women with "good friends"


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2003
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United States
As a rule, I generally will not get involved with a woman who has close male friends she talks to on a regular basis. If she does, then I make it very clear that she is not to speak to them if I am going to be with her. Is this a good or bad thing? I don't know, it's just the way am because I simply cannot deal with a woman who has all these male friends who she constantly talks to. Plenty of women out there who aren't like that.

Edit-- Actually it would depend on the girl, but in general no.


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
I guess we can never convince some people that the "just friends" thing with women is AFC, nor will we convince women that their so-called friends really are just AFCs hoping to bang them. TO each their own.

I agree with Squirrels and Fitness Guy among others. I have no interest in having a GF who confides all my secrets to another "male friend". Think about that for a minute. It is really creepy to tell you the truth. She should be talking to other females!



Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Eileen
Very accurate Becker.
Thanks Eileen, I'm assuming you're a woman. I'm glad to see that I may be learning something after all this time.

Here's my take on this, and it seems so obvious to me yet it apparently hasn't really been brought up by anyone here.

All over this board, all I hear are all these "theories" like "LJBF-zone", "AFC", or whatever, basically stuff I'd never heard of before discovering this board, when I was innocently just going about my normal days, going after women without a care in the world of the consequences. It's a better learning experience than arguing theories back and forth on a message board.

There seems to be a double-standard here when talking about the LJBF-zone. First of all, you have people saying that once you're in the LJBF-zone, forget about getting with the girl, because you're stuck there for good. THEN, the same people probably turn around and get all insecure when their girls have all these guy friends (most likely in the LJBF-zone). Nothing's supposed to happen with these guys, right? I'd say the only way something will happen is if you become more insecure and AFC than these LJBF-zone guys. I've turned what I felt were girl "friends" into GFs, and I've broken just about every rule in the DJ bible, yet things still work out.

This girl I'm pursuing right now supposedly has TONS of guy friends, and she told me this. For some reason, this doesn't bother me, and I like this girl a lot. Probably the main reason is that she tells me that these guys get all protective and stuff towards her. It may just be me, but I don't think women like guy friends who block her every move and essentially act like a surrogate father. She doesn't need that. I told her that guys like that hate guys like me because I just don't get jealous and possessive, and the very girls they're trying to get end up coming after me instead.

Big deal, even if she's dating these guys, I'm not going to get all worked up about it. We're not exclusive, and even if we were, you have to accept that anything's possible. You can't own a person, they abolished slavery long ago. Be a little more trusting until you have good reason not to. If you choose to indulge in your own imagination, that's fine, but it can only cause more grief.


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2003
Reaction score
Alexandria, Va
The best thing you can do is break it off and have no contact. Being"Friends "will only bring people back to the things that caused the relationship to go bad and is an AFC cop-out. DONT BE LAZY Put your self esteem in gear and replace her! Get another girlfriend and get 2 ugly girls as friends if you need them so bad.The above post about women not wanting to feel guilty is RIGHT ON. They cherish that emotional BS and will drain you if you let it . GET THE **** OUT.GO!


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Originally posted by becker
First of all, you have people saying that once you're in the LJBF-zone, forget about getting with the girl, because you're stuck there for good. THEN, the same people probably turn around and get all insecure when their girls have all these guy friends (most likely in the LJBF-zone). Nothing's supposed to happen with these guys, right?
greeeat observation, becker.