriends ... I could go on...
These are not legitimate tests to evaluate your character or your "strength", they are destructive toxic undercurrents which destroy the foundation of a marriage or an LTR and drive men AWAY or drive men to the divorce court. .


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
Colossus said:
Great point, Pixie.

But hear this: They test you to feel your strength. If you freak, if you get emotional or crumble into her frame, you have failed. But if you stand frim in your character and your mettle, no matter how much it may p!ss her off, you have won. She is testing you to feel your strength, your unwaverability; not only to all the barbs she may throw your way, but to the rest of the world as well.

When I buy a car I only need to test it for a short while - endless testing is a pointless waste of energy and my time.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Zero2 said:
But what if a woman throw **** tests like withholding sex, starts flaking on dates, flirts with other guys and withhold affections in a LTR? And starts demanding you to do more and more for her, then in each scenario, how do anyone handle it?
This is where you take the advice of two experts here. RT and Str8UP.
First step- follow STR8UPs advice - just walk away. You cannot negotiate with a woman who is pulling this shyte. YOu gotta make her hurt. How?
By withdrawing the things that she wants from you the most - your attention and your affection. In other words you retreat into your own space silently and then you do what RT says - spin more plates .
In other words go out with other women .
YOur drama queen will soon get the message that her behavior will be met with silent withdrawal and also that you are willing to look at replacing her.

"Punish bad behavior and reward desired behavior"
Raising kids 101.
Mar 18, 2006
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Bad_Lil'Pixie said:
Maybe the question should be "In a LTR why do men stop leading?"

I married an alpha some years back and he'd never relinquish his role or power. I possess no magic spells to transform him into a beta and any attempt would be futile, along with tests or requests.

A LTR is like a car, the man only becomes a beta when he decides not to drive. So, why do so many men pass off the wheel to the women?

Better yet, is an Alpha truly an Alpha IF he allows a women to "turn him into" anything other then what he chooses?

Great discussion Zero!
Pixie, I'll answer your question by using your own words - you already answered it.

Women are looking for men - leadership is the least he must have! This begins with ruling his own domain!!


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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Zero2 said:
We all know the end result of being betaised... that is when women loses interest and moves on to the next alpha male.. Can we start a discussion on how they usually beta-ise the men? And how would we avoid it? Thanks.
in my opinion a woman beta-ises a man via various 'lose lose' scenarios.

she basically creates drama where no one wins. the man, tired, not looking to fight and also aware that there is no 'good' outcome, caves to her demands (whatever they may be).

this can also come in a less form commonly known as nagging. basically harass the sh*t out of him until he just starts to say 'ya ya, thats fine, whatever."

the solution to this, in MY opinion, is that when a woman nails you with a 'lose lose' scenario - for instance insinuates that if you don't go to a party with her she's goign to be really upset and you won't be getting laid for a while - you have to refuse to participate in the game.

you have to say 'honey, i understand your upset, but i've had a long week and i've got a cold and i'm not going. you can take that to mean that i don't care about you if you choose, even though it doesn't mean that all. but that is that."

you gotta be prepared to call them on their sh*t. if they want to take the p*ssy away, fine, so be it. if they take it away to long, then DUMP them.

the worse thing you can do though is try to 'keep them happy' by doing whatever they want. it always leads to ruin. better to stand up and ruin things right away than spend 10 years only to find out the relationship ends in ruin.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2007
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window said:
sex is not something that is negotiated in a healthy relationship...period.
Dude, I know im being very selfish when I say this, but Im a man. I need sex. My girl, she puts out a lot in the beginning, but now when we make plans to hangout at my place, she will come out with a pre-im having headache or early menses kinda stuff.

I may be brutally honest, but if you got a girlfriend that you cant screw, then what is the point of getting a girlfriend? Might as well get some good guy friends, build close relationships, talk about life and sharpen each's others' perspective right?

She still enjoys getting stuffs from me, like attention, time, affections and fun outings, but Im getting less from her, and Im not too happy about it. I just need to hear from expert views on how to settle it.. currently using the take away affection and attention way.. she called me five times today. Im still ignoring her.

After how long do I stop the ignorance? Inputs?


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Zero2 said:
We all know that women tend to turn into mothers in a LTR or a marriage. But really what do they do to make alpha men into betas? Throw **** tests or constant requests?

And if alpha men cannot be turned into beta males, does the testing escalate into heavier ones..

We all know the end result of being betaised... that is when women loses interest and moves on to the next alpha male.. Can we start a discussion on how they usually beta-ise the men? And how would we avoid it? Thanks.
There is NOTHING a woman can do to "beta-ise" a man. A man either decides to be "alpha" or decides to be "beta"...women can influence that decision but only to the extent the man allows them to. They cannot force it.

Which is why all this "blame the women" attitude on this forum needs to stop.