women without a father figure...


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2013
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I've dated two women who had father issues. One was back in the 1980s and the other more recent. They were very similar:

1. Very seductive, explosively sexual

2. Lashed out verbally and would cut people to shreds

3. Sensitive to "being told what to do"

4. Very quick to lock into a committed relationship, after which the bad stuff emerges

5. Frequent verbal refereces to men who have hurt them in the past, with the creepy feeling that you may be tossed into the same pile

6. No natural inclination to "take good care of their man" -- you feel like you are doing all the work

7. The ever-present attitude of some kind, as if you're not on the same team


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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All very true. Women without father figures have absolutely no clue on how to interact with a man when they enter into a relationship. It's almost like they didn't read the directions on how to be a significant other. They won't sacrifice anything for you and they won't be compassionate when you're going through a 5hitty time. They learned to suck it up and go eat chocolate, so that's what they expect you to do.


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2009
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I learned the hard way, got together with girl (she had no father) had a kid then another, i turned into mr nice guy trying to fix her and relationship, we split last year, she is now my crazy ex, that is always spreading bull**** stories about me, phoning police on me threatening me with police more, texting me constantly.

Prob some dealt with things better than my ex but in general stay away


Don Juan
May 12, 2013
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I echo what others have already stated. Dated a girl with a horrible father figure and she was damaged beyond repair. Do NOT get involved with them, and if you do, keep it extremely light and do not get attached.


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2013
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Mauser96 said:
Interesting. I dated 2 who had no father figure. The first? Her Dad was a drunk, violent, abusive, and in and out of her life as the Mom and Dad split up and got back together. I met him, and although he has his drinking somehwat under control, is still a stereotypical "stupid Ukrainian" as we call them around here (and I am 1/4). Boorish, obnoxious, offensive - old style immigrant.

That girl was barely on speaking terms with him, and is the one I commonly refer to on here as having BPD/NPD issues. She fits your above description to a tee!

At least these parts:

2. Lashed out verbally and would cut people to shreds

3. Sensitive to "being told what to do"

4. Very quick to lock into a committed relationship, after which the bad stuff emerges

5. Frequent verbal refereces to men who have hurt them in the past, with the creepy feeling that you may be tossed into the same pile

6. No natural inclination to "take good care of their man" -- you feel like you are doing all the work

7. The ever-present attitude of some kind, as if you're not on the same team

In the sack, she was good, but nothing exceptional really. I would note that several members of her family are somehwat dysfunctional, probably due to the abuse suffered at the hands of her Dad. I suspect she may have had issues here as well, sexual or otherwise.

The one I am dating now, her Dad passed away when she was 4. She seems pretty normal so far.
Mauser, I would have gotten out of the mess much sooner if it were not for their sexual attributes. However, in your case dating a woman who's father died at age 4 is an entirely different situation, perhaps. Death of a father is different from abuse, neglect, or abandonment by a living father. I know a fine, strong woman who is wonderful to her husband and children. Her father died when she was 4. She had strong male cousins, an uncle, and other male mentors who taught her what a real man like.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
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New Orleans
It is absolutely true that many women who have absent or simply present fathers have issues with relationships, though there are exceptions naturally.

My best friend married the stereotypical girl with "daddy issues." She was a drug user (meth,coke,weed,alcohol), bisexual (she let us make a video of just her and another girl in a bar bathroom), tatted up(now sleeved up), **** and nipple piercings.

He married her less than six months after he met her, against my advice of course. He also broke off his engagement to his longtime girlfriend.

Of course they are now divorced and I heard shes doing well. My friend, well, he's okay. Definitely not what he used to be..

tread lightly, my friends

P.S. I forgot to mention I turned her down when she tried to dig her claws into me, disgusting skank she was...


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2013
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Trader said:
The reason is simple

What role does the father play in raising the child?

Think back to your childhood - your father set the *boundaries* - you could do this, you could not do that - you had to be home at this hour - you get punished if you violate the rules.

Now - we all know that a girl's natural tendency is to set up no boundaries whatsoever. That's why she mindlessly follows pop culture, fashion trends, and is amoral. Immorality is recognizing the moral thing to do, but doing the immoral thing. Amorality is not even recognizing that there are moral boundaries, and thus anything goes.

Now imagine what happens when a girl grows up without a father who sets boundaries, well her natural tendencies of: 'anything goes' is magnified even more

The truth is, girls are looking for boundaries - and the AFC fails miserably in this regard. He says: 'Oh whatever you say, I do.'

That's why the AFC always loses to the Alpha Male and RIGHTFULLY SO.

Excellent thread and especially agree with this.

Recently have been dating a girl who had an absent father (spent some time in jail, into drugs, basically a drop kick). In the three months we've dated I hadnt noticed anything to serious. I know for a fact she has had a good male figure in her grandfather but her family is primarily female dominated. She is quite successful in a corporate job and quite high up for her age (29).

So I think in this case its not a lost cause BUT thinking back through the last few months, we have become quite close but there is definitely a barrier up that dosnt allow me to get too close. I definitely think that there will always be an inherent mis trust of men in her life just due to the way her father acted. Other subtle issue I have noticed is lack of boundaries...usually she is good but every so often a lack of boundaries kicks in and she will do things that have a complete regard for how actions will effect me. (Im not referring to other guys, more lack of consideration)

Reading this post has definitely mad me think further into the issue and also about setting boundaries, this is a good way to screen her through her actions.

I liked the post about a rating system, shes sitting on girlfriend at the moment but how she reacts to boundaries might cause a downgrade haha


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
Everything you all said is true. The supply of datable women is shrinking because of the end of The Family Unit in western countries. Hook up with them, but don't get hooked...
Apr 23, 2015
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Franco said:
A woman without a father figure and a mother who taught her "the game" is life threatening for a man.
If she has been raised to hate men, and that men are disposable props, then this is what she will believe.


Jan 8, 2015
Reaction score
Yeah and we have MGTOWS who hate on marriage and a strong family unit to teach boys and girls growing up. They advocate both boys and girls to grow up without a father and that marriage is meaningless. That destroys society with screwed up men and women who have no direction in life and you get screwed up women as a result.


Jan 8, 2015
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Danger said:
I would say that society and family courts are attacking marriage. MGTOW are just responding to the perverted incentives set in place by those family courts.

If you want to fix the root of the problem, fix the family court system. We already discussed this.

  • Women get custody almost 90% of the time in the event of divorce.
  • Women pay child support less often than men in the few cases where men actually get custody.
  • In the very rare cases where women pay child support, it still averages to much less than the man has to pay.

These are disturbing data points which men should be concerned with before entering marriages.
More MGTOW hate on marriage. You hate marriage but live with a divorced woman and hate on the system for what she did. That is crazy. Your post is off topic. Divorce and child support has nothing to do with the topic of this thread with girls without father figures. MGTOW's like you want fathers to have nothing to do with their kids or to support them. Fathers and mothers need to support their kids and be active in their lives. Your stats are 5 years old and irrelevant. 47% of women now are paying some type of support. It has changed since 2010. Stop trying to go off topic starting a fight ruining another thread. Go push your false narrative some place else. Men are still going to get married if you like it or not. Here you went your own way and you still are concerned about marriage thinking about everyday. How crazy is that?


Jan 8, 2015
Reaction score
Danger said:
I hate the system, not marriage Pena. The current system shoves money at women at the expense of men, so of course I hate the system. But likely you will turn this into a thread about me personally, as you already have.
The system has changed and your old stats don't show what is going on today. Great marriages has nothing to worry about with "the system". You are looking for excuses again to hate on marriage.

When the man makes more money he will pay more since he is responsible for the children. If the woman makes more she will pay. You make these claims and hating on and being obsessed with marriage but live with a divorced woman who had money shoved at her. What can I say? That is being a hypocrite. Parents should pay money to support their kids. You do not want the kids to have any support. This thread is not about divorce and child support like how you want it to be. It is about girls being screwed up growing up without a father figure. MGTOWS support that because they want nothing to do with kids. Stay on topic without ruining another thread.

Danger said:
And you are the one who brought up marriage. Speaking of, provide a link and data for your claim that 47% of women are paying some kind of support. I am interested in seeing that.
I brought up marriage because this thread is about girls growing up without fathers. That has everything to do with marriage since the father needs to be in the home to have a stable family. You are going off topic bringing up divorce and child support payments to attack the foundation of marriage like always because you hate it. What you say has nothing to do with this thread. You are trying to switch the topic to push your false narrative of marriage being bad. Stay on topic here. If you are so interested you can look up the information on the net but you refuse. Divorce lawyers have said 47% of women are now paying something when before they were not.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Wow this thread is old but has some great information in it. In relation to the topic, I think a chick without a Father Figure MOST LIKELY isn't going to be a marriage material candidate, however, I do look at things like this with a different point of view.

I don't have the strongest of family structures and MY Father wasn't in my life either. So does this mean a chick should DQ me? I don't have the best nor closest relationship with my Mother, should that mean a chick should DQ me?

I have heard chicks say that guys without very close relationships to their Mother will always turn out to be garbage type of Men. I honestly don't think that's fair, my Mother could have been a damn serial killer for all she knows?

So I would just see it as a red flag, I honestly would NOT automatically DQ someone because their family structure is screwed up, however understand this is coming from Tenacity who has a fvcked up family structure so it's almost like the shyt is normal. Having Fathers absent from the household is the NORM where I grew up.
Apr 23, 2015
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Tenacity said:
Wow this thread is old but has some great information in it. In relation to the topic, I think a chick without a Father Figure MOST LIKELY isn't going to be a marriage material candidate, however, I do look at things like this with a different point of view.

I don't have the strongest of family structures and MY Father wasn't in my life either. So does this mean a chick should DQ me? I don't have the best nor closest relationship with my Mother, should that mean a chick should DQ me?

I have heard chicks say that guys without very close relationships to their Mother will always turn out to be garbage type of Men. I honestly don't think that's fair, my Mother could have been a damn serial killer for all she knows?

So I would just see it as a red flag, I honestly would NOT automatically DQ someone because their family structure is screwed up, however understand this is coming from Tenacity who has a fvcked up family structure so it's almost like the shyt is normal. Having Fathers absent from the household is the NORM where I grew up.

It's a bunch of BULL. Your mother could be highly against you and antagonistic towards you making positive progress in your life. And a woman like you say will hope she see's a "good" relationship with your mother.

P U L E E Z E! Sometimes it is not possible.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
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The Viagra Pill you wish you had...- United Kingdo
Well, all you betafuuckers!!

I been gone for a while, but this thread has aspired me to post again after extended departure while enjoying my own Alpha-ness (lol....)

I think it would be helpful for me to share my extensive experience with women without fathers or had poor father relationships:

1st LTR - She was of an Asian ethnicity that is famous for very submissive female role and very unemotional expressive culture overall. Her father didn't really care about her well-being as he divorced her mother early on and re-married/had more children. I look back now, she was a little girl stuck in an adult meat suit with extensive issues about her ability to express emotions or what being a woman/partner is all about. Eventually she grew out of her submissive shell, threw some 8-yr old tantrum/aggression and I walked out on her.

2nd LTR - She was of Russian ethnicity and never knew her father, he skipped out after her mother got pregnant. She was a hottie - hell blinded my male brain and I got sucked into a BPD-like type of woman (no clue such Satanic spawn existed on Earth at the time). She was definitely picking men who she can control (I was a buttfukking beta back then), trapped me into a LTR, and had terrible boundaries and a temper of the Kremlin strapped with 20 tons of dynamite. She is a master manipulator, had uncontrollable behavioral issues - which all only surfaced AFTER she carefully games and incriminates you into her mental & emotional prison. I walked away after she struck me in the face with an object and never looked back. To this day, she still tries to contact me after 5 years.

3rd LTR - She was of German ethnicity and didn't have a father growing up but recently found out who he was. She was a hottie as well - but this time around, I was only 25% beta and had my BPD-proof armor on. I knew what she was pretty much early on, as I learned my lessons from the past - but decided to hop in and test the waters with her and have some fun. This woman was probably a major sl!t though she never told me, I can tell from her past history and behavior to draw some easy conclusions. She didn't have the capacity to BOND with a man, or trust/skills to do so. She manipulates man masterfully due to her appearance in order to get things done. After her shelf-life was up, I asked her to take a hike and she was out of my life.

4th LTR - She was of French ethnicity, had a father through her live although divorced to her mother. She was a relatively a normal 6 or 7, sweet girl and well-mannered with balanced emotions. I enjoyed time with her quite a bit, although she was too girly and helpless to my liking. I do not believe this is attributed to anyway to father issues, just personality (like her mother in much of same trait). I couldn't consider her to have a child with and she was on her biological clock end-times so we went separate ways.

Current LTR - She is of Spanish ethnicity, only knew her father up until early adolescent (past 10yrs old) and lost him. I see signs of her not having a clue how to have a relationship or know how to CARE for a man. I also see signs of her having issues understanding boundaries and respecting men. She suffered terrible emotional pain when she lost her father. From what she told me, she never really experienced a DEEP relationship bond with other men in the past and thought that was normal. She also lacks certain 'softness' and feminity. ONE important note, she was highly educated with advanced degree and a decent career equally to mine. I think this facet of a modern 'career' woman is the cause of more issues in relationships than losing her father early on.

So in the end, the court passes the judgement that when there is absolutely a LACK of a father in a woman's life - the sh!t will fall where you decide to walk alongside with her. In the cases where there was a father present or part-time, it is still a high risk of issues surfacing later in adulthood.

My heartfelt recommendation to you men out there, is to do your best and find a woman for LTR who has a father INTACT in her life and he is of healthy emotional expressive state.

Be well,

Last edited:


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
From what ive learned women crave male Domniance and without a farther figure they find alphas they can see and live with.


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2014
Reaction score
Well, all you betafuuckers!!

I been gone for a while, but this thread has aspired me to post again after extended departure while enjoying my own Alpha-ness (lol....)

I think it would be helpful for me to share my extensive experience with women without fathers or had poor father relationships:

1st LTR - She was of an Asian ethnicity that is famous for very submissive female role and very unemotional expressive culture overall. Her father didn't really care about her well-being as he divorced her mother early on and re-married/had more children. I look back now, she was a little girl stuck in an adult meat suit with extensive issues about her ability to express emotions or what being a woman/partner is all about. Eventually she grew out of her submissive shell, threw some 8-yr old tantrum/aggression and I walked out on her.

2nd LTR - She was of Russian ethnicity and never knew her father, he skipped out after her mother got pregnant. She was a hottie - hell blinded my male brain and I got sucked into a BPD-like type of woman (no clue such Satanic spawn existed on Earth at the time). She was definitely picking men who she can control (I was a buttfukking beta back then), trapped me into a LTR, and had terrible boundaries and a temper of the Kremlin strapped with 20 tons of dynamite. She is a master manipulator, had uncontrollable behavioral issues - which all only surfaced AFTER she carefully games and incriminates you into her mental & emotional prison. I walked away after she struck me in the face with an object and never looked back. To this day, she still tries to contact me after 5 years.

3rd LTR - She was of German ethnicity and didn't have a father growing up but recently found out who he was. She was a hottie as well - but this time around, I was only 25% beta and had my BPD-proof armor on. I knew what she was pretty much early on, as I learned my lessons from the past - but decided to hop in and test the waters with her and have some fun. This woman was probably a major sl!t though she never told me, I can tell from her past history and behavior to draw some easy conclusions. She didn't have the capacity to BOND with a man, or trust/skills to do so. She manipulates man masterfully due to her appearance in order to get things done. After her shelf-life was up, I asked her to take a hike and she was out of my life.

4th LTR - She was of French ethnicity, had a father through her live although divorced to her mother. She was a relatively a normal 6 or 7, sweet girl and well-mannered with balanced emotions. I enjoyed time with her quite a bit, although she was too girly and helpless to my liking. I do not believe this is attributed to anyway to father issues, just personality (like her mother in much of same trait). I couldn't consider her to have a child with and she was on her biological clock end-times so we went separate ways.

Current LTR - She is of Spanish ethnicity, only knew her father up until early adolescent (past 10yrs old) and lost him. I see signs of her not having a clue how to have a relationship or know how to CARE for a man. I also see signs of her having issues understanding boundaries and respecting men. She suffered terrible emotional pain when she lost her father. From what she told me, she never really experienced a DEEP relationship bond with other men in the past and thought that was normal. She also lacks certain 'softness' and feminity. ONE important note, she was highly educated with advanced degree and a decent career equally to mine. I think this facet of a modern 'career' woman is the cause of more issues in relationships than losing her father early on.

So in the end, the court passes the judgement that when there is absolutely a LACK of a father in a woman's life - the sh!t will fall where you decide to walk alongside with her. In the cases where there was a father present or part-time, it is still a high risk of issues surfacing later in adulthood.

My heartfelt recommendation to you men out there, is to do your best and find a woman for LTR who has a father INTACT in her life and he is of healthy emotional expressive state.

Be well,

Thanks for the info and education, think I will go find an american indian female haha