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Women start movement to not date men who vote for Trump

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El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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Oct 20, 2006
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This is great! This underscores what Stefan Molyneux pointed out: all wars are fought by men who are taking resources to give to women! If women wanted to end wars, they could just close their legs and the wars would stop, but they want those stolen resources. They just ask that the killing be done out of sight.

Feminism is Statism: absolute power over mankind. That is what women want. Trump wants a free land where real men can become the next Trump.

As Stefan also said: the only way to regain freedom in the world is for men to stand up and piss off women.

"Chandler Smith, a 28 year old mother of three (who costs taxpayers about $200,000 per year to maintain her pathetic existence whereby she creates future criminals, all while using all infrastructures without contributing anything), said she's not supporting any candidate who won't support her lard as-s sitting on the couch."
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Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Then they complain women are considered a sexual object good for nothing else than sex...yeah it all makes sense.


Sep 11, 2013
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I don't blame them lol. Chances are that you are a piece of **** if you are a Trump supporter.
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Sep 11, 2013
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Chances are, if you hate Trump, you are a professional victim who hates the idea of responsibility and accountability.
Lmao, Trump is the one abusing the victim complexes of insecure Americans by using buzzed words and only pointing out the negatives of everything. Trump supporters are the idiots blaming China, Mexico, political correctness, Islam, feminism,white genocide, and much more on their failures in life. If you are uneducated, white, blue collar, ignorant, and lower income then chances are you a Trump supporter.


Oct 20, 2006
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I don't blame them lol. Chances are that you are a piece of **** if you are a Trump supporter.
Classic Liberal response. Name calling, race baiting, whining and ZERO facts. But when you resort to name calling you are losing the argument.

Believe it or not, a country of 300 Million can't open the borders to 7 Billion people and let them all go on welfare and have free health care and free education. But this is too much math for the Liberal mind. They rely on emotions instead. Oh.... think of those poor, illegitimate, lice-ridden Mexican children being carried across the border.

Meanwhile Dhouchebagus wants Hillary Clinton? She can't figure out what the space bar is for but has the nerve to talk about who is educated?


Sep 11, 2013
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Classic Liberal response. Name calling and ZERO facts. But when you resort to name calling you are losing the argument.

Believe it or not, a country of 300 Million can't open the borders to 7 Billion people and let them all go on welfare and have free health care and free education. But this is too much for the Liberal mind. They rely on emotions instead. Oh.... think of those poor, illegitimate, lice-ridden Mexican children being carried across the border.

Meanwhile Dhouchebagus wants Hillary Clinton?
Zero facts? The guy runs a campaign based on hate and ignorance. Unless, you consider that morally just then anybody who supports this man is a piece of ****. First, most illegal immigrants aren't even from Mexico to begin with. I'm not going to either bother anymore because I see that you are from Texas and you are posting a lot of ignorant bull ****. You poor white trash collect the largest share of welfare out of any race when the system was set up for yall to succeed in the first place, spew the most ignorant bull****, have the highest participation in hate groups, and much more. Yet, you want to try and convince me on how I should hate another group people. I would much rather deport yall to Mexico and gladly take hard working immigrants in to this country. Wait I forgot, it's not your fault that you are struggling because Obama, China, Mexico, and Political Correctness are keeping you down.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Who gives a fvk? Its pretty common for people to do those who have similar political leanings as they do.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
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LOL I live in Canada..... I was having dinner at a sushi place.

I overheard 2 persons talk how Canadians girls are enrolling in the Democrats elections to find boys

Canadians do go south to help Sanders and Clinton.... and back than Mitt Romney.

In politics alot of girls to hunt guys and get ''job''. In Trump case... they just wanna marry him


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Chances are, if you hate Trump, you are a professional victim who hates the idea of responsibility and accountability.
Chances are people simply dislike a guy whos defrauded thousands of hard working Americans (Trump University), who's lied about thousands of religious minorities cheering 9/11 in NJ, and who's retweeted BS memes with false statistics sourced from a neo nazi twitter account.

Those are all great reasons to dislike "the Donald". Nevermind his lack of substantive policies or the inability to articulate those policies in an interview or a debate. "Make America Great Again"? "Bring jobs back to America"? Yeah....says the tax dodging, multiple bankruptcy, billionaire whos clothing line is made in Mexcio and China, and who employs foreigners at his Florida resorts and makes excuses for why he wont hire the many Americans who apply.


Oct 20, 2006
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Zero facts? The guy runs a campaign based on hate and ignorance. Unless, you consider that morally just then anybody who supports this man is a piece of ****. I'm not going to either bother anymore because I see that you are from Texas and you are posting a lot of ignorant bull ****.
Hate and ignorance are emotional words. Where are your politics and logic? Who is your alterative? Bernie Sanders who is 99 and wants to tax people making $250,000 per year 90%, leaving them with $25K (the average welfare mom gets $65,000 in annual benefits) and giving $225,000 to illegal immigrants so they can afford kids and we can't? Or you want to maintain the existing aristocracy where we've had a Bush or Clinton in the White House for 30 f*cking years?

Trump doesn't take any money from Monsanto, or Big Pharma, or the Central Banks. No other candidate can say that.

And of COURSE Gaylan doesn't like Trump. She voted for f*cking Obama twice. Gaylan personally ruined SoSuave by pushing Feminism (i.e., Statism). Congratulations.


Oct 20, 2006
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LOL I live in Canada..... I was having dinner at a sushi place.

I overheard 2 persons talk how Canadians girls are enrolling in the Democrats elections to find boys.
Indeed, Liberal Politics is a WONDERFUL place for women to meet gay men.

Who gives a fvk? Its pretty common for people to do those who have similar political leanings as they do.
Exactly! Trump wants to build a wall so you barricaded the highway. Trump won't let illegals in so other countries won't let Trump in. Liberals preach tolerance while being the most intolerant neo-Nazi's the world has ever known. They openly push Socialism and call Trump Hitler? Their hypocrisy is staggering. 75 IQ rubbish.

"Girly men need to realize one thing: Women's vaginas get as DRY AS THE SAHARA when you preach your Social Justice Warrior crap". - Gavin McInnes
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Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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And of course BigNeil behaves like an emotional teenager with the name calling and misinformation. You lie about Sanders tax bracket plan, and then go on to not address a single point I made about Trump.

Trump is a fraud...pretending to be conservative...despite having been basically liberal-ish for years. But on top of that, he's been a dirty businessman most of his life...and just a crappy, crass dude. If the GOP were smart, they would have nominated either Ron or Rand Paul sometime during the past 8 years. But they were fools...and choose frauds to represent the party.

Libertarians I can at least get behind...despite not agreeing with them on everything. The Pauls have ALWAYS stood by their principles and wanting whats best for the American people. When has Trump ever cared about anything but a profit? Now all of a sudden Im supposed to believe this flip flopping, tax dodging, defrauder of the American worker is gonna make us great again? The guy who loves foreign workers, and says we need more H1b visa workers is gonna make America great?

If you have an issue with my dislike of Trump...lets discuss his actual policies, behaviors, and business practices.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
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Indeed, Liberal Politics is a WONDERFUL place for women to meet gay men.
When I was in politics in Canada... it's crazy how much gay guys there is lol.... probably the majority.

Liberal is the way to go.... Canada is shining now (although many of their social policies make no sense and is just vote driven)

Since Obama got in power... people don't make fun of the USA.... The USA was always a popcorn show for the world until Obama made it serious. Trunp brought back popcorn

Anyway this videoclip (1:21) tells it all :
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Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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Who the hell would want to date a woman with 3 b@stard kids anyways?


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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LOL at the resident anti-white haters.

Jaylan hates Trump because Jaylan thinks whites should not have a nation of their own, and he wants to swamp and destroy anything white.

Dhoul of course just bought the liberal lines on how awful Trump is simply because he wants to stop an illegal imvasion. Oh the horror!
So sad that you're using pathetic character attacks to debate rather than directly responding to my valid criticisms of Trump. You stick your fingers in your ears, ignore the substantive positions against Trump's candidacy and instead try to steer the conversation onto race (yet again)

Its gotten old dude.

Its obvious you cannot refute the criticisms of his behavior, weak policies, flip flopping, fraud and poor business practices. Oh wells. Enjoy the landslide loss in November if he's your nominee. It'll teach the GOP a thing or two.

Get used to hearing Madame President every damn day. As much as I cannot stand Hillary Clinton, Trump's antics are even pushing many independent and right leaning Americans to vote 3rd party in the general, or even vote for her.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Same ole bull****. You put words in my mouth, spread falsehoods, and stay latched onto that bullsh!t for months (sometimes years). How old are we?

And actually, I remember the last time I told you to show proof of your claims, you posted some quote from me that didn't say what you were accusing me of. In reality, you simply made your own insinuations and put words in my mouth because you did not like what I had to say in that old thread.

You're pathetic. Let go of the weak grudge, and learn how to stay on topic. I gave you numerous substantive reasons (all facts) of why people dislike Trump. If you cannot argue those points, simply be quiet. You look even worse every time you avoid directly addressing Trump's obvious negatives.

I repeat, November is gonna be a 1964 style repeat of a Democrat sweep if the GOP allows this fraud Trump to be their nominee.

PS - Trump doesn't really care about immigration slowing down, or give Americans more jobs. If he did, he wouldn't be in a rush to higher foreign laborers over Americans for his resorts, or increase the amount of H1B visa workers in the country (he's flip flopped on this btw).


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
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We went through the same thing here in Oz about two years ago - maybe 5-10% of female profiles at the time had something along the lines of "don't contact me if you voted for Abbott". I swear it was almost as prolific as "spending time with family and friends" (and about as insightful).

But that's always been the great thing about OLD - you are what you write, and people will tell you exactly how messed up they are if you're prepared to listen. Makes em all the more easier to avoid. Win-win.

Abbott's alleged sin was woman-hating and boy did that bring out the daddy issues. In the leftist-narrative he was a conservative, Christian misogynist and that was all there was to it. Guy actually had some absurdly pro-female policies but that was irrelevant apparently, lol.

So any time I saw "don't contact me if you voted for Abbott" I just read it as "I'm mad because daddy didn't buy me a pony". Wait, are we talking about the same guy who just gave working mothers $32500 of tax-payer funded paid maternity leave? "You're mean! I want my pony!"

I occasionally see some ladies hating on the Green Left, but it's fairly impersonal, not "I HATE THIS GUY WITH THE FURY OF A THOUSAND BURNING SUNS!!!!"
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Jun 23, 2014
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When I respond to Jaylan (or Rex) they ignore me, because I'm supposedly the black coon sell-out and I disgust them so much that they can't even "stoop" to have a discussion with me lol. But seeing as though Jaylan says no one is refuting his arguments on Trump, I will do so here:

Trump is a fraud...pretending to be conservative...despite having been basically liberal-ish for years.
Define conservative and define liberal? As we move throughout history, the definitions tend to change. I would say that a liberal 50 years ago isn't the same as a liberal today. Today's liberal is a Bernie Sanders supporter, which is pretty much SOCIALISM.

Trump is a moderate Republican that believes in lower taxes to support growth, fixing the trade policies, a strong military, allowing states to have more control over education, legal immigration, and reducing down the national debt. All of these are modern conservative ideals. When you say he isn't a conservative, what are you referring to specifically?

But on top of that, he's been a dirty businessman most of his life..
Examples? Post them.......

When has Trump ever cared about anything but a profit?
He's a businessman with investors to cater to, what else is he supposed to be mainly concerned about?

Chances are people simply dislike a guy whos defrauded thousands of hard working Americans (Trump University), who's lied about thousands of religious minorities cheering 9/11 in NJ, and who's retweeted BS memes with false statistics sourced from a neo nazi twitter account.
- Trump University was basically one of those schools that people sign up for to learn techniques, tips, secrets, etc. that come from Trump but are taught by people put in charge of the school. It's very similar to what other people sell during their real estate seminars. They are usually very PRICEY and you can get the same information from a book at Borders. But this is a free market, if you decide to sign up for the school, that's your choice. You sign up, you pay, and after taking the course, just because you aren't completely satisifed, you don't get to ask for a damn refund. Hell, I'm sure hundreds of thousands of college students wish they could do the same thing right now with their $100k in debt but $25k a year jobs after attending college. It's a free market, you sign up for a course, you have to pay for the damn course.

- There were extreme Muslims celebrating the 9-11 attacks, do your research.

- What retweets are you talking about?

Those are all great reasons to dislike "the Donald". Nevermind his lack of substantive policies or the inability to articulate those policies in an interview or a debate. "Make America Great Again"? "Bring jobs back to America"? Yeah....says the tax dodging, multiple bankruptcy, billionaire whos clothing line is made in Mexcio and China, and who employs foreigners at his Florida resorts and makes excuses for why he wont hire the many Americans who apply.
- In regards to policies, he does discuss things he would like to do, but if you want more information you can go here:, an interview or debate is only "so long", it's best to research the candidate's positions in full detail on their website. I rarely see a politician go into full detail on their policy during a damn debate or interview. You usually speak on your positions generically, for full details you attend a rally or view their website.

- What do you mean tax dodging? Are you talking about using the tax code LEGALLY in a way to pay as little tax as possible? As a businessman, why would you not do that?

- His companies filed bankruptcy, he didn't file a personal bankruptcy. You can use the bankruptcy code commercially to restructure companies in such a way to prepare them for new growth phases, buy-outs, etc. going forward. Commercial bankruptcy should not be compared to personal bankruptcy, when you (and people like you) mention that he filed bankruptcy you are using it in the same notion as a personal LIQUIDATION/SELL OFF of assets. That's not what happened, you guys need to learn and understand the damn bankruptcy code.

- If he has overseas operations, again, he's taking advantage of cheap labor to increase profits. He's a businessman Jaylan! You don't want him to focus on profits, you don't want him to use the tax code legally to reduce his taxes and you don't want him to take advantage of cheap labor if it's available? Give me a damn's apparent you guys have never ran a business.
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