So I was arguing with an ex gf that I am still sleeping with. She wants to get married and knows that I am not going to do it. So she asks me what I thought about her moving back to the small town that she came from in order to find a marriage partner. She is afraid to go back to the small town because she feels like she will miss out on Mr.Perfect in the big city. What ensued was a huge argument and me trying to explain to her that big cities are generally not where most women find love. Needless to say that is not what she wanted to hear.
Women are much more fascinated with cities then men will ever be. They look at cities as places of romance and sophisticated living. What happens is they end up increasing their notch count, getting pumped and dumped, and then becoming jaded. Bigs cities are pretty much bastions of liberalism and vice. Sex and the City glamorized city living for a whole generation of women.
All of her 20 something friends were saying try another big city and I was explaining the opposite advice. It turned into a yelling match. Young women think they know it all. You cant tell them a damn thing. I need to stop trying.
Women are much more fascinated with cities then men will ever be. They look at cities as places of romance and sophisticated living. What happens is they end up increasing their notch count, getting pumped and dumped, and then becoming jaded. Bigs cities are pretty much bastions of liberalism and vice. Sex and the City glamorized city living for a whole generation of women.
All of her 20 something friends were saying try another big city and I was explaining the opposite advice. It turned into a yelling match. Young women think they know it all. You cant tell them a damn thing. I need to stop trying.