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Women that need to be avoided at all costs.

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Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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The most chill Italian women you meet will look white as snow, could easily be mistaken for German or Scandinavian. A lot of these women are aggressively chased after by their men and get the finest of the bunch. The darker Italian women who can pass for Latina or Arab envy them immensely. Now on the flip side, as has been said many times, the most mentally sick, sociopathic, manipulative and toxic Italian women you will meet are ones that can be mistaken for Persians or Arabs.

I think deep down inside, they just know that no matter what they do or how they act, they will always be inferior to the blonde haired princess or the pale girl so they act in these sorts of toxic ways. To overcompensate for their darkness, they go for the whitest looking guys, a household favorite is a Machine Gun Kelly or Logan Paul lookalike. If you are not white, don't even try with these types.

Just comes to show you how self-hatred and insecurity mixed in with a narcissistic and image-heavy culture can create such toxic beings.
That's a sickness! Why couldn't they just love to appreciate their additional melanin and darker complection? For 100's of years in the men realm, women appreciated a man "tall, dark and handsome".

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
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Mediterranean and Latina women have a very love-hate relationship with whiteness. On one hand, they absolutely hate and envy blonde women. I even used to hook up with a blonde haired Italian chick who on a couple cases had the Latina looking Italian chicks be very nasty to her, even spreading false rumors. The highest status Italian men and ones who make it chase blonde women almost exclusively as well from what I have found.

Then on the flipside, Mediterranean and Latina women absolutely love blond men and a lot of it does not even come from genuine attraction in most cases. In a lot of cases, it comes from wanting to climb a social ladder, get back at their own men by cucking them, and find their status trophy.

When you have a culture built on narcissism, a high amount of image, importance on appearances, and one that prides itself on being "romance" experts; that is kind of what happens. It is all rooted in pettiness and trying to one-up someone else, in this case women one-upping men. In most Mediterranean and Latina women, there is a great deal of envy for blonde women but a love and obsession with blonde men due to their own insecurity of being undesirable by their own men.

Even most Med men do not get much play from their own women hence why they flood into Poland and EE.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Mediterranean and Latina women have a very love-hate relationship with whiteness. On one hand, they absolutely hate and envy blonde women. I even used to hook up with a blonde haired Italian chick who on a couple cases had the Latina looking Italian chicks be very nasty to her, even spreading false rumors. The highest status Italian men and ones who make it chase blonde women almost exclusively as well from what I have found.

Then on the flipside, Mediterranean and Latina women absolutely love blond men and a lot of it does not even come from genuine attraction in most cases. In a lot of cases, it comes from wanting to climb a social ladder, get back at their own men by cucking them, and find their status trophy.

When you have a culture built on narcissism, a high amount of image, importance on appearances, and one that prides itself on being "romance" experts; that is kind of what happens. It is all rooted in pettiness and trying to one-up someone else, in this case women one-upping men. In most Mediterranean and Latina women, there is a great deal of envy for blonde women but a love and obsession with blonde men due to their own insecurity of being undesirable by their own men.

Even most Med men do not get much play from their own women hence why they flood into Poland and EE.
Sickness. But you describe the reasons for the various dysfunction.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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As far as I’ve read I think TAKEN women should be on the list.

not only might you get yourself murdered by a crazy husband or BF but it’s almost always some sort of drama you don’t want.
Taken women should not be on the list. However, you have to realize what's you're getting into.

A lot of times women monkey branch from one man to another. You're meeting them while taken and they are unhappy. They are look to exit, you are the reason. If you eventually get into an LTR with them, they'll do that to you.

If casual sex is a goal, some women in meh relationships/marriages can be banged.

There can be drama. There is somewhat of an art to seducing married or non-married but attached women.


Don Juan
May 21, 2020
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Taken women should not be on the list. However, you have to realize what's you're getting into.

A lot of times women monkey branch from one man to another. You're meeting them while taken and they are unhappy. They are look to exit, you are the reason. If you eventually get into an LTR with them, they'll do that to you.

If casual sex is a goal, some women in meh relationships/marriages can be banged.

There can be drama. There is somewhat of an art to seducing married or non-married but attached women.
Oh they can be banged for sure. But if you think an Italian woman is crazy wait until you meet her husband!
Oct 6, 2016
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This thread has kind of dumped on Italians a bit but tbh, the few experiences I've had with the ones from Italy were great and I've even known some legit cool ones from west coast states and such. Now what OP might have been on about are the particular East Coast types from Long Island and such who are middle class, suburban, and tend to fit a certain archetype. New money rich, plastic culture, arrogant rude women, combative men looking for trouble, sleazy dudes who you cannot trust around women (like legitimate borderline rapists), and pent up anger like none other.

Now I am all too familiar with the type, the arrogant stuck up women and yeah, men who are some massive psychopaths. It all comes down to the fact that these guys were not viewed in the same light as the WASPs or even the Irish many decades ago. Now while that kind of racism sort of died down and turned more towards everyone hating minorities and Muslims, the inferiority complex is still kind of there.

A lot of the women prefer the blond haired Conor McGregor or Machine Gun Kelly (rapper) lookalike badboy if they are looking for a fling and the Tom Brady or Chris Hemsworth type of clean cut dude for an LTR, even over their own men. The men themselves know this deep down so they get really sour and overcompensate by being more douchey, aggressive, loud, combative, predatory, and yeah even racist. This is exclusively a Long Island/Jersey thing, even Italians in Brooklyn and Queens are chill.

The only reason it is really bad with Italians is because the culture values image, perception, and social ladder climbing so they overcompensate more. TBH though, the women and people in those areas kinda suck, they are the butt of a lot of jokes. The true elite of NYC tend to grow up in Manhattan itself or in Connecticut/New England states, often they are Jewish or WASP.

Deep down, the people in Long Island and other areas know it, hence why they tend to be extra douchey, rude, combative, malicious, narcissistic and yeah even racist.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Oh they can be banged for sure. But if you think an Italian woman is crazy wait until you meet her husband!
I have no way to assess how many guys are banging attached and/or married women. I think almost every guy has to be open to the possibility of doing so because of women's propensity to monkey branch when looking for their next relationship and the surplus of men in the key age cohorts.

This thread has kind of dumped on Italians a bit
I actually don't understand this at all. As an adult, I've lived in areas that are not known for having an Italian-American presence. Outside of the Northeast U.S. and Chicago, Italian-Americans have little cultural influence.

The true elite of NYC tend to grow up in Manhattan itself or in Connecticut/New England states, often they are Jewish or WASP.
Yes. I'm actually surprised that no one is talking about Jewish women, who have the Jewish-American Princess stereotype attached. WASP women are too large of a group and often too bland to categorize.
Apr 13, 2020
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Jewish women are cool AF from my experience, even JAPs are relatively down to earth when you compare them to an Italian American woman growing up in the same vicinity. I have also found that some Jewish women are out of this world hot and also really fun, they are not nearly as prudish as stereotypes make them out to be. The reason we might not have talked as much about them on this thread is because media and common society already dumps on them here and there while Italian American women (and Italian Americans) are largely spared.

In other words, Jewish women aren’t even half as bad as their Italian American sisters and whatever traits they get associated with (stuck up, rude, etc.) are amplified in Italian American women. Now this is strictly speaking from an East Coast perspective though.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Jewish women are cool AF from my experience, even JAPs are relatively down to earth when you compare them to an Italian American woman growing up in the same vicinity. I have also found that some Jewish women are out of this world hot and also really fun, they are not nearly as prudish as stereotypes make them out to be. The reason we might not have talked as much about them on this thread is because media and common society already dumps on them here and there while Italian American women (and Italian Americans) are largely spared.

In other words, Jewish women aren’t even half as bad as their Italian American sisters and whatever traits they get associated with (stuck up, rude, etc.) are amplified in Italian American women. Now this is strictly speaking from an East Coast perspective though.
Evaluating the ethnicity/ancestral national origin ancestry of American Jewish women is interesting. Jewish diaspora is wide. American Jewish women often trace their ancestry to Israel, Germany, Poland, other Eastern Euro nations (Czech Republic and Slovakia are biggies) or former USSR nations. Additionally, Jewish women who are originally from Israel and have lived in Israel are often quite different than American Jewish women.

American Jewish women are difficult to deal with in longer term relationships, and a lot of their relationships do not tend to work out. If a person were to look at Hinge/Bumble in for 28-39 year old women in any metropolitan area in the U.S. of 1 million of more people (53 of them as of 2019 Census estimates), this person will find a decent amount of Jewish women. For a multitude of reasons, Jewish women tend to stay single and unmarried later into life. Outside of the Northeast and Chicago, I observe that it is likely to be more difficult to find strongly Italian-American (more than 75% Italian ancestry) women fitting the same description used in the previous sentences.

The most common negative critiques on American Jewish women is that they are spoiled brats and that they are careerist/feminist. A lot of female lawyers are American Jews. Same with female doctors.

When I evaluate the romantic fortunes of American Jewish women, I see that the male market has spoken volumes about them. They are often considered adequate for shorter to medium term relationships. Few non-Jewish men tend to want to put a ring on it, but they are reasonably pursued by both American Jewish men and non-Jewish men.
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Apr 13, 2020
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I think the career oriented feminist thing can be said about a lot of white American women in general that move to big cities, even WASP and Northern Euro descent white women. Guess it is a matter of taste but I much rather prefer a Jewish girl over an Italian. Jewish women are likely to value education and be of a more classy and sophisticated crowd. Italian American women I find are either trashy AF and hang with sketchy crowds or of an overcompensating crowd of bros/basic bishes that went to party schools and still live life like its a sorority/frat house well after college.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I think the career oriented feminist thing can be said about a lot of white American women in general that move to big cities, even WASP and Northern Euro descent white women.
Yes. In the big cities outside of the U.S. Northeast and Chicago, most of the careerist/feminist women are neither American Jewish nor Italian-American. Careerist/feminist women tend to be white women more than Hispanic or East Asian. South Asian women, particularly Indian women (either born in India or U.S. born) tend to be careerist and feminist.

Guess it is a matter of taste but I much rather prefer a Jewish girl over an Italian. Jewish women are likely to value education and be of a more classy and sophisticated crowd. Italian American women I find are either trashy AF and hang with sketchy crowds or of an overcompensating crowd of bros/basic bishes that went to party schools and still live life like its a sorority/frat house well after college.
Jewish women are usually more classy. Most American Jewish women have a bachelor's degree at a minimum. A good portion of Jewish women have some sort of advanced degree.

I find that as education levels increase, femininity decreases. For me, femininity makes for a good girlfriend. I prefer to date women who have at most a BA/BS from a non-elite school.

Has anyone in this thread mentioned women with advanced degrees as ones to avoid?
Apr 13, 2020
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I disagree with what you have said here. Go to any working class or poor US neighborhood and say that is feminine attitudes are high, you'd eat your words unless you were in a small midwestern town. As for non-elite schools, it depends in my experience too. Yeah, a community college or true state school with lower admission standards is prime for some fun chill girls. The worst ones tend to be those who get up high on the party lists, are private universities but not exactly Ivies, and are state schools with a lot of prestige to them (academically revered).

With those schools, I find that you get the worst kinds of girls. The snotty sorority girl kind that is a prude and thinks she is entitled to the select few 1% men, not even worth it to go after them. Often condescending, disrespectful, hypocritical, and validation hungry. Will go for rowdy type of guys who have a future career but are also the scumbag bully. Love to stir the pot as well.

The career type mindset is common in women of almost all races and only fails to exist in women of certain cultures.

Going back to the topic though, I find Jewish women to be very fun. A lot of them, even if they are very educated, tend to be rather chill and relaxed. Most take comfort in having a great time and even if they argue, you can argue back without really expecting trouble. I have had great experiences with them and so have most men I know.

Italian American women are generally a different animal. Most hang around scummy dudes of their own background that are white knights who will often attack you at the drop of a dime. A lot love to stir the pot as well. Many are snotty and prudish, often taking the slightest thing as an insult. On top of that, quite a few are power hungry and feel the need to constantly climb social ladders, stepping over people in the process. It seems to almost be a trait specific to them more than other cultures.

As mentioned in the thread though, it could be tamed and even non-existent if she grew up in a kinder area around kinder people, it kind of cools all of that down. But an Italian chick from Long Island, Jersey, or Staten Island? RUN LIKE HELL! Give me a Jewish woman who is a 6 over an Italian American chick who is a 10 any day if she is from those places.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Yeah, a community college or true state school with lower admission standards is prime for some fun chill girls. The worst ones tend to be those who get up high on the party lists, are private universities but not exactly Ivies, and are state schools with a lot of prestige to them (academically revered).

With those schools, I find that you get the worst kinds of girls. The snotty sorority girl kind that is a prude and thinks she is entitled to the select few 1% men, not even worth it to go after them. Often condescending, disrespectful, hypocritical, and validation hungry. Will go for rowdy type of guys who have a future career but are also the scumbag bully. Love to stir the pot as well.

Going back to the topic though, I find Jewish women to be very fun. A lot of them, even if they are very educated, tend to be rather chill and relaxed. Most take comfort in having a great time and even if they argue, you can argue back without really expecting trouble. I have had great experiences with them and so have most men I know.

Italian American women are generally a different animal. Most hang around scummy dudes of their own background that are white knights who will often attack you at the drop of a dime. A lot love to stir the pot as well. Many are snotty and prudish, often taking the slightest thing as an insult.

As mentioned in the thread though, it could be tamed and even non-existent if she grew up in a kinder area around kinder people, it kind of cools all of that down. But an Italian chick from Long Island, Jersey, or Staten Island? RUN LIKE HELL! Give me a Jewish woman who is a 6 over an Italian American chick who is a 10 any day if she is from those places.
I went to a stronger public university with a sizable Greek system. What you described is exactly what I observed. The sorority women at my alma mater tended to be mega biatches who exhibited entitlement attitudes. They were often hot AF though. Very few Italian-American women at this school. More Jewish women were there. Jewish women, as expected, did not have nearly the same numbers as normal Christian women of Western European ancestry. The Jewish women usually weren't in the elite sororities at this school.

One of the upsides of Jewish women is that they tend to be attuned to their own sexuality. I like that. I just wouldn't put a ring on it. They might also have a shorter shelf life for a relationship. Then again, non-Jewish women are bad bets for putting a ring on it.

I've never dated in Long Island, New Jersey, or Staten Island. I could see some bad stuff happening there. I'm not sure if I would say that they needed to be avoided as a whole, but I'd have to live and date there to see it.

One of the other categories in the first post for women to avoid would be women with excessive tattoos. Italian-American women tend to like tattoos. Milllennial women (ages 24-38 now) tend to have a fair amount of tattoos. To me, anything above 2-3 tattoos is too many. Too many tattoos is usually bad news.
Apr 13, 2020
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I went to a stronger public university with a sizable Greek system. What you described is exactly what I observed. The sorority women at my alma mater tended to be mega biatches who exhibited entitlement attitudes. They were often hot AF though. Very few Italian-American women at this school. More Jewish women were there. Jewish women, as expected, did not have nearly the same numbers as normal Christian women of Western European ancestry. The Jewish women usually weren't in the elite sororities at this school.

One of the upsides of Jewish women is that they tend to be attuned to their own sexuality. I like that. I just wouldn't put a ring on it. They might also have a shorter shelf life for a relationship. Then again, non-Jewish women are bad bets for putting a ring on it.

I've never dated in Long Island, New Jersey, or Staten Island. I could see some bad stuff happening there. I'm not sure if I would say that they needed to be avoided as a whole, but I'd have to live and date there to see it.

One of the other categories in the first post for women to avoid would be women with excessive tattoos. Italian-American women tend to like tattoos. Milllennial women (ages 24-38 now) tend to have a fair amount of tattoos. To me, anything above 2-3 tattoos is too many. Too many tattoos is usually bad news.
Jewish women IMO make pretty decent LTR material when you compare them to other white girls. I will say this though, having dated a couple Italian American women before, they are as judgmental as it comes. Italian American women, due to the culture, are very shallow and image-oriented. Prototypical social ladder climbers who care a lot about image and how cool you are even well after high school. Italian American women never grow out of the high school popularity contest mindset. Now again, this is exclusively try for Italian American women from areas I mentioned, it might not be true of some girl that grew up mainly around other races.

Now this is true of Italian Americans in general though, moreso of the women.

Unlike their WASPy counterparts, especially the blonde popular girl types, who are similar in that regard; they do not value education as much. This is why you often find them at the schools which cost a lot but the admission requirement is low (aka prototypical party school for rich kids with a heavy Greek Life culture but reasonable admission standards).

The other issue with Italian American women is that eventually, you have to deal with their family or crowd in which the guys will undoubtedly be toxic and confrontational. Men are usually jealous all the time in that group and will try to pick fights with you. Plus, she is likely to have crazy, judgmental, and shallow family members.

Then on top of that, most are not hot. The hot ones can be fire but majority are hideous and don't age well.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Jewish women IMO make pretty decent LTR material when you compare them to other white girls. I will say this though, having dated a couple Italian American women before, they are as judgmental as it comes. Italian American women, due to the culture, are very shallow and image-oriented. Prototypical social ladder climbers who care a lot about image and how cool you are even well after high school. Italian American women never grow out of the high school popularity contest mindset. Now again, this is exclusively try for Italian American women from areas I mentioned, it might not be true of some girl that grew up mainly around other races.

Now this is true of Italian Americans in general though, moreso of the women.

Unlike their WASPy counterparts, especially the blonde popular girl types, who are similar in that regard; they do not value education as much. This is why you often find them at the schools which cost a lot but the admission requirement is low (aka prototypical party school for rich kids with a heavy Greek Life culture but reasonable admission standards).

The other issue with Italian American women is that eventually, you have to deal with their family or crowd in which the guys will undoubtedly be toxic and confrontational. Men are usually jealous all the time in that group and will try to pick fights with you. Plus, she is likely to have crazy, judgmental, and shallow family members.

Then on top of that, most are not hot. The hot ones can be fire but majority are hideous and don't age well.
For the purposes of this response, I am going to put women into 4 categories based upon race/ethnicity.
1. White women of general European ancestry, typically Western European (Excludes Italian-Americans)
2. Italian-American women
3. Jewish women
4. Hispanic/Latina women

I am 37 years old. Since turning 18 and starting undergrad, I have lived in cities in Southern/Western U.S. states. That's 19 years of mating experience.

Over the years, most of my interactions have been with Group 1. Group 1 accounts for 90-95% of all interactions and ~95% of all bangs.

Group 4 (Latinas) are awesome. I wish I had more meaningful interactions within this group. The cities where I have resided post college have had sizable Latina populations. I've never really made significant inroads in this population. This is despite the fact that I am fluent in Spanish and have dark brown hair/dark eyes from my Southern Italian ancestry on my mom's side.

I haven't lived in places with large Jewish or Italian-American populations in my adult life.

My college, as mentioned earlier, was a public university that was a better than a typical public school. Greek Life was fairly strong. It was no t even close to Harvard or Yale environmentally or academically. Because it wasn't in the Northeast, girls were mostly Group 1. Even though the state's population with sizably Hispanic, Hispanic students were not common there. Jewish women were more common than Italian-Americans.

Both Group 1 and Group 3 don't make great long term partners. Group 4 probably has your best bets for long term partners. I've never married. I was open to the possibility of marriage in the past, but never got close to it in any of my relationships before deciding a few years ago that it wasn't a good idea to marry for me. I tend to think most relationships have a shelf life of being good that is a maximum of 5 years. I've never taken any of my relationships to the 5 year point.

You might be right that Italian-Americans in the Northeast are bad. In my region, they may be better.

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
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I think that the worst women of the Med world might come more from Spain than Italy. I've never gotten along well with them but it has been for the reasons that @Who Dares Win talks about. Argumentative, feisty for no reason, hypocrites, and want to be treated like princesses. TBH, I feel like latinas in general are overrated.


Jan 14, 2018
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Only women to avoid is fatties, uglies and those that have expired.

Why do you guys need to make things so complicated?

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
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Only women to avoid is fatties, uglies and those that have expired.

Why do you guys need to make things so complicated?
Because some groups have more of those and culture matters a great deal when dealing with women. Some cultures produce amazing women, others produce crappy ones.


Jan 14, 2018
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Because some groups have more of those and culture matters a great deal when dealing with women. Some cultures produce amazing women, others produce crappy ones.
I've told you before and I'll tell you again now, lose that virginity.

It will change the outlook you have right now.
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