*Unstable/rapidly-shifting patterns of relating; hot/cold, come here/go away, push-pull dynamics.
*Quick/intense involvement, premature conversations about living together, marrying or discussing names of future children. Pregnancy entrapment.
*Attachment and abandonment fears, avoidant personality.
*Abusive and rejecting emotionally, psychologically and/or physically.
*Addiction to chaos and drama. Short-lived serene/harmonious periods.
*Cognitive distortion or thought disordered. Strangely incongruent responses to your attempts to communicate openly or engage.
*Commitment phobic, disrupts/runs away from closeness and intimacy.
*Crazy-making interactions. Poor comprehension skills, lacks common sense.
*A desperate need for attention/approval from you and others.
*Dissociated, disconnected, shut-down, 'checked out' or numb.
*Drug, alcohol and/or food abuse (eating disorders).
*Expects you to be a mind-reader or mommy, and intuit his/her needs.
*Extreme jealousy, and a need to separate you from all other attachments.
*Inappropriately flirtatious with others, even in your presence.
*Gaslighting; makes you doubt your perceptions, or think you're going crazy.
*Guilting and shaming you during and after the relationship; when anything's gone wrong, it's always your fault.
*Highly manipulative and controlling.
*Hoovering; subtle or obvious attempts to re-engage you, suck you back into their life, seduce and manipulate you, etc. BPD's use pitiful outcries for help, or sneaky efforts to get to You through your kids, your friends or family.
*Hypersexuality or asexuality (non-sexual).
*Infantile behavior; tantrums, rageful outbursts, persistent baby-talk, etc.
*Infidelity, extramarital affairs, 'cheating' on partner.
*Inflated sense of self; grandiosity or false sense of entitlement.
*Intense, irrational abandonment fears/concerns.
*Kitchen-sinking; during your relational upsets, they bring up everything (but the kitchen sink) you've ever done 'wrong' and clobber you with it--whether it was resolved at an earlier time, or not! This derails problem solving.
*Lack of remorse or empathy, and unwillingness to own their mistakes/flaws.
*Lying and deceitfulness, mixed messages, self-contradicting.
*Needy, clingy or overly dependent.
*Only wanting/loving you when there's distance--or they can't have you.
*Paradoxical emotional responses; when you love them more, they love you less. The closer you get, the more they need to distance.
*Passive-aggression; acting it out, rather than talking it out.
*Pervasive feelings of hopelessness, helplessness or pessimism.
*Physical ailments, pain, allergies, diseases--even if very young.
*Poor impulse control. Capable of volatile or violent behaviors. Vandalism.
*Poor self-worth, insecurity, low self-esteem.
*Projection; they assign their own deficits/faults, to you.
*Rebound relationships are very common (the bed never gets cold).
*Selective memory or recall of events pertaining to their screw-ups. When it comes to yours, his/her mind is like a steel trap!
*Self-harm or self-mutilation; cutting/burning skin, picking at blemishes until there is significant damage to adjacent tissue, numerous piercings, tattoos, etc., poor or distorted body image.
*Self-sabotage in personal and/or professional realms.
*Sexual molestation or incest in childhood (which may not be remembered).
*Significant lapses in childhood memory.
*Splitting; idealizing or devaluing behaviors, love you/hate you, and black or white perceptions.
*Stalking; following/shadowing you, incessant
text or phone messages, etc.
*Suicidal ideation and emotional blackmail; "I don't want to go on living--I'll kill myself if you leave me/don't return," etc.
*Tricotillomania; an ongoing compulsion to pull out facial hair (eyelashes, eyebrows, etc.) or body hair. Considered a facet of self-mutilation.
Borderlines will only let you know what they're wanting or needing you to know. The fabrications and lies start from the very beginning--which is why it seems like you've noticed so many mixed signals and contradictions.