Women use GUILT to control men


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
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Well if your GF can beat you up well... :D

Female brain works differently. Something that may seem minor to you is huge to her and in reverse - sometimes women say\do the most offensive things to us without realising it the same way you hurt her when you dont give her enough attention or whatever and why does it hurt her - you cant comprehend, your brain is different. There will always be misunderstandings. I'm sure we seem shallow and stupid to them the same way they seem shallow and stupid to us. The shame\blame game is just part of the whole thing and is inevitable.


Don Juan
May 28, 2015
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Danger said:
Calm down SJW. NAWALT is a meaningless argument at it's core.

As I said in the beginning when you started frothing at the mouth, women's primary method is manipulation, men's primary method is force. That is how nature built us.

Are there exceptions? Sure, but they are quite rare. Why does it bother you so much to state these facts?

The facts are men and women will use force, guilt, manupulation to get what they desire.

Danger said:
All they did was move their golf event to another course. Big deal. That doesn't affect their numbers, but we know the facts behind NBC. Do yourself a favor and study Advertising, PnL statements, and supply and demand curves and put them together to realize how idiotic you are and that yes NBC is a SJW leader who thinks of profits second (Evidence: Zimmerman quote change, Brian Williams retention and Trumps wildly successful Miss America).
Trump is not good business for Macy's, NASCAR, ESPN, NBC, major corporate advertisements.

Danger said:
But you're the only one who gets hurt by it. Girls swing and cry all of the time, but it's the crying they use to get what they want.
40 years of research shows women are killing men. 40 years of research shows women using physical force. 40 years of research shows women more often than men <35.3% vs 20.3%> indicated that they physically abused their partners.


Don Juan
May 28, 2015
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Danger said:
And women's primary method is manipulation (covert) and men's is force (overt).

Nature gave us each strengths and we rely on them. This is very easy, but SJW's like to fight nature and declare everyone the same. You should read more and shed this mindset as you learn.

Only according to SJW's. Miss America is wildly successful and brings major revenue to whatever is involved. Factual comments on illegals won't change it, it just pisses off the SJW sign-shakers.

All of which proves nothing in regards to women's primary manner of getting what they want (covert).

It's very simple.

  • Women speak in the covert, also called w0manese.
  • They hope you "get it".
  • Only when they have exhausted the covert messages do they resort to direct communication or actions.
  • Physical attacks are the result of a frustrated woman (usually crying) who has exhausted her capacity for covert tactics (manipulation, which is her primary method for getting what she wants.

Men, are overt and direct in their communications and actions. This is their primary method of getting what they want.

All of this is simple dynamics between men and women and common red-pill knowledge. Why do you find it so offensive?

40 years of research shows females are more aggressive. 40 years of research shows females physically abusing and even killing men. What nature intended does not apply to those situations.

You're just white knighting for women and Donald Trump being oblivious to reality. Way to spit in the face of MRA.

You're getting boring dude. Have any more angry rants we can all laugh at?