Latinoman said:
When they say "longer sex"...they mean...
1 hour "romance" (massage with oil, and all that crap).
20 minutes foreplay (kissing...caressing...)
5-10 minutes of oral
and then 10-15 minutes of actual intercourse.
Agreed. Remember, women love to brag about sex just like men do - so they will exaggerate the hell out of everything.
I love anal! I multiple O'd 3X last night! I squirted 3' into the next room! My bf has a 9" kawk! Blah blah...
Fact is, their reality rarely lives up to their hype.
Also, who cares what they say they want? What are they, your master? What about what YOU, as a MAN, want???
Imagine you have a full-time job. You come home, you and your gf eat, maybe see a movie, whatever. Get in bed by 10:30 PM - having to wake up at 6 AM the next morning to repeat the cycle. Now, is either of you really going to have the time and energy to go at it for 3 hours till 1:30 AM night after night like this - and wake up 4.5 hrs later? Gimme a break...only if you both are bums with no real jobs.
But if you asked them, they probably wouldn't "respect" a guy who made under $30k or was under 6'2" tall, either! In fact, they probably have a whole laundry list of things they don't "respect" in men...which is why they are all single whining to each other... American women are all "takers," who only worry about what they want, but not what they can offer...